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There are abundant mineral resources, and mining industry is still an important pillar industry for economic development in a long time in China. With the development of economic society, as the contradiction which is between the rapid growth of demand and supply shortage for mineral resources has become increasingly prominent, the sustainable development of mining industry is an important selection to solve the problem of mineral resources bottleneck. Pingdingshan which is as a typical mining city faces the situation of mining growth gradually slowed and has formed potential crisis for economic development. The development of mineral resources industry directly relates the sustainable development of Pingdingdshan economic society.
     This paper applied the correlative theory of industrial economics and the theory of sustainable development, adopted the combination of theory and practice and the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis to roundly analyze the situation of mineral resources and industry development, to propose the sustainable development strategy of mineral resources industry and obtain the following main results:
     1. The kinds of mineral which have been discovered in Pingdingshan are further defined through analyzing and classifying about the mineral materials. Pingdingshan mineral resources and the property of geological exploration have been systematically analyzed. The condition of mineral resources and mining changes from 2001 to 2009 has been studied, and the potential of mineral resources and potential economic value have been evaluated.
     2. Based on the storage capacity of mineral resources and fully considered the influencing factors about mineral resources development to predict the age limit of mineral resources exploration. Based on the parameters about economic growth and mineral resources consumption and applied the prediction method of mineral resources consumption elastic coefficient to predict the demand conditions of Pingdingshan mineral resources in the next 15 years, to evaluate the level of protection of mineral resources for economic development.
     3. Using circular economy theory and industry chain theory to construct the industry chain, to discuss the relationship between mineral resources industry with economy, population, environment, and discuss the position and effect of mineral resources industry in economic society. The improved model of Cobb-Douglas production function was applied to evaluate the supporting capacity of mineral resources for Pingdingshan economy.
     4. Guiding with scientific development view and aiming at the sustainable development of economic society supported by mineral resources to propose the development strategy of Pingdingshan mineral resources industry. Relying on the accumulation areas of mineral resources industry, circular economy being as development mode and aiming at reasonable allocation, comprehensive utilization, coordinated development to provide the sustainable protection of mineral resources for changing Pingdingshan into the chemical industrial city in the middle of China.
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