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According to current problems of China logistics, such as contradiction of logistics supply and demand structure, low socialization of logistics service, problems of logistics enterprises' scale, imperfect logistics market order and overheated logistics development, and the tendency of synergy and intensive logistics in developed countries, this paper had studied on the logistics cluster' formation and evolution applying model and case from the characters of logistics, based on symbiosis theory and new classical economics. Combining with the example of Beijing, the dissertation constructs the framework of Beijing logistics industrial policy accord with the problem of Beijing logistics development.
     The main contents are as follows:
     Firstly, by learning from the conceptions of logistics, logistics industry and defining the logistics cluster, deepening the enterprise in logistics cluster, characters of logistics, all this forms the framework of basic conceptions and is foundation of analyzing the law of logistics cluster' development and evolution.
     Secondly, this dissertation chooses symbiosis theory and new classical economics as the theoretical basis from symbiotic characters and transaction properties of modern logistics. And this dissertation analyzes the spatial characteristic and motion law of logistics factors. Based on this the research framework is put forward.
     Thirdly, based on symbiosis theory and new classical economics, the dissertation studies the formation theory of logistics cluster from the symbiotic and integrated characters of logistics. And the models is put forward and constructed, such as logistics transaction efficiency function, mutualistic symbiosis model, relation model of location and logistics cluster, integrated symbiosis model, logistics cluster mode. All this is valid explanation of logistics cluster formation process.
     Fourthly, this dissertation researches on the innovation, learning mechanism, evolution and developing mechanism of logistics cluster based on formation theory of logistics cluster. And the models and mechanisms are constructed, such as the model of logistics service innovation, the mechanism of evolution of labor division and development on logistics cluster, the learning model of adjacency and network, the mode of knowledge coordination, and the model of logistics cluster evolution based on symbiosis theory and transaction efficiency.
     Finally, combining with the example of Beijing, this dissertation analyzes Beijing logistics situation and problems based on analyzing the experiences of developed nations logistics clusters. And this dissertation constructs the framework of Beijing logistics industrial policy based analyzing the problem of Beijing existing logistics policy based on symbiosis theory, new classical economics and industrial clusters theory, in which the government functions are mainly coordination and guidance.
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