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群体遗传学和分子系统学是遗传学研究的重要内容。本文对扇贝群体遗传学研究中的主要分子方法同工酶和RAPD标记进行了研究,利用RAPD标记分析了海湾扇贝野生群体、养殖群体和地理亚种群体的遗传结构和遗传分化,探讨了人工养殖对群体遗传多样性的影响;利用数学统计方法研究了海湾扇贝壳性状与生产性能的相关关系,得出了海湾扇贝壳性状对活体重和软体重的回归方程,分析了3个不同养殖群体的生长和产量差异;实验克隆和分析了海湾扇贝、栉孔扇贝等8种扇贝的16S rDNA基因部分序列,结合已有的5个扇贝物种的序列,利用分子数据分析了扇贝科物种的分类地位和系统演化关系。
     卜一4 1 .427+7.SOSXI+3.877X2+0.93lX3)不乞一25.771+4.574丫!十2.421X2+0.7llX3。
     165 rDNA基因序列是系统演化研究中有效的分子手段。实验对栉孔扇贝、
    165 rDNA基因部分序列进行了扩增,扩增产物转入T载体后进行了序列测
    定。各物种165 rDNA基因部分序列长度在548一642bp之间,物种间表现出较
     利用得到的8种扇贝的165 rDNA基因部分序列和文献发表的5种扇贝的
    165 rDNA基因部分序列进行了比较,采用邻接法,最大简约法和最大似然法构
    海湾扇贝和墨西哥湾扇贝以及AqueiPecten opercularis和Chla州lys glabra所在
    验结果显示,165 rDNA序列所提供的分子数据,在扇贝科的系统演化分析中?
Population genetics and molecular phylogeny are the important contents for research of mollusc genetics. Allozyme and RAPD markers were developed and applied in scallop genetic structure analysis in this dissertation. The population genetic variation and growth difference of bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, were studied by RAPDs and quantitative traits. 16S rDNA genes partial fragments of 8 species of scallop were sequenced and the molecular phylogeny of Pectinidae was analyzed based on the 16S rDNA genes.
    In order to search for the suitable method for the tissue preservation and DNA isolation of marine animals, the adductor muscle of bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) were treated with different ways, such as frozen at -20℃, fixed with 70% ethanol or 10% formaldehyde for more than 10 days. DNA templates about 20 kb were extracted successfully from the fresh, frozen and 70% ethanol fixed tissues. RAPD analysis indicated that PCR products had no obvious distinction among them in the same individual. No usable DNA was gotten from the fixed tissue in formaldehyde. The result suggests that the 70% ethanol is appropriate for tissue preservation andDNA extraction for RAPD analysis.
    To compare genetic markers for the use of population genetics analysis, allozyme electrophoresis and RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) were used to detect the genetic structure of wild Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri population. A total of 40 individuals from the same species were investigated using 10 arbitrarily selected primers (10 base). 40.74% of 54 RAPD fragments were polymorphic and revealed an average of heterozygosity with 0.194. 13 enzymes (IDH, GPI, PGM, PEP-B, PEP-D, ACP, AK, PK, GOT, SOD, EST) were selected and 22 loci were used for the population genetic analysis, among them 7 loci (Gpi, Pgm, Pep-Bl, Pep-D, Got-2, Est-2, Est-3) were polymorphic which attributed 31.82% of polymorphism.
    The average of heterozygosity was 0.113 and most of the studied loci showed a heterozygote deficiency. RAPDs revealed more genetic variation than isozyme electrophoresis, but the two kinds of markers reflected the consistent trend about the genetic structure of the population.
    Bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, was introduced to China from America in 1982, it has become one of mair) cultured species in the north of China. After culturing for more than decadal generations, its genetic structure might has changed because of the inbreeding. The RAPD markers were used to investigate the population genetic structure and their variation in four populations of A. irradians. Three populations of A. irradians irradians, one wild population was from Massachusetts of America, two cultured populations from Laizhou reared 12th generation and Dalian reared 6th generation respectively, the other cultured population, subspecies A. irradians concentricus, from Qingdao. The value of population polymorphism fluctuated from 31.54% to 35.28%, and the average of heterozygosity varied from 0.1248 to 0.1631, the wild population had the highest level of polymorphisms as well as the average heterozygosity. Dalian population revealed the higher level of polymorphisms and heterozygosity than that in Laizhou population, but there was no significant difference in body weight and shell height between them by statistical method, this result indicated that there had no distinct association between heterozygosity and growth of bay scallop. There was greater genetic distance between the population of wild A. i. irradians and A, i. concentricus (D=0.0093) than that between the wild and two cultured populations of A. i. irradians (D=0.0028, 0.0034). Our data provided some evidences that some genetic variation occurred between the different generations. The lost of genetic diversity usually caused decrease the repellency of scallop. However, the authors think the high cultured density and the deteriorating water environment are still the main reasons that caused high mortality in cultured scallop.
    A total of 139 individuals from three cultured bay scallop, A. irr
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