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In the past two decades, with the introspection of negative effects by excessive growth of post-industrial age, the economic research focus gradually pursues humanity and artistry. Studies on Industrrial Economy, Regional Economy and Urban Economy foster the research on fashion industry to the field production, consumption, outlet and brand etc. Fashion industry is a typical metropolis-relied industry with the attributes of crossing high value-added manufacture and modern service industry. The development of fashion industry especially in5fashion metropolises, shows great potential of pushing economy with rapid development. The fashion organizations of such cities not only integrates history, culture and psychology with economy, but also advertises the fashion culture and ideas to all around the world so that they all become the wind vane of fashion industry. The flourishing status of fashion industry calls for deeper and more practical research on this filed. How does fashion industry develop in those five fashion metropolises and how can Shanghai build its road towards a fashion metropolis remain a notable issue.
     This research covers the following4aspects:
     (1)Modular decomposition and reconstruction of fashion organization. The research analyses the process and mechanism of fashion industry modular decomposition from micro, meso and macro scopes. Moreover the reconstruction description is carried out by the final structure, the way of production and reconstruction process. The fast-fashion is taken as an example for further explanation of value innovation by modular organization.
     (2)Value innovation factors and mechanism of fashion industry modular organizations. An investigation is taken at the five fashion metroplisis including New york, London, Paris, Millian and Tokyo. The value innovation factors are abstracted and the innovation mechanism is analyzed. The mechanism shows that through information transfer, structure optimization and knowledge spillover effects, such a mechanism metabolizes the modular factors and realizes value innovation.
     (3)The capability evaluation research of fashion industry modular organization. The model is established by first-grade indicators cover entity, market, system and supplementary factors and fuzzy-gray comprehensive evaluation method is implemented hereby. A demonstration is take at New york, London and Shanghai under further data collection. The results show that New york and London have more superiorities than Shanghai in term of fashion industry status quo.
     (4)The evaluation and suggestion on Shanghai fashion industry modular organization.The marginal utility index is used to measure the weight of the modular factors of Shanghai fashion industry under the model constructed above.The proposals are given under the results of measurement.
     Methods taken by this research covers literature review, theory of modularity, theory of value innovation, case analysis,contrastive analysis,classified analysis, hierarchy analysis, fuzzy-grey comprehensive evaluation, entropy value and marginal utility value.
     The results are as follows:
     Firstly, the decomposition and reconstruction of fashion industry modular organization helps it achieve the innovation value. The decomposition comes from3aspects:the micro scheme realize the modular physical split of such an organization; the meso scheme brings about standard innovation and interface innovation;the macro scheme facilitates the innovation strategy of whole industry. The reconstruction of fashion industry modular organization also comes from3aspects:the integration of the modules confirm the compotition-cooperation mechanism and innovation rules; the3-step innovation stage takes the fashion industry into a net-innovation status; the modular way of production is more and more popular,which marks that the fashion industry organization enters a entirely new stage.A fresh contractual relationship and value innovation scheme comes into being.
     Secondly,the innovation mechanism of fashion industry modular boost the fashion industry to a flourishing status. The investigation in the five metropolises shows that subject element,market element, scheme element are key elements to fashion industry modular development. Under the guidance of modular rules, interface, system information and individual information, these elements helps realize the effect of information transfer, structure optimization and knowledge spillover。 such a mechanism metabolizes the modular factors and realizes value innovation.
     Thirdly,evaluation and demonstration of fashion industry modular organization innovation capability. An evaluation is built based on the investigation. And the fuzzy-gray comprehensive evaluation method is used to assess the innovation capability of New york, London and Shanghai.The demonstration shows the horizontal gap among these3cities. Then the method of marginal utility value is used to weight the elements of Shanghai fashion industry modular development, which help the organization to discover the advantages and disadvantages. Finally, Shanghai fashion industry organization innovation capability is analyzed and proposals are put forward.The government should pay attention to the brand-equity operation institution, R&D institution, HR development institutions and Fashion&Creative industrial zone.And supportive policies are required to boost the four elements.
     The new idea of the research are:
     Firstly the introduction of modular theory. The modular theory are used to the study on fashion industry. It is thought that the angle of modular is the starting point of fashion industry basic rules, which is also the basis of other research for fashion industry. Secondly, the induction of fashion industry organization innovation mechanism. Thirdly, establishment and demonstration of value innovation capability model.The model is set up according to the fashion industry value innovation mechanism.A horizontal comparison is carried out by fussy-gray comprehensive evaluation method and vertical comparison is implemented by marginal utility method.
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