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We are facing the complex international and domestic economic situation now. It requires a rapid exchange of the way on how China economic grows urgently. Among these massive requirements during the exchange, developing high-tech industries and industrial structure upgrade are the top priority. It is critical to get a sustainable and stable development of China's economy.
     This paper analyzes that the new economic growth theories on taking human capital, knowledge or technological advances as the core endogenous variables to explain long-term continuous economic growth. We believe consider that research and development activities on "technical innovation production" are the drive of economic growth. Since these endogenous variables are extremely sensitive to fiscal policy, it represents that the government policy plays a key role in the long-term economic growth theoretically. The high-tech industry is high intelligence-intensive and high-tech intensive. It also has the highest investment on research and development activities as its signature. It has the most intensive factor of the technological advancement and the most output from technical innovation. Thus it is extremely important to promote the economic growth. As the critical sector on the technological innovation and the creation of technical advancement in economic reality, the high-tech industry should be the primary focus of fiscal policy targets.
     This paper is based on the new economic theories and the reality of the country's economic situations. It fully stresses financial analysis angle of "State-centered Viewpoint". The fiscal policy goals should be changed from short-term demand-driven to long-term supply-driven, to foster long-term economic growth factors. Among these, the promotion of technology advances is the signature of supply-driven. The promotion of the development and concentration of high-tech industries is very critical. According to the R&D investment and high-tech industry development actual situation analysis, this paper shows that China's current fiscal policy to promote the development of high-tech industry meet a critical gap. Based on the analysis of major financial policy of western developed countries to develop the high-tech industries and combined with China's current stage of economic development, it gives us suggestions to improve our current fiscal policy enhancement, direction and focus. To promote of high-tech industry, especially to achieve the promotion of technological innovation and stimulate our economy's long-term sustained growth, based on various theoretical research and analysis of economic realities, this paper researches the following several areas of the fiscal policy analysis we need to focus on: promoting the innovative development of high-tech industry clusters, promoting and optimizing the investment in human capital, implementing incentive-oriented fiscal policy.
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