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With the advancement of technology and the acceleration of the globalcompetition, industrial technology innovation strategic alliance has been developingvigorously since the nineteen sixties. The formation of industry technologyinnovation strategic alliance, can effectively integrate social resources to promotescience and technology innovation of industrial generic technology innovation, reducethe cost of R&D, distribute innovation risk, and enhance the development of thewhole industry and the core competitiveness of enterprises.
     Industry technology innovation strategic alliance is a kind of joint technologyinnovation organization patterns formed by two or more technology innovation mainbodies. Industry technology innovation strategic alliance is led to establish by thegovernment, the goal of Industry technology innovation strategic alliance is topromote industry technology innovation and to improve technologicalcompetitiveness. The industry alliance Commits to knowledge innovation, but thedevelop-lagged Knowledge management and governance theory cannot provideeffective guidance to the knowledge innovation practice of industry technologyinnovation strategic alliance. Therefore it is necessary to promote the theoreticalstudy, specifically the study on the knowledge governance of industry technologyinnovation alliance, in order to guide and serve for industry technology innovationstrategic alliance practice better. The research achievements in Industry technologyinnovation strategic alliance knowledge management can be used to eliminateobstacles of knowledge innovation in industry technology innovation strategicalliance, and provide guidance for the government to formulate policies promoting theleague development.
     Knowledge governance theory lay theoretical foundation to study industrialtechnology innovation alliance knowledge governance. Based on contract theory,property rights theory, stakeholder theory and resource-based theory, this paperdefined the knowledge transaction specific assets characteristics of knowledgeactivities, built a complete and consistent logic theory system of knowledgemanagement,including knowledge governance motivation, knowledge governancestructure and governance mechanism. The tasks of Union contracts are not only toprotect the special knowledge assets investment from the " hold-up" threats, but also to realize the deal and avoid the harms from opportunistic behaviors in cases that theknowledge property rights are difficult to define and implement effective protection.
     Based on the introduction of industry technology innovation strategic allianceknowledge activities, the premise of knowledge trades were defined, which includedlimited rationality of transaction parties, information asymmetry between the parties,and uncertainty of knowledge transaction; by introducing particular propertyattributes of knowledge, namely not completed intellectual property determined byknowledge’s unique natural attribute; the opportunism behaviors in industrytechnology innovation strategies alliance knowledge transaction were analysed.
     The main bodies of the industry technology innovation strategic alliance investedasset-specified knowledges into the alliance, so knowledge governance of the allianceshowed the stakeholder governance characteristics. Alliance knowledge governancestructure is the union of the residual rights of control and residual claim assignment,Originating from knowledge sharing and innovation activities. Residual control rightsincluded the power of decision-making and the power of supervising and controllingdecision-making and implementation, the allocation of residual control rights need totradeoff between the knowledge cost and the agent cost, and can effectively preventthe infringement of intellectual opportunism behaviors; residual claim assignmentmeans the assignment of alliance member's knowledge innovation risk and expectedearnings, which influence union members knowledge investment decision and allianceknowledge production through the incentive effect, the basic objective of knowledgeGovernance is to achieve the maximization of the knowledge innovation value.
     Knowledge governance mechanisms are the mechanisms and approaches throughwhich the knowledge governance structure plays a role. To prevent opportunistic andrealize knowledge innovation performance maximization, knowledge governancemechanisms include two levels, named league level and knowledge innovation teamlevel. Not a single one can be omitted. At the league level, in case that the knowledgeassets can be protected effectively through a patent or other means, the opportunismbehavior damage can be eliminated by knowledge protection mechanism; if the tortexisting cannot be proved in knowledge transaction, and the share of proceeds beyondthe opportunistic losses, income distribution mechanism can play a role. if theexternal effect is very high, only with the help of integration mechanism, or alliancewould disintegrate. At the team level, the knowledge innovation team is composed ofmembers who have the heterogeneity of knowledge structure, the key to enhanceknowledge innovation performance included smooth communication, mutual trust, cooperation and win-win cooperation. Considering cost of cultivating trust andunderstanding, it is important to determine the best trust team tacit understanding.
     TD-SCDMA industry alliance is selected to be as a case study. TD-SCDMAindustry alliance was established by the China enterprises with independentintellectual property rights, and dominated and supported by the government.Changeable knowledge governance problems in main development stages of thealliance, union major knowledge management measures and control effect wereanalysed.
     The research in case study shows that, it is very important for the alliancedevelopment to establish and perfect the knowledge governance structure andgovernance mechanisms, and it is the necessary condition that the governmentprovides organizational support, resource support and proper protection throughvarious policy instruments, government’s external intervention can overcome theobstacles that alliance knowledge governance mechanisms can not overcome by itself,so the government's appropriate intervention is one of the most important " externalknowledge governance mechanisms ".
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