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本研究以库拉索芦荟(Aloe Vera Linme)的茎段进行组织培养技术体系的
     ① 将茎段用洗衣粉漂洗3分钟,流水冲洗30分钟,再用75%酒精和0.1%
     ② 初代培养:中等无机盐浓度的改良H培养基为最适基本培养基,用改
     ③ 继代培养:培养基为MS+BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.01mg/L,30天时增殖系数
     ④ 生根培养:KC培养基+IBA0.3mg/L+活性炭0.2%+糖20g/L对芦荟生根
     ⑤ 炼苗:有根芦荟炼苗成活率高于无根苗,用活性炭在瓶内生根的芦荟
Study on technique system of tissue culture in Aloe Vera
     Du Wenping
     (College of Forestry and Horticulture, Sichuan Agricultural University,
     Ya抋n, Sichuan, China, 625014)
     The stem of Aloe Vera Linme was used for explant to establish the technique
     system of tissue culture. With Orthogonal design and analysis of variance, to find
     out the best medium and proceeding of culturing Aloe Vera. The results were as
     ~Dstems ware sterilized in 75% alcohol and 0.1% mercuric chloride solution for 10
     Seconds and 5 minutes well;
     ~ Iniation medium: H medium, exchanged well, with ZT2.Omg/L NAAO.O5mgIL
     and sugar 20g/L, is the best iniation medium;
     ?Subculture medium: The MS medium with the 2.Omg/L BA and 0.Olmg/L NAA
     was applied to the subculture medium, and the increasing coefficient in one month is
     4.17, Using 35 days as subculture time, theoretically, the times of propagation is
     1.59X 106 for one year;
     ~ Rooting culture: The rooting rate in the KC medium with 0.3mg/L IBM
     ACO.2% and sugar 2OgIL is 95.83%, the number of roots are 4.30, the length of root
     is 4.67cm;
     ~ Transplant: rooted Aloe or rooted Aloe in the rooting medium with AC or the
     transplant medium in perlite and vermiculite by 1 to 1, are all useful to root.
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