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肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌(Clostridium botulinum,简称肉毒梭菌)在厌氧环境
    下可产生一系列毒性极强烈的外毒素——肉毒毒素(botulinum toxin,BTX)。
Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum) in the anaerobic condition can produce botulinum toxin (BTX), a neurotoxin,which can inhibit acetylcholine 's release after injected into muscles .At present, Botulinum toxin has been used to therapy some diseases. Botulinum toxin is widely applied to clinical therapy, medicinal hairdressing, and new pattern biological pesticide.
    This assay preliminarily studied screening condition and separation method to achieve a strain of C. botulinum, which can produce stable and abundant botulinum toxin. The results were as follows:
    1.50 samples were respectively collected from the possessing places of leguminous food workshop, meaty food plant and aquatic products. We finally screened a strain of C. botulinum from soil of leguminous food workshop.
    2.Countering the screening of bacilli, samples were pre-treated by two methods —thermal disposal and alcohol disposal .The results declared that alcohol method was prior to thermal disposal.
    3.After proliferate cultivation, disport cultivation and purification, a strain, which had the same typical characteristic with C.botulinum , was obtained from soil surrounding leguminous food workshop.
     The identification of the strain included microstructure, cultural characteristic, physiological and biochemical feature. Comparison with the identification characteristic of C. botulinum, the strain belonged to serotype B or F of C. botulinum.
    Toxicity test is the most important evidence that identifies a certain serotype of C. botulinum. The result of this experiment indicated that the strain was serotype B of C. botulinum. Immune-serum reaction also obtained the same result. On the basis of the results of these two tests, the strain was identified as serotype B of C. botulinum.
     4.The toxicity of fermentative liquor was about 1000~10000MLD/ml.
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