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常微分方程(Ordinary Differential Equation,简称ODE)的数值求解对力学研究和工程计算均具有重要意义,而非线性常微分方程的数值求解更是其中的难点和热点。本文针对非线性常微分方程,提出了一套新型的自适应求解的有限元方法(FEM)。该方法通过对非线性问题进行线性化,将基于单元能量投影(Element Energy Projection,简称EEP)法的线性问题自适应求解方法直接引入非线性问题的求解,无需对非线性问题本身单独建立超收敛公式及其自适应算法,从而构成一个一般性的、统一的非线性问题自适应求解算法,进而开发了非线性ODE求解器的雏形。全文主要工作如下:
The numerical solution of ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations) plays animportant role in the modern mechanics and engineering computing, the numericalsolution of nonlinear ODEs is the central challenge among various difficulties. Thepresent dissertation proposed a new self-adaptive finite element (FE) strategy fornonlinear ODE problems. In this method, the existing linear self-adaptive strategybased on the EEP (Element Energy Projection) method is incorporated directly into thesolution of nonlinear ODEs to avoid constructing super-convergent formula and self-adaptive algorism for each specific and individual nonlinear problem. As a result, ageneral and unified self-adaptive algorism was proposed and the prototype of nonlinearODE solver was formed based on the algorism. The main work of this dissertation is asfollows:
     1. A fundamental nonlinear iteration strategy of Newton type was proposed basedon the week form of nonlinear ODEs. The concept of “ideal linear problem” wasproposed so that the linear self-adaptive strategy can be introduced directly into thesolution of nonlinear ODEs. Combining the above nonlinear iteration and self-adaptivity techniques, a clear, concise and general fundamental strategy was proposed.
     2. The fundamental strategy was successfully extended to solving nonlinear C0andC1problems self-adaptively. Mathematical analysis and a number of given numericalexperiments show that the algorism based on the fundamental strategy is able to obtaina final adaptive mesh on which the conventional FEM solutions satisfy the user-specified tolerance point-wise with little accuracy redundancy.
     3. The fundamental strategy was successfully extended to solving nonlinear first-order ODE systems self-adaptively. The solution of first-order ODE systems hasfundamental significance, because any initial and boundary value problems of highorder ODEs can be equivalently converted to first-order ODE systems. The success ofthe self-adaptive strategy for solving first-order ODE systems broadens the range ofsolving nonlinear problems and forms a unified mode of solving nonlinear ODEproblems.
     4. Some key issues in nonlinear ODE problems, such as the treatment of nonlinearboundary conditions, the choice of initial solution, and the tracking of solution path and critical points on the solution path, were discussed respectively. A Newton type methodwas proposed to treat nonlinear boundary conditions, further improving the function ofthe nonlinear ODE solver; the continuation method was implemented with some ODEconversion techniques; and the solution of critical points on the solution path wasdirectly solved by solving a converted nonlinear ODE problem.
     A large number of numerical experiments show that the proposed method in thisdissertation is highly efficient, stable and reliable with the results satisfying the user-preset error tolerance by maximum norm, and hence can serve as the core theory andalgorithm of an advanced and efficient FE solver for nonlinear ODEs.
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