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The groundwater activity of the mining area is always major research of the mine environment. As a secondary material mine of Lafarge cement division of
    Dujiangyan city, Baiyi'an mudstone mine occur many problems such as tension fracture, collapse, the outflow of groundwater from the slope and its enrichment in the ore bed from the exploitation in 2003.Such problems not only bring troubles to the exploitation of the mining area now, but also give birth to incipient fault for the safety of the mining activity. This paper makes use of several methods such as hydrogeology survey, experiment (field and indoor), numeric simulation etc, focally studies the characteristic of the groundwater storage, dynamic and circulation in the mining area and systematically analyzes the groundwater environmental effect caused by the mine exploitation. After the formation of the mining pit, we simulate the collection of groundwater to the mining pit and compute the water-collecting amount of the mining pit.
    The results show that the exploitation of the mining area not only changes stratigraphic structure, but also alters cyclical conditions of the groundwater in the ming area, which influences the groundwater flow field and will bring many environmental effect. For the change of the redox conditions of the ore bed, some harmful substances of which will enter into the groundwater caused by the oxidation reaction and alter the quality of the groundwater. The formation of mining slope makes the groundwater effuse the stratum so as to cause the aquifer level fall down. The runoff of the groundwater will lead to the compaction and settlement of the runoff stratum. The
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