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2011年7月30日,是意大利著名画家,建筑师,艺术史家乔治欧?瓦萨里(Giorgio Vasari,1511—1574)诞辰五百周年的纪念日。在意大利文艺复兴的中心——佛罗伦萨举行了一系列的学术研讨会来纪念这位为人类文化艺术发展做出杰出贡献的伟人。瓦萨里被公认为文艺复兴时期人文主义运动的重要代表人物之一,他的艺术史著作《艺苑名人录》(Le vite de più eccellenti pittori, scultori earchitettori,又译《最杰出的画家、雕塑家以及建筑师传》,(以下简称《名人传》)生动地记载了一百六十位文艺复兴时期艺术家的生平事迹和他们的主要艺术成就,从早期的契马布埃(Giovanni Cimabue,1240—1300)﹑乔托(Giotto diBondone,约1267-1337)到文艺复兴巅峰时期的米开朗基罗(MichelangeloSimoni,1475—1564)、提香(Tiziano Vecellio,1488/1490–1576)等这些至今仍对人类艺术发展极具影响力的艺术大师。瓦萨里除了在艺术史方面所创具的成就之外,还在建筑设计、绘画创作与艺术教育等领域独领风骚,受到了当今众多学者的关注。
     本篇论文共分四章。第一章介绍了瓦萨里在故乡阿雷佐的生长环境、生平记事、艺术生涯与成就。此章还简述了14—16世纪意大利的艺术环境和文艺复兴时期艺术教育,以及成立“迪赛诺”学院的社会背景。从分析阿雷佐、佛罗伦萨等托斯卡纳地区的城市人文主义运动圈的形成原因入手,反映了文艺复兴时期的艺术圈中的保护人、行会、手工作坊,以及艺术家们通过种种艺术手段使其社会地位发生变化的过程。在中世纪时期,手工艺人的社会地位比较低下,他们主要从事为宗教场所和各种宗教活动提供装饰、布置、圣器制作等服务。但随着文艺复兴的到来和人文主义运动的兴起,逐渐唤醒了艺术家的社会意识,他们要求得到比工匠更高的社会地位并最终得到公允,从而使绘画、雕塑、建筑等视觉艺术从“机械艺术”逐渐进入至“自由艺术”的高层次范围。艺术家的社会地位也由此发生了相应的改变,开始成为达官显宦的座上宾。到了16世纪,米开朗基罗、拉斐尔、切里尼和瓦萨里等一批知名艺术家在上流社会圈内的活动非常频繁。此时,旧的作坊和行会组织显然已经不能满足社会的需求,艺术教育逐渐成为了完善上层意识形态中不可取代的重要部分。因此,其为瓦萨里在柯西莫?德?美第奇(Cosimo I de Medici,1519—1574)的支持下建立“迪赛诺”学院提供了良好的契机。
Jul.30th.2011is the500th Birth Anniversary of Italian famous painter, architect,art historian Giorgio Vasari (1511—1574). In the center of the Renaissance-Florence,a series of the symposiums be held to commemorate this great man who madeoutstanding contributions to cultural development. In his famous art history writing,Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (Le vite de piùeccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori),which recorded vividly the life stories about160artists who lived during the Renaissance period, from Giovanni Cimabue,(1240—1300),Giotto di Bondone(1267-1337), to Michelangelo Simoni(1475—1564), allthe masters had maden gread great influence on the development of human arthistory. Not only his art history study, Giorgio Vasris achievements of art education isalso a hot topic in the research field.
     From my learning experience, and interest in art theory and practice, historyand other aspects, my thesis through the study of Vasaris life experience, artisticpractice, history books and paintings to explore aspects of his artistic thought,especially his art education practice.
     Vasaris art education ideology has the following three characteristics: First, theemphasis on painting, Vasaris art theory advocating artists should be natural for thenaturalistic philosophy of art imitating objects, which makes him the art of painting inthe learning process (objects of classical sculpture and nature of the thing itself)attaches great importance. Second, pay attention to the overall development ofhuman culture, he thinks artists in addition to techniques should be masteredanatomy, mathematics and philosophy and other disciplines.Third, the formation of aunified education through art artistic style, he hopes to organize a planned trainingand learning, to enable students to eventually form a fixed distinctive style andfeatures. Vasari founder of the Disengno Art Academy for Florence train more youngartists, it is also based on the above educational thinking.
     My thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter introduces the Vasarihometown Arezzo in artistic environment of Renaissance as well as his personal life, including his learning career. The chapter beginnings with the introduction ofVasaris family and his art studying experience. Secondly, I combined with theexperience of Vasari to analyze the process of his future artistic education thoughtformation.The chapter also analysis the social condition in Renaissance Italy,especially the formation of humanistic movement circle city Arezzo, Florence, andthe other Tuscany areas. Followed by analysis of Renaissance art circle, including theprotection of guilds, companies, artisan workshops, and the change of artistssactivities and social status.To speak about the craftsmens social status in the middleages, they mainly engaged in decoration, layout, Hallows production services to theplaces of worship and religious activities. But with the rise of the coming of theRenaissance and humanism movement, gradually awakened the artists awareness ofself-protection. They demanded a higher social status than the craftsmen, areallowed to get public recognition, and resulting in painting, sculpture, architectureand visual art from the concept of "mechanical arts" gradually break away, into the"liberal arts". By the end of the sixteenth Century, famous artists, such as Cellini,Vasari and others in the upper society circle activities are very frequent. Obviouslythe old workshop and the organization has been unable to satisfied the artists ofRenaissance time, for this Cosimo I DeMedici(1519-1574) provides a goodopportunity to establish the "Disegno" academy under the support of the school.
     The second chapter introduces Vasaris theory of art education, which includeshis art theory foundation, his own concept of disegno and art practice. These twopoints as the basic framework of the educational thoughts of Vasari. Further more,the chapter discusses the climactic relationship between art and philosophy and alsoexamples the principles which Vasari pointed out of his art education. The aim of thesecond chapter is to contact Vasari’s thought of art that mentioned in the lives, onthe one hand, from the artistic point of view, he was influenced by the Neoplatondoctrine and Aristotle "theory of imitation", that the human soul can be sublimatedthrough art, closer to the "divine", make art become a noble cause. The naturalistictendency in Vasari from the "theory of imitation", believed that artists should takethe nature as an object. He also insisted that the artist should make a moral standards, for a good artist, has the talent and the good education are not missing.On the other hand, he also must have good moral character. This chapter alsointroduces Vasaris artistic practice, because all his art education idea cannot dowithout rich practical experience. Vasari gifted in many ways of art, made artachievements in many fields.In addition to art history books mde told, he alsoengaged in church frescoes, architectural design and indoor and outdoor celebration,know about the process and steps of the crafts and arts.
     The third chapter mainly introduces Vasaris Disegno Art Academy. The first partof this chapter introduces establishing in-process, teaching mode, and membersinvolved in the case. The second part discusses "Disegno" Academy as theexperimental field of the idea of Vasari, but also the history of the first Academy ofFine Arts, plays an important influence on later Western art education. This chapteralso analyses how Vasari combines art education theory and practice of their own asa whole, and he himself on the "Disegno" Academy of planning for the future. Vasariwants to "Disegno"to be a new association of artists, and to replace the traditionalguild and workshop. The process and significance of the combination of the school,this chapter according to the collected historical data to review, summarize. In asense, articles of association laid "Disegno" became the most important artinstitution of Florence art agency status.The third part reviews the development ofDisegno Academia for four hundred years, which laid Disegno to be one of importantart institutions over the world and made the deep influence to Western arteducation.
     The fourth chapter mainly talks about the development of the Disegno Academyof Eastern and Western art education.How Vasaris art education thought improve thedevelopment of Western art, help us to study his "Disegno" concept, which is amodern approach new art teaching ideas.Disegno Academia’s influence not onlyreflects on the art education model of Western art college after16th century. Itcrossed culture and transcended time.Even from today’s Chinese art education, westill could find some sign be left by Disegno Academia.
1Giorgio Vasari, Le vite de più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori,Grandi Tascabili Economici,2007, p.1372
    1Giorgio Vasari, Disegno e Vasari, Editore di Milano,2001,p.53.
    1Rubin Lee, Art and History, Yale University,1994, Page72.
    1Arthur Efland,A History of Art Education: Intellectual and Social Currents in Teaching the Visual Arts,Teacher College Press,1990, p20.
    1Ceninio D'andrea Cennini, Daniel V.Thompson,Jr,The Craftsman's Hand Book,Dover Publications,1960,p.5.
    1Karen-Edis Barzman: The florentine Academy and the Early Moden State, The Discipline of Disegno, CambridgeUniversity Press,2000, p.3.
    1Michal Baxandall, Words for Pictures, Yale University Press,2000, p.84.
    1Giorgio Vasari, The lives of the artists I, Penguin Books,1987,p27.
    2Giorgio Vasari, Le vite de più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori, Edizione per il club del Libro, Milano,1966, p.165.
    1Giorgio Vasari, The lives of the artists I, Penguin Books,1987,p35.
    2Giorgio Vasari, The lives of the artists I, Penguin Books,1987,p42/
    3Giorgio Vasari, The lives of the artists I, Penguin Books,1987,p45
    1R. Bettarini e P. Barocchi, ed, Giorgio Vasari vite de' piu eccelenti Pittori, scultorie Architetori nelle redazioni del1550e1568, Florence, G. C. Sansoni1966-1990, I, pp.1-5.
    2Ibid, pp.1-5.
    4Vasari, Le Vite, Mianesi, I,p.90.
    1Paola. Barocchi, Scritti d'Arte del Cinquecento, Ⅱ, Bari,1973, p.1899f.
    2以下的例子引用都来自于S.Battaglia, Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana, Ⅳ, Turin,1966, pp.653-55.在谈到Designo词时,引用的例子分别来自于Ariosto, Orlando Furioso(《疯狂的奥兰多》)Tasso, Dialoghi(《对话录》)Leonardo da Vinci,Trattato della pittura,(《绘画笔记》)。
    2Baldesar Castiglione, Il libro del Cortegiano, ed. V. Cian, Florence,1947, pp.122-23.
    1Giovan PaoloLomazzo, Trattato dell’arte della Pittua, Scultura. ed Architettura, I, Roma,1844, pp.35-36.
    2Liana De Girolami Cheney, GIorgio Vasari's teachers, Peter Lang,2007, p.127.
    3Vasari, Le Vite, Mianesi, II,pp93-107.
    1Goldstein, Vasari and Florentine Accademia del Disegno,1970, pp145-52.
    1Karen-edis Barzman, The Florentine Academy and the Early Modern State, Cambridge University Press,2000,p.146.
    1Antonino Caleca, Arezzo e Vasari, Vite e Postille, Cartei&Bianchi Edizioni,2005, p.169.
    2Paola Barocchi, Vasari Pittore,G. Barbere Editore,1964, Pisa, p.10.
    1Antonino Caleca, Arezzo e Vasari, Vite e Postille, Cartei&Bianchi Edizioni,2005, p.169.
    2Antonion Caleca, Arezzo e Vasari: Vite e Postille, Cartei&Bianchi Edizioni,2005, p.172.
    1Ibid, p.172.
    2Giorgio Vasari, Le opere di Vasari, VII, Firenze,1832, p.613.
    1K.Frey, Der literarishce Nachlass G. Vasari, I, Munich,1923, page713.
    1Rodolfo Siviero, Accadamia Delle Arti Del Disegno, Bonechi Editore, Firenze,1982.page39.
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