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1983年,美国高质量教育委员会认为,国家处于危机中,教育改革势在必行。但是,来自弗吉尼亚大学的赫什(E. D. Hirsch, Jr.)认为,美国之后的教育改革并未取得明显成效,教育中的三个问题:质量问题、平等问题和教育之于民主社会的关键作用问题并未得到解决。赫什指出,美国教育失败的根本在于教育理念的失败,也就是说,形式主义、浪漫主义主导的教育思想是美国教育危机的根源。如何解决这三个问题,赫什提出了文化素养、后来称为核心知识的改革思想和实验,在美国取得了非常大的成功,也引起了很多的争议。
In1983, the National Commission on Excellence in Education produced the report titled A Nation at Risk:the Imperative for Education Reform. The views of E. D. Hirsch, Jr. from the University of Virginia are the following education reforms after that report have not worked evidently and that the3questions in education which would be quality、 equity and the role of education in democracy have still been unresolved. Hirsch considers that the failed educational theories such as Romanticism、 Formalism, etc could be the cause of the continued educational failure in America. As Hirsch's solutions to the3unsettled questions, the Cultural Literacy, later called Core Knowledge ideas and reform Hirsch has been proposed leads to a great success and controversy.
     This thesis will be a systematic study on Hirsch's educational thoughts. It includes the following parts:
     The thesis begins with an introduction, stating reviews of related domestic and international literature for his educational theories and practice discussing the importance and necessity of the research and introducing briefly the neo-conservatism in education in Adrian Dupuis and Michael W. Apple's understandings. Based on Hirsch's writings, this chapter states his turning from literature to education.
     The second chapter, titled with "the central of Hirsch's educational thoughts:cultural literacy", firstly explains cultural literacy:cultural literacy lies above the everyday levels of knowledge that everyone possesses and below the expert levels known only to specialists. It is of the nation, of the whole people、 shared‘. vague、relatively stable and the ensuring of effective communication in democracy. This chapter secondly elaborates the relation between cultural literacy and skills concerned by Hirsch and finally discusses Hirsch's argument of schooling's role in transmitting culture.
     The third chapter discusses Hirsch's analyses and critiques for the failed educational theories, including Formalism、 Romanticism、 Localism and Anti-Intellectualism.
     Hirsch's educational propositions of liberalism in politics and conservatism in education are expressed and discussed in the fourth chapter from4aspects:(1) the ensuring of America democracy lies in public education of transmitting common knowledge;(2)conservatism in education is the path to freedom in politics;(3)core knowledge curriculum is the key point in solving America education crises;(4)conservative multiculturalism.
     The fifth chapter discusses Hirsch's core knowledge movement with neo-conservatism color emphasizing shared knowledge based on his educational thoughts, illustrating the positive role of Core Knowledge Foundation, analyzing the implementation and evaluation of core knowledge curriculum as well as the movement's further development.
     The sixth chapter,"critique and comparison", firstly discusses the violent critique from scholars in critical pedagogy, including Henry A. Giroux、Stanley Aronowitz、 Apple. W. Michael、 Kristen L.Buras, who criticize Hirsch's educational thoughts in political、 social and multicultural perspective. Then Hirsch's educational thoughts are compared with Bruner who also emphasized content and the structure of discipline. Bruner, however, in his later years, has been highlighted the methods and the cultural experiences of children. Finally Arent's educational ideas stressing conservatism in education are compared with Hirsch's, Arent referring to education as private fields while Hirsch public fields.
     With Hirsch's hermeneutics, the last part of the thesis summarizes and extends Hirsch's educational thoughts and some weaknesses of them. Hirsch rationally put forwards the views that the survival of democracy and individual success in democracy depend on shared common knowledge or cultural literacy and that the making of Americans possessing core knowledge is the basic task of America public education. That Hirsch defends with neo-conservatism color education as social function is somewhat of common sense, which is worthy of understanding and using for reference.
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    2 Albert B. Femandez. Teaching Knowledge:A New Paradigm and Its Discontents. http://www.shimer.edu/aboutshimercollege/upload/Hirsch.pdf,2012-08-20.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Cultural Literacy[J]. American Scholar, Vol.52,1983:168.
    2 Mark F.Goldberg. and E. D. Hirsch, Jr. An Interview with E. D. Hirsch, Jr.:Doing What Works[J],The Phi Delta Kappan,Vol.79,N0.1(Sep.,1997):84.
    3 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Cultural Literacy:What Every American needs to know [M]. New York:Houghton Mifflin,1988:92.
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    3 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Cultural Literacy:What Every American needs to know [M]. New York:Houghton Mifflin,1988:127.
    1 Albert B. Femandez. Teaching Knowledge:A New Paradigm and Its Discontents. http://www.shimer.edu/aboutshimercollege/upload/Hirsch.pdf,2012-08-20.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr., Cultural Literacy:What Every American needs to know [M]. New York:Houghton Mifflin,1988:145.
    1 Feinberg. W. Educational manifestos and the new fundamentalism[J]. Educational Research.Vol.26,No.8,1997:27-35.
    1 Albert B. Fernandez. Teaching Knowledge:A New,Paradigm and Its Discontents. http://www.shimer.edu/aboutshimercollege/upload/Hirsch.pdf,2012-08-20.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Cultural Literacy[J]. American Scholar, Vol.52,1983:159-169.
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    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Cultural Literacy:What Every American needs to know [M]. New York:Houghton Mifflin,1988:118.
    1 Mark F.Goldberg and E. D. Hirsch, Jr. An Interview with E. D. Hirsch, Jr.:Doing What Works[J],The Phi Delta Kappan,Vol.79,N0.1(Sep.,1997):83.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:136.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Knowledge Deficit:Closing the Shocking Education Gap for American Children[M].New York:Houghton Mifflin,2006:81.
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    3 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:137-139.
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    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:95.
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    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:37.
    3 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Knowledge Deficit:Closing the Shocking Education Gap for American Children[M].New York:Houghton Mifflin,2006:112.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:117.
    2 华东师范大学教育系,杭大教育系编译.现代西方资产阶级教育流派论著选[M].北京:人民教育出版社,1993:157.
    3 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:122.
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    1 张春兴.教育心理学[M].杭州:浙江教育出版社,2002:345-347.
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    1 Robert Holland. Public Charter Schools and the Core Knowledge Movement. httD://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/library/resources/documents/Education/public-charter-schools-core-k nowledge.pdf,2012-08-20.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:108.
    3 美国全国教育协会教育政策委员会.为了所有美国青年的教育[M].//瞿葆奎.教育学文集·美国教育改革.北京:人民教育出版社,1990:63-68.
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    3 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Cultural Literacy:What Every American needs to know [M]. New York:Houghton Mifflin,1988:12.
    4 Amelie Oksenberg Rorty. Philosophers of Education[M]. New York:Routledge,1998:274.
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    3 Amelie Oksenberg Rorty. Philosophers of Education[M]. New York:Routledge,1998:275.
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    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Strategic Thoughts:Undelivered Remarks,Philanthropy Roundtable. http://www.coreknowleg.org/mimik/mimik uploads/documents/19/StrategicThouqhts.pdf, 2012-08-20.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:6.
    3 参见黄志成.被压迫者的教育学:弗莱雷解放教育理论与实践[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2003:35-113.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:7.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:63.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:6.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:169.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:54.
    3 Kristen L. Buras. Rightist Multiculturalism:Core Lessons on Neoconservative School Reform[M]. Routledge,Taylor and Francis,2008.
    4 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Creating a curriculum for the American people[J], American educator, Winter, 2009-2010:7-8.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:45-46.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:55.
    1 Core Knowledge Foundation Supports Common Standards Initiative, http://www.corestandards.org/assets/k12_statements/StatementK12CoreKnowledge.pdf,2012-08-20.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:19.
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    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Fairness and Core Knowledge, http://www.coreknowledge.org/mimik/mimikuploads/documents/2/Faimess.pdf,2012-08-20.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Toward a Centrist Curriculum:Two Kinds of Multiculturalism in Elementary school. http://www.coreknowledge.org/mimik/mimik_uploads/documents/4/CentCurr.pdf,2012-08-20.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:77-78.
    2 Karen Kluth Brees.In the balance:The evolving role of teachers in the 21~(st) century[D]. University of Idaho,2002:141-143.
    1 Diane Ravitch, Chester E. Finn, Jr.. What Do Our 17-Year-Olds Know [R]. A Report on the First National Assessment of History and Literature. Harpercollins,1989.
    2 Robert Holland. Public Charter Schools and the Core Knowledge Movement. http://www.lexingtoninstitute.orq/library/resources/documents/Education/public-charter-schools-core-k nowledge.pdf,2012-08-20.
    1 Kristen L. Buras. Rightist Multiculturalism:Core Lessons on Neoconservative School Reform[M]. Routledge,Taylor and Francis,2008:31.
    2 Kristen L. Buras. Rightist Multiculturalism:Core Lessons on Neoconservative School Reform[M]. Routledge,Taylor and Francis,2008:78.
    3 Kristen L. Buras. Rightist Multiculturalism:Core Lessons on Neoconservative School Reform[M]. Routledge,Taylor and Francis,2008:13.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:187.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:182-183.
    1 http://www.coreknowledge.org/core-knowledge-schools,2012-12-20.
    2 Robert Holland. Public Charter Schools and the Core Knowledge Movement. http.www.lexingtoninstitute.org/library/resources/documents/Education/public-charter-school-core-k nowledqe.pdf,2012-08-20.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them[M]. New York:Doubleday, 1999:13.
    2 http://www.coreknowledge.org/about-core-knowledge-schools,2012-12-20.
    1 http://coreknowledqe.org/CK/schools/schools list.htm,2012-12-20.
    2 Goldberg, M. F. and E. D. Hirsch, Jr. An interview with E. D. Hirsch, Jr.:Doing what works[J]. Phi Delta Kappan, Vol.,79,1997:83-85.
    3 Core Knowledge Report 2011 annual report. mimik uploads/annual reports/6/CKAnnualReport2011.pdf,2012-08-20.
    1 Core Knowledge Report 2011 annual report. mimik uploads/annual_reports/6/CKAnnualReport2011.pdf,2012-08-20.
    1 Mark F.Goldberg and E. D. Hirsch, Jr. An Interview with E. D. Hirsch, Jr.:Doing What Works[J],The Phi Delta Kappan,Vol.79,N0.1(Sep.,1997):84.
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    3 Robert Holland. Public Charter Schools and the Core Knowledge Movement. http://www.lexingtonininstute.org/library/resources/documents/Education/public-charter-schools-core-k nowledge.pdf,2012-08-20.
    1 http://www.s-h-a.org/sha coreknowledqe.pdf,2012-10-20.
    2 http://www.coreknowledqe.orq/sequence,2012-10-20.
    3 Mark F.Goldberg.and E. D. Hirsch, Jr. An Interview with E. D. Hirsch, Jr.:Doing What Works[J],The Phi Delta Kappan,Vol.79,N0.1(Sep.,1997):84.
    4 赵中建.美国核心知识课程的理论和实践(上)[J].外国教育资料,1996(5):27-31.
    1 Mark F.Goldberg. and E. D. Hirsch, Jr. An Interview with E. D. Hirsch, Jr.:Doing What Works[J],The Phi Delta Kappan,Vol.79,N0.1(Sep.,1997):85.
    2 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Fairness and Core Knowledge, http://www.coreknowledge.org/mimik/mimik uploads/documents/2/Faimess.pdf,2012-08-20.
    3http:// Q2W3E4R5T6Y7U8I9O0P1 Z2X3C4V5B/www.coreknowledge.org/mimik/mi mik uploads/Iesson_plans/776/Confucius%20Say%20China%20Old.pdf,2012-08-20.
    1 这是一张词汇图表的例子,左边一列是关键词汇,右边一列对应的是用几个词或短语对关键词汇的定义解释.
    2 附录A是一张中国地图.
    1 介绍说明造纸程序步骤的文本。
    2 文本提供了8句话用以简单说明丝绸制作过程,让儿童用画图的方式在8句话的下方的8个方框内画图展示丝绸的制作过程
    3 对儿童制作纸张的结果和画图展示丝绸制作过程进行分级评价。造纸:展示了造纸步骤的知识,0-5分;最终的制作物像纸张,0-5分。丝绸制作:通过画的图展示了对丝绸制作过程的理解,0-5分;按照丝绸的制作顺序画的图,0-5分。
    1 印有龙的图案的纸张.
    2 介绍中国灯笼制作步骤的文本.
    1 赵中建.美国核心知识课程的理论和实践(下)[J].外国教育资料,1996年(5):18-23.
    2 Kristen L. Buras. Rightist Multiculturalism:Core Lessons on Neoconservative School Reform[M]. Routledge,Taylor and Francis,2008:77.
    3 Kristen L. Buras. Rightist Multiculturalism:Core Lessons on Neoconservative School Reform[M]. Routledge,Taylor and Francis,2008:78.
    1 Kristen L. Buras. Rightist Multiculturalism:Core Lessons on Neoconservative School Reform[M]. Routledge,Taylor and Francis,2008:74.
    2 Amanda Datnow, Geoffrey Borman, Sam Stringfield. School Reform Through a Highly Specified Curriculum:Implementation and Effects of the Core Knowledge Sequence[J]. The Elementary School Journal, Vol.101, No.2 (Nov.,2000), pp.167-191.
    1 E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The Making of Americans:Democracy and Our Schools[M]. New Haven:Yale University Press,2009:145-156.
    1 [美]赫什,赵中建译.核心知识课程的成功之所在[J].外国教育资料,1995(6):68-71.
    2 Sterbinsky, A., Ross, M. S. & Redfield, D. (2006). Effects of comprehensive school reform on student achievement and school change:a longitudinal study[J]. School Effectiveness and School Improvement,17(3):367-397.
    3 Karen Kluth Brees.ln the balance:The evolving role of teachers in the 21st century [D]. University of Idaho,2002:182.
    1 Kristen L. Buras. Rightist Multiculturalism:Core Lessons on Neoconservative School Reform[M]. Routledge.Taylor and Francis,2008:90.
    1 吉鲁是美国教育学家,批判教育学创始人之一。吉鲁曾任教于波士顿大学、迈阿密大学,和宾夕法尼亚州立大学。2004年,吉鲁开始任教于安大略省汉密尔顿的麦克马斯特大学。吉鲁是批判教育学领域的重要贡献者,也是激进民主的倡导者,大力反对反民主倾向的新自由主义,军国主义,帝国主义,宗教原教旨主义,吉鲁的最近期的工作重点是公共教育学。吉鲁广泛涉及教育和文化研究领域。吉鲁已出版超过35本书,发表论文近300篇。吉鲁的书籍中有七本被美国教育学会评为年度重大书籍。2002年,劳特利奇(Routledge)出版社的“系列出版物重点指南”将吉鲁列为从皮亚杰至今50位现代教育思想家之一
    2 阿罗诺维兹(Stanley Aronowitz),是美国纽约城市大学社会学和文化研究的资深教授,他也是积极的政治活动家和文化批判者。他倡导劳工组织,他是国际‘参与型社会’组织的咨询委员。2012年被纽约州立石溪大学(Stony Brook University)的工人阶级研究中心授予终身成就奖。
    3 Aronowitz, Stanley;Giroux, Henry.Essay Reviews:The Closing of the American Mind/Cultural Literacy[J]. Harvard Educational Review, May 1988; 58,2:182.
    4 Aronowitz, Stanley;Giroux, Henry.Essay Reviews:The Closing of the American Mind/Cultural Literacy[J]. Harvard Educational Review, May 1988; 58,2:183.
    1 Aronowitz, Stanley;Giroux, Henry.Essay Reviews:The Closing of the American Mind/Cultural Literacy[J]. Harvard Educational Review, May 1988; 58,2:185.
    1 Aronowitz, Stanley;Giroux, Henry.Essay Reviews:The Closing of the American Mind/Cultural Literacy[J]. Harvard Educational Review, May 1988; 58,2:186.
    1 Aronowitz, Stanley;Giroux, Henry.Essay Reviews:The Closing of the American Mind/Cultural Literacy[J]. Harvard Educational Review, May 1988; 58,2:190.
    2 Stanley Aronowitz. Against Schooling:For an Education That Matters[M]. Boulder, Colorado:Paradigm Publishers,2008:xii.
    1 吉鲁著,朱红文译.教师作为知识分子:迈向批判教育学[M].北京:教育科学出版社,2008年:2.
    2 吉鲁著,朱红文译.教师作为知识分子:迈向批判教育学[M].北京:教育科学出版社,2008年:104.
    3 吉鲁著,朱红文译.教师作为知识分子:迈向批判教育学[M].北京:教育科学出版社,2008年:154.
    4 吉鲁著,朱红文译.教师作为知识分子:迈向批判教育学[M].北京:教育科学出版社,2008:6.
    5 Eugene F. Provenzo Jr. Critical Literacy:What Every American Needs to Know[M].Paradigm Publishers, 2006.
    1 阿普尔是美国杰出的批判教育学家,课程批判理论的代表人物之一,位列世界当代50位思想家,出版著作30多部,发表文章300多篇,主要从事教育和权力、文化政策、课程理论和研究,批判性教学和民主学校的发展等领域的研究。
    2 Apple, M. Dominance and dependency:Situating The Bell Curve within the conservative restoration. In J. Kincheloe, S. Steinberg and A. Gresson (Eds.), Measured lies:The Bell Curve examined. New York: St. Martin's Press,1997:52.
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