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In 11th five-year plan for national economic and social development, it points out that energy consumption per unit of GDP should be reduced by 20%. It is a strategic goal driven by energy problems existing in the progress of China’s economic and social development, and it is the inevitable choice to ensure economic sustainable development, also it is the only way to tackle the issue of global warming. The researches at home and abroad demonstrate that revenue policy plays a significant role in promoting energy conservation, especially for enterprises, the main body of micro-economic activities. As the major participants of energy consuming and pollutant emission, enterprises’energy conservation contributes a lot to a nation’s energy saving strategy. However, the current revenue policies to promote enterprises’energy conservation in China haven’t been forming a system yet, and some unsound relevant policies just cover very limited scopes and offer weak support. The present research points out that relevant revenue polices should be perfected to boost enterprises’energy conservation.
     This thesis applies combined methods of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, normative analysis and empirical analysis to explore the theoretical foundation and mechanism of revenue policy’s role on energy conservation for enterprises, while the author makes a tentative study on current situation of revenue policies and existing problems in the process of promoting China’s enterprises’energy conservation. In addition to learning from relevant foreign experience, the present paper puts forward some suggestions to reform and improve relevant revenue policies according to China’s reality.
     This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter introduces the research background and significance of China’s revenue policies for promoting enterprises’energy conservation. Literature review concerning revenue policies for promoting enterprises’energy conservation at home and abroad, research framework, research methods, innovation, and limitation are also stated in this chapter. The second chapter analyzes the theoretical foundation of revenue policy’s role on enterprises’energy conservation and working mechanism of revenue policy to promote energy conservation for enterprises. The third chapter makes a study on current situation of enterprises’energy conservation in China, and discusses deficiency of relevant revenue policies. The fourth chapter introduces some countries’revenue policies on promoting enterprises’energy conservation, and it would bring us some inspiration on improving China’s revenue policies of energy conservation. The fifth chapter comes up with advice and suggestions to reform and improve China’s revenue policies on energy conservation for enterprises in accordance with the deficiencies shown at present.
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