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石油作为关系国计民生的重要战略资源,其价格变动历来受到理论界与学术界的广泛关注。随着全球金融市场的飞速发展,石油成为国际市场交易量最大的大宗商品之一。石油价格变动表现出典型的金融资产属性,兼具资源属性与金融属性,决定了石油价格冲击传导机制错综复杂性。尚未有文献同时从资源属性和金融属性两个方面综合研究石油价格冲击对国民经济的影响。现有文献可以分为两类:一类文献以Hamilton (1996,1999)为代表,主要从生产链角度出发研究石油价格冲击对实体经济的影响;另一类文献以Sadorsky (1999)为代表,主要研究石油价格冲击对金融市场的传染性,包括股票市场、债券市场与期货市场等。为更加清晰地理顺石油价格冲击对国民经济的传导机制,本文则尝试通过构建动态一般均衡的方法综合考虑石油的双重属性,研究石油价格冲击对国民经济的传导机制。
     为综合考察石油资源属性和金融属性对石油价格冲击传导机制的影响,本文在加入石油生产要素的动态随机一般均衡模型中继续引入银行部门。银行部门行为的刻画主要借鉴Bernanke (1999)等模型针对金融加速器的研究成果,主要考虑了信贷市场的信息不对称所带来的委托代理问题。模型中假定信贷渠道是经济环境中媒介居民储蓄和企业投资的主要渠道,基本符合我国金融体系以间接金融为主的现实特征,新增信贷规模成为影响资本积累的主要因素。在信贷市场信息不完全的情况下,影响信贷增量和贷款利率的因素除企业未来现金流之外还有可抵押资产价值。根据金融市场微观结构理论,由于金融市场之间信息传递作用,投资者可能根据一个市场收益率状况推断其他市场收益率变动。当市场发生较大波动时,虽然资产基本面迥然不同,也可能出现同向大幅波动,对此理论上的解释多集中于羊群效应、投资者情绪以及搜寻成本等。且本文关于石油价格增长率与国内资产收益率的实证分析已经验证了石油价格冲击对企业的可抵押资产价值存在均值溢出和波动溢出效应,石油价格冲击降低可抵押资产价值,导致企业贷款成本上升。与不含金融加速器的模型相比,贷款成本高于资本成本,贷款规模降幅上升,资本存量增长率向下偏离。从模拟数据波动性特征来看,加入金融加速器的动态随机一般均衡模型总产出波动的解释程度上升至52%,一定程度上验证了石油价格冲击的信贷渠道的存在。
As an important strategic resource, oil price shocks are widely concerned by the economists. With the rapid development of global financial markets, oil has become one of the largest commodities. Oil price changes show the typical financial property, including the resource property and the financial attribute, which determine the intricacies of the oil price shock's transmission mechanism. Nowdays there is no literature, from both the resource property and the financial property, researching the effects of the oil price shocks on national economy. The existing literature can be divided into two categories:one is represented by Hamilton (1996,1999), studying the oil price shocks towards economy from the perspective of industry chain; Other is represented by Sadorsky (1999), researching the main infectious on oil price shocks towards the stock market, bond market and futures market. In this paper, we tried starting the research both on the resource property and the financial attribute.
     First of all, we analyze the facts of oil price shocks. We found that the most significant variable of the growth rate of oil prices is its own lagged variables, and we also found that the impact of China's oil consumption to international oil prices is not significant in the short-term. It also proved that oil inventories can effectively change oil prices, which means "the importance of the oil reserve system". And on Garch-BEKK models we examined the volatility spillover effect between growth rate of oil prices, growth rate of assets and growth rate of GDP. The result is the international price of oil yield rate of return on domestic asset prices and GDP growth has unidirectional volatility spillover to verify that international oil prices is one of the risk factors for China's national economic development.
     Secondly, based on the empirical findings of the third chapter, under the assumption of oil prices exogenous, with oil-producing elements of the dynamic general equilibrium model, historical data and draw on existing literature by estimating the calibration model in the steady-state parameters,impulse response and simulation, describing the oil price shocks, the dynamic relationship between the total output, capital stock, return on capital, consumer and other economic variables, reported changes in oil prices and the total outputchanges between the inverse cyclical. On this basis, reduce the proportion of the capital stock of the high energy-consuming industries, the simulation found that the relative volatility of the total output decline, the price elasticity of oil consumption rose; In addition, we found that the fluctuations in oil prices decline, the total output fluctuations reduced fluctuations in the frequency lower. Therefore, in a sense, the drop in oil prices, the macroeconomic risks decline, verify that the oil price shocks of the industry chain channels.
     In order to consider the oil price shocks through the virtual channels of economic impact on national economy, a brief analysis of the conditions that reflect the state of our financial system, assume that the model bank is the only financial institution of the media savings and investment. This article draw on the financial accelerator model of Bernanke,(1999) and other settings, the main consideration of financial markets, asymmetric information, principal-agent problems. Factors that affect the pricing of bank loans, including the production and future cash flow and enterprise value of the assets can be secured. Under Chapter III of empirical findings, the oil price shocks affect the value of collateral assets, resulting in rising costs of business loans. Compared with the financial accelerator model, rising borrowing costs, new loans decreased, leading to the decline in capital stock growth rate of total output growth for the fluctuations increase. In order to join the financial accelerator model interpretation of the main economic variables rise, confirmed the presence of oil price shocks of the credit channel.
     Finally, the dynamic general equilibrium models to policy experiments provide a good tool, economic studies and natural sciences, lack of opportunity to sample empirical exists. Therefore, the financial accelerator model based on the introduction of government departments. Empirical Analysis of the Taylor rule of monetary policy in response to oil price shocks, will enlarge the total output volatility, mainly due to the use of the Taylor rule, due to rising oil prices impact on inflation magnitude higher than the aggregate output affect the magnitude of oil price shocks will first result in the expected inflation rate, leading to rising interest rates, corporate lending rates rose even more sharply. Therefore, the proposed monetary policy to reduce the sensitivity of the expected rate of inflation caused by exogenous oil price shocks. In addition, the introduction of the oil consumption tax, oil consumption tax levied can reduce the proportion of the steady-state in high energy consuming industries, and enhance the national economy the ability to respond to oil price shocks.
     The last chapter analyzes the necessity created by the oil futures market, the analysis is based on fluctuations in oil prices decline, and help to reduce the macroeconomic risks. Theoretical point of view from the futures futures market to establish on the fluctuations in oil prices, reflecting the importance of domestic demand, and fuel oil futures market, for example, the use of VAR and GARCH-BEKK model to analyze the price of the domestic futures market, spot market prices, and Singapore mean spillovers between the spot market price and volatility spillovers. Found that, although the domestic fuel oil futures market development is not perfect, but the Singapore fuel oil prices also mean and volatility spillover effects, indicating that the futures market to establish and continuously improve a strong practice to stabilize the market price fluctuations, actual supply and demand of the reaction of their own value.
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