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    中国风险投资要在变“官办官营” 为“官助民营”,完善法律、政策支持体系,
High-tech industry is characterized with systematic nature of technology
     industry, with the network interplay among technology, production and market,
     with great risk, high profit and rapid growth and with diverse demands for
     financial tools. Analyzing these features and the typical development modes of
     high-tech enterprises at home and abroad, we can find that the development of
     high-tech industry requires a series of macro and micro conditions, which can be
     only improved through system innovation, and then can promote the advance of
     high-tech industry.
     From the perspective of social system innovation, the typical form of labor
     capitalization is the capitalization of knowledge in the era of knowledge economy.
     Thereupon analyzing production relations, the classification of social classes and
     modern public ownership, we should not only take ownership of production
     means into account, but also should make an analysis of the ownership of labor
     capital. Only when a knowledge revolution is carried out in China in the 2l拁
     century and an innovative culture is developed can favorable social system
     conditions be created for the development of high-tech industry.
     From the perspective of technological innovation, we must not only
     reorientate the roles of government and scientific research institutions and so on
     in the national innovation system through innovating in social system, but draw
     on the measures which promote knowledge flow in foreign countries so as to
     promote knowledge flow at home.
     From the perspective of system innovation in capital market, risk investment
     system is one organic system, so China must adopt such as one of the six
     measures which involve changing from the system of 揼overnment subsidized
     and run?to that of 憕government subsidized and civilian run?in the field of risk
     investment. Second board market must be orientated properly, its system
     innovation must be made in five aspects such as developing a proper market
     mechanism and reforming supervision and regulation systems.
     From the perspective of microeconomics, we must reform the administration
     of state-owned assets, solve the questions such as absence of owner, and make
     improvements in the administrative structure of enterprise, and adopt the
     incentive measures of stock option, and perfect incentive system relating to
     managers and core technical members.
     From the perspective of governmental policy, we must draw on the
     international experiences and adopt six policy measures such as creating a
     favorable development environment and so on so as to promote the advance of
     high-tech industry.
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