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Agricultural technology extension is the major method to promote the agriculture development,realize agricultural modernization and ensure national food security. However, our country agriculturescience and technology achievement conversion rate is still much lower than the developed countries,agricultural technology extension of public service capacity is weak relatively. One of the major reasonsis agricultural extension technician knowledge cannot keep up with the agricultural technicaldevelopment, agricultural extension technician are lack of effective information tools and techniquesduring service process.In this paper, based on the knowledge service as the theoretical basis and depthanalysis of the existing problems in China agricultural technology extension, and the use of advancedcomputer technology and information technology, provides real-time and accurate agriculturalknowledge resources for agricultural extension technician and agricultural users, design knowledgeservice system, and ultimately should be verified in practice use of National Agricultural TechnologyExtension Service platform. The paper focuses on the following several aspects for the innovativeexploration and research:
     1. Based on the analysis of agricultural knowledge structure and characteristics, using a mixedknowledge expression method which is frame representation and rough set combined, and collectingagricultural science and technology related data and information to build up professional agriculturalknowledge database. The agricultural knowledge database is clearly classified, accuracy, reliability,professional, availability of high, and easy-to-use, which can be agricultural extension staff queried andprovide basic data for the further research and agricultural technology information work.
     2. To provide reference to agricultural extension staff and improve agricultural extension serviceefficiency and quality, this paper realized knowledge experience mining and management duringagricultural extension and promote knowledge innovation and reuse. To summarize the concluded theexisting agricultural work records and relevant experience in agricultural extension with electronicprescription, The tacit knowledge has been expressed accurately in the system through knowledgemining algorithm and knowledge relevancy recommendation module. The tacit knowledge has beenCodifying and knowledge content innovation, and the new knowledge element will be stored in thedynamic knowledge database.
     3. The suitable knowledge content will be recommended to the end users through recommendationalgorithm and knowledge recommendation module. Firstly user basic information and operation log willbe mining and the knowledge interest tag will be generated. Comparing with the knowledge content tag,the recommended knowledge recourses will be ultimately determined and displayed in the Androidsmart phone, in order to solve the current agricultural extension staff knowledge, skills shortage, lowefficiency and other problems.
     4. Based on the analysis of agricultural technology technician knowledge demand and servicemode, focus on the problems in Chinese agricultural technology Extension, followed the knowledge expression, knowledge database build and knowledge recommendations, knowledge service modulewas build up in the Agricultural information platform. Finally, according to the actual effect and systemoperation in demonstration areas, the paper make some summarized conclusion for the research on theknowledge service.
     This paper discusses the various existing problems in China agricultural technology extension,makes deep research on the agricultural technology knowledge service from the perspective ofinformation technology, analyzes the knowledge service requirments and the specific realizationmethods. This paper explored the suitable service mechanism and technology for China's agriculturaltechnology popularization of agricultural technology knowledge service system, Broaden the thinkingfor further development of agricultural informationization in China, accumulated experience andsupplements beneficial for existing information system.
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