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     1. Hilbert分形天线系统数学建模。在中短波段,Hilbert分形天线由带角点的细导线构成,由于天线导线过细、导线角点内外电磁环境复杂,导致一般数值方法难以对其进行准确的数学建模。为解决这一问题,本文针对天线特性分析的数值方法展开研究,提出利用渐变的Yee氏网格,基于时域有限差分法对Hilbert分形天线进行数学建模。针对天线导线过细的问题,采用四网格结构对其横截面进行剖分,推导了网格中穿越横截面的电、磁场分量表达式,获得了细导线中电流、磁场的时域形式。针对细导线角点处特殊的电磁环境,给出了角点内外环路电场、磁场间相互作用的关系式,建立了带角点的细导线模型。同时,在忽略高次模影响下,文章进行了同轴线分析,基于同轴线TEM波方程,推导了馈电点与天线场耦合处电流方程的时域表达式。为本文天线电磁特性分析奠定了理论基础。
     3.针对Hilbert分形天线增益低,难以工程应用的问题,提出了一种新的天线小型化实施方案—基于Hilbert分形的角反射器天线。其主要思路在于:将Hilbert分形结构应用于角反射器天线的设计中,利用具有一定张角的Hilbert分形结构栅板取代天线原有的金属丝结构的反射板,形成双Hilbert分形结构,并将激励源下移,馈电点选在两挡板固连的角点处。同时,结合同轴线分析、带角点的细导线算法等关键技术,利用时域有限差分法(Finite-Difference Time-Domain,FDTD)建立了天线数学模型,分析了张角、几何参数变化对天线特性产生的影响,提出了基于Hilbert分形的角反射器天线系统的设计方法,论述了天线小型化特点。仿真结果表明:与Hilbert分形天线相比,该天线提高了天线增益,能够满足接收天线增益高于3dB的设计要求,适合于工程应用。
Maritime radio navigation system based on the spread spectrum system is with the characteristics of high positioning accuracy, wide coverage and good security, which works in the MW and SW bands, utilizes ground wave to range position. It can be used in many different fields, for example military affairs and civilian.
     However, because of the development of radio navigation technology, there are higher demands to integration level of the receiving equipment brought by the system. Additionally, as the large signal wavelength of the working band, the bulk of receiver antenna is so large that hard to be installed and maintenance. So, it is a very impending and practical subject to develop the adaptive omni antenna works in the MW and SW bands which meets the request of the maritime radio navigation system.
     According to the idiographic requests, this paper proposes a new-designed miniaturization antenna called angle reflect antenna based on the Hilbert fractal curve. And then, this paper based on the theory designs an omni antenna whose working frequency is 8.8MHz, and height is 63cm.
     The main works and conclusions of this paper are shown as following:
     1. Building the Hilbert fractal antenna system mathematics model. In the MW and SW bands, Hilbert fractal antenna is composed by thin lines with the crossing points. Because of the fine structure's micro-diameter and complicated electromagnetic environment of the thin line crossing point, ordinary numerical analysis methods can not build its math model exactly. So, this paper compartmentalizes the antenna structure by gradual Yee cells and builds on the math model of Hilbert fractal antenna based on the FDTD. Pointing to the fine structure's micro-diameter, this paper divides its cross section into four Yee cells, then, infers the component expressions of the electric field and magnetic field which both penetrate the single cell cross section, and gets the time domain description of electric current and magnetic current flowing in the thin line eventually. Pointing to the special electromagnetic environment of the thin line crossing point, this paper provides the interaction relational expression of electric circuit and magnetic circuit which are inside and outside the included angle, and builds on the math model of thin line with the crossing point. Additionally, in condition of neglecting the impact of high-order modes, this paper is also with the coaxial line analysis, provides the electric time domain expression flowing feed point and antenna in the coupling base on coaxial line TEM equation. The above theory research lays the foundation to the antenna character analysis in this paper.
     2. Based on establishing Hilbert fractal antenna mathematical model, this paper analysis the electromagnetic characteristics of Hilbert fractal antenna, and elaborate that the changes of antenna geometry parameter, for example, size, fractal dimension, fine structure etc, have effect on gain, resonance frequency, standing wave character, direction chart, also proving the theory analysis in this paper through the simulation results. Secondly, this paper which researching on the design method of antenna system totally discuss the changess of antenna geometry factors, for example, feed position from the idiographic angle, medium backboard material and thickness, earth-plate size etc, taking effect on Hilbert fractal antenna character. Through the simulation results, this paper sums up the rules which can be used as basic theory, designing ideology and technology method for the designing of Hilbert fractural antenna.
     3. Pointing to low gain of Hilbert fractal antenna is hard to be used in the project, this paper proposes a new antenna miniaturization scheme-angle reflector antenna based on the Hilbert fractal. The main idea is that using Hilbert fractal frame in the design of angle reflector antenna. The antenna uses the mental lead board of Hilbert fractal curve frames instead of the reflecting board of angle reflect antenna, forming double Hilbert fractal frames, and feed point is the crossing point of the reflecting boards. Meanwhile, composing the key technology of coaxial line analysis and model of thin line with crossing point algorithm, this paper builds antenna mathematics model using FDTD, analysis the effect to antenna character when angle and geometry index change, propose design method of angle reflector antenna system based on Hilbert fractal, and discuss the character of antenna miniaturization. The simulation result shows that compared to Hilbert fractal antenna, this antenna enhances antenna gain and fulfill the design acquirement that receiver antenna gain higher than 3dB fitting to project application.
     4. According to the analysis of signal transmission character in the MW and SW bands, the design index of the maritime radio navigation system is given. This paper propose angle reflector antenna whose angle is 180 degree and base on Hilbert fractal antenna as implement scheme, design and develop a physical size as 0.633×0.318×0.0015m3 antenna model machine. Simulation according with actual measurement data prove that developed antenna can work in the MW and SW bands whose center frequency is 8.8MHz, the height is just only 16.7%of original system antenna, the gain reaches 3.65dB at the center frequency, relative bandwidth higher than 8%, and then, it is also with the characteristic of omni.
     Theory analyses and experiment data indicate that this angle reflector antenna based on Hilbert fractal curve meets the designing requirement of the maritime radio navigation system, can be used in project practice as the marine antenna in the MW and SW bands.
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