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Corn is one of the main crops in Shanxi Province , as the seeding area has expanded year by year since the founding of our nation , corn has the biggest plant area in Shanxi province. Simultaneously, corn is the highest yield per unit area in Shanxi province, along with improved varieties and advanced cultivation technology promotion, and the proportion of corn production has achieved nearly 60% in grain total output of Shanxi province, and also has the most important effecting on crops production and rural economy development .But there still has some technical questions in corn production of Shanxi province, which is restricting the corn industry development, and should be solved urgently. For example: blindness in variety selection , technical measure is unreasonable, investment is not scientifically ,which cause that potential of superior variety can not be able to fully excavate, and cause that increases production but not increases earnings.
     Through experiment and demonstration, we want to summarize the corn cultivation optimization pattern, which is suitable to Xinzhou of Shanxi Province, and further excavate increase potential. During the year of 2000 to 2003 , we arranged a set of experimental demonstration project , for instance ,variety comparison, density, chemical control, fertilization ,form of inter-planting and so on. Through 3 years’Studies of combination of main cultural factors research, we obtain the high production pattern in flat country of late-maturing ecology and water area, which was "superior, dense, short, enough, covers, inter-planting, irrigating ". "Superior" is selecting improved seed. Mainly of the middle-late cultivar and compact variety, there are Shendan 16, dafeng 2, sanbei 6, dongdan 60, xianyu335 and so on. "Dense" is rational close planted. Seedling per mu is about 3,000, compact variety, like xianyu 335, seedling per mu should achieve 3,300 - 3,500. Under the prerequisite of adopting chemical controlling , seedling per mu is at least about 3,000 - 3,500, and compact variety should achieve 3,500 - 4,000. "Short" is dwarf treatment. After increasing density of seedling per mu , to prevent lodge, we should spray 1,000 times liquid of enthylene during 10– 13 leaves. " Enough " means enough base fertilizer, and applying fertilizer before controlling. Base fertilizer is at the application rate of 4 tons farmyard manure /mu, 75kg ammonium bicarbonate /mu, 5 - 10 kilograms calcium superphosphate /mu, and 1.5 kilograms Zinc fertilizer /mu along with plant furrow. Applying 10 -15 kilograms urea or 20 - 25 kilograms ammonium nitrate per mu at the jointing stage. Sometimes, we can also spurt urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixed solution、high-yielding regulator、plant strong hormone and so on. "Covers" is plastic film mulching. We can select mulching plastic of 60 - 80 centimeter wide, adopt wide narrow row alternate planting, one film and two rows. " Inter-planting " means we can made corn as the main crops and also inter-planting potato or legumes simultaneously, one zone every 1.33 meters, 2: 2 intercropping planting. "Fills" is irrigates reasonably. At least irrigate moisture water and jointing booting water. Through the demonstration and extension in 2002-2003 year, it has got notable effect of increasing both production and income.
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