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With the deepening development of the globalization and the integration of economy, enterprises must not only face more and more risks, but also meet a historic opportunity for the rapid progress. Enterprises are no longer satisfied with the development style of self-accumulation, and it becomes the preferred way for the enterprises to implement the various strategic expansion plans in order to grow rapidly. However there exist a large number of the traps of expansion in real life, many enterprises have found themselves caught in a dilemma stage. Researchers and entrepreneurs must face and solve the problem together that is how to improve the success rate about strategic expansion and how to make decision-making more scientifically about he plan of expansion. The author have done some useful and exploratory research for this aspect explore.
     Firstly, this article has introduced the practice and theory background which the research will face. The author has paid attention using emphasis to the domestic and foreign present situation and the trend of development about some theory, such as strategy management theory, core competencies theory and expansion theory about the enterprise. At the same time, the author proposes the theory about strategic expansion based on the core competencies theory, by which the core competencies theory is connected with the expansion theory. From the angle of view about core competencies, the theory has analyzed the factors influencing enterprise's expansion and the reasons for expansion and the choice for model about expansion, which indicate the relations of enterprise expansion and core competencies. Then based on core competencies' characteristic, the author has found that potential ability to expand strategically is composed of six kinds of basic capabilities ,which are respectively market ability, profit ability, organization coordinated ability, cultural compatible ability, innovation ability and financial ability. Based on this, the author constructs an evaluating indicator system of expansion potential about enterprise based on the core competencies. After being reduced effectively through the rough-set theory and the information entropy theory, there will form an indicator system which includes 14 second-level indicators and 43 third-level indicators finally.
     According to the characteristic of the indicator system, this article not only constructs a comprehensive fuzzy-gray evaluation model, but also elaborates concrete application method and the step about model in detail. Then I apply the model in case study, not only obtaining a quite ideal conclusion but also target-oriented proposing some beneficial suggestions, which has demonstrated that the evaluation model and the indicator system have a very good value for application. Finally, I apply the option-gamble theory in the choice of enterprises' expansion strategy and process of the decision-making, which provides the new angle of view and the thinking mode about decision-making of strategic expansion, besides forecasting the widespread application prospect of the option-gamble theory in the future.
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