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大赦国际(Amnesty International)是最重要的国际人权非政府组织之一,也是迄今为止极少数活动范围真正涉及全球的国际人权非政府组织之一。作为成立最早、影响最大、活动范围最广的国际人权非政府组织,大赦国际极具代表性,有充分的研究价值。尽管我国目前已经有不少研究非政府组织或国际非政府组织的学术成果,但单独研究国际人权非政府组织、特别是选取其中某一组织进行深入剖析的研究成果还比较缺乏。
Amnesty International (AI) is one of the most important international HumanRights NGOs in the world, and one of the real “international” Human Rights NGOsuntil now when considering their activity range. AI has the longest history, the mostprofound effects and the most extensive activity range in all international HumanRights NGOs. For AI is a typical international Human Rights NGOs, it has great valuesto research. There are many researches on international NGOs in China now.Nonetheless, researches on international Human Rights NGOs are lacking, to saynothing of case study of AI or other international Human Rights NGOs. This paper willdo some research on AI, investigating its strategies and influences through textanalysis and case study.
     This paper will make a research on AI, and the main questions are: What are AI’sstrategies in its actions? And is there a distinct difference between AI’s strategies forChina and other countries? This paper deals with AI’s publications about China andthe United States from2001till2011, including reports, press releases and urgentactions–using content analysis, data statistics and analysis and comparative analysis.Margaret E.Keck and Kathryn Sikkink’s perspective in Activists beyond Borders:Advocacy Networks in International Politics do make a great help when analyzing I’sstrategies. They summarized four strategies when doing a research on InternationalHuman Rights Advocacy Network, including Information Politics, Symbolic Politics,Leverage Politics and Responsible Politics.
     This paper makes a standpoint that AI can make a combination of strategies ofInformation Politics, Symbolic Politics, Leverage Politics and Responsible Politics in itsactions as an important actor in International Human Rights Advocacy Networks.They also can make some adjustments in according with different countries andcircumstances to make influences ranging from international level, national level to individual level. AI makes a great concern both for China and the United States aboutall aspects of their Human Rights, and adjusts its strategies in according withdifferent countries and circumstances in its actions in these two countries. Textanalysis on China and the United States and case studies on the2008Beijing OlympicGames and the US Guantanamo prison can demonstrate it.
     We can make a conclusion through comparative analysis of I’s actions in Chinaand the United States that I’s characteristics of strategies are paying attentions toeffects of conceptions and ethics about Human Rights; concerning all Human Rightsproblems in all countries all over the world; having interests in new cases and specificin some countries and regions, and updating Human Rights informations in time. Inthe same time, AI has an obverse bias in its actions: AI emphasizes civil and politicalrights and does more works in big powers like China and the United States. It isdifferent to objects and targets which AI said in public before, having an influence onAI’s fairness and neutrality
     Though China is a socialist state, AI does not make a different in its concern andactions. AI chooses China to be one of its biggest objects just because China is one ofthe big powers in international society and there are some Human Rights problems inthe process of development in China. This conculsion is different to prevalentcognition about AI in China now.
     For I’s concern for China is increasing these years, and its defect can not to bechanged or eliminated, we have to make a study on AI and other internationalHuman Rights NGOs. Therefore, we can understand their strategies and featuresprofoundly, and make some policies to develop relations with them better.
    19Louis Henkin and John Lawrence Hargrove ed.,“Human Rights: An Agenda for the NextCentury”, The American Society of International Law,1994, Chapter15, p.405.
    20Upendra Baxi, The Future of Human Rights: The Practices of Contemporary Human RightsActivism, Oxford University Press,2002, p.42.
    23如提出假设并发展相关推论,对各不同因素在影响大赦国际等国际人权非政府组织行动时的重要性等进行验证,具体参见Jackie Smith, Ron Pagnucco and George A. Lopez,“Globalizing Human Rights The Work of Transnational Human Rights NGOs in the1990s”, HumanRights Quarterly, Vol.20.2,1998和James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGO Human Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, InternationalStudies Quarterly,(2005)49。
    25James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49.
    26Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009.
    29Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,2001.
    30Makau Mutua,“Human Rights International NGOs: A Critical Evacuation”, Claude E. Welch,eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia: University ofPennsylvania Press,2001, pp.151-163.
    31Ibid., p.159.
    32Ibid., p.157.
    33David L. Cingranelli and David L. Richards,“Measuring the Impacts of Human RightsOrganizations”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance,Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, pp.225-237.
    34David L. Cingranelli and David L. Richards,“Measuring the Impacts of Human RightsOrganizations”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance,Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.226.
    35Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, pp.25-54.
    36Ibid., pp.26-28.
    38Thomas Buergenthal, Dinah Shelton and David Stewart, International Human Rights in aNutshell, West Group,3rd ed.,2002.
    39David Weissbrodt,“The Contribution of International Nongovernmental Organizations to theProtection of Human Rights”, Theodor Meron, eds., Human Rights in International Law: Legal andPolicy Issues, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1984, pp.403-438.
    40David Weissbrodt,“The Role of International Nongovernmental Organizations in theImplementation of Human Rights”, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.12,1977.
    41Thomas Buergenthal and Judith V. Torney,“Expanding the International Human RightsResearch Agenda”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.23, No.2, June1979, pp.321-334.
    43Gerd Oberleitner, global human rights institutions: between remedy and ritual, Cambridge:Polity Press,2007.
    44David Weissbrodt,“The Contribution of International Nongovernmental Organizations to theProtection of Human Rights”, Theodor Meron, eds., Human Rights in International Law: Legal andPolicy Issues, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1984, p.409.
    45Julie Fisher, Non-governments: NGOs and the Political Development of the Third World, WestHartford: Kumarian Press,1998.
    46Peter R. Baehr, Non-Governmental Human Rights Organizations in International Relations,Palgrave Macmillan,2009.
    47David P. Forsythe, Human Rights in International Relations, Cambridge, UK: CambridgeUniversity Press,2nd ed.,2006.
    48Jackie Smith, Ron Pagnucco and George A. Lopez,“Globalizing Human Rights The Work ofTransnational Human Rights NGOs in the1990s”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.20.2,1998.
    49Laurie S. Wiseberg,“Protecting Human Rights Activists and NGOs: What More Can Be Done?”,Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.13.4,1991.
    52Peter Van Tuijl,“NGOs and Human Rights: Sources of Justice and Democracy”, Journal ofInternational Affairs,52, No.2, Spring,1999.
    53Jack Donnelly,“International Human Rights Regime nalysis”, International Organization,Vol.40, No.3, Summer,1986.
    54Ann Marie Clark, Elisabeth J. Friedman and Kathryn Hochstetler,“The Sovereign Limits ofGlobal Civil Society: A Comparison of NGO Participation in UN World Conferences on theEnvironment, Human Rights, and Women”, World Politics,1998,51,1,(October).
    55Thomas G. Weiss and Leon Gordenker, eds., NGOs, the UN and Global Governance, Boulder:Lynne Rienner,1996.
    56Peter Willetts eds.,“The Conscience of the World”: The Influence of Non-GovernmentalOrganizations in the UN System, Washington: Brookings,1996.
    59Peter Willetts,“Consultative Status for NGOs at the United Nations”; Jane Connors,“NGOs andthe Human Rights of Women at the United Nations”; Michael Longford,“NGOs and the Rights ofthe Child”, Peter Willetts eds.,“The Conscience of the World”: The Influence of Non-GovernmentalOrganizations in the UN System, Washington: Brookings,1996.
    60Helena Cook,“Amnesty International at the United Nations”, Peter Willetts eds.,“TheConscience of the World”: The Influence of Non-Governmental Organizations in the UN System,Washington: Brookings,1996.
    61Jan Wouters and Ingrid Rossi, Human Rights NGOs: Role, Structure and Legal Status, Institutefor International Law, K.U. Leuven,2001,https://www.law.kuleuven.be/iir/nl/onderzoek/wp/WP14e.pdf(2012.3.28).
    62Nigel S Rodley,“Human Rights NGOs Rights and Obligations, Present Status and Perspectives”,The Legitimacy of the United Nations: Towards an Enhanced Legal Status of Non-state Actors, SIMSpecial No.19,1997.
    63包括议程设定、标准制定、保护人权、援助和教育等方面。Nigel S Rodley,“Human RightsNGOs: Rights and Obligations, Present Status and Perspectives”, The Legitimacy of the UnitedNations: Towards an Enhanced Legal Status of Non-state Actors, SIM Special No.19,1997, pp.4-6.
    64Ibid., p.6.
    65William Korey, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“A Curious Grapevine”,Palgrave Macmillan,2009.
    66William Korey,“’To Light a Candle’: Amnesty International and the ‘Prisoners of Conscience’”,NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“A Curious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, pp.159-180.
    68William Korey,“Overcoming the Crisis of Growth: Human Rights Watch Spans the Globe”,NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“A Curious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, pp.339-367.
    69Widney Brown,“Human Rights Watch: An Overview”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and HumanRights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, pp.72-84.
    72Claude E. Welch,“Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch: A Comparison”, Claude E.Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia: University ofPennsylvania Press,2001, pp.85-118.
    73James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49.
    74作者之所以选取这两种出版物进行研究,是因为这两种出版物比较具有代表性。背景报告较长,面向联合国和各国政府,比较具有官方的性质;新闻稿则比较短,主要面向媒体和公众,更注重实效性。Ibid., p.561.
    76如大赦国际出于实际考虑,其关注是有所侧重的。大赦国际更愿意选择大国或热点地区作为其关注对象,因为这样能够在国际社会吸引更多目光,也关系到涉及组织生存的财政问题。同时,大赦国际也存在过于迎合媒体的问题。James Ron, Howard Ramos and KathleenRodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGO Human Rights Reporting,1986-2000”,International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49, pp.573-576.
    77Ann Marie Clark, Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing Human RightsNorms, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press,2001.
    79Virginia Leary,“A New Role for Non-governmental Organizations in Human Rights: A CaseStudy of Non-governmental Participations in the Development of International Norms of Torture”,Antonio Cassese, eds., UN Law/Fundamental Rights, Netherlands: Sitjhoff&Noordhoff,1979.
    80Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009.
    82书中称“六四事件”为“天安门事件”(Tiananmen Square)。
    83Jonathan Power, Like Water on Stone: The Story of Amnesty International, Boston:Northeastern University Press,2011.
    85Stephen Hopgood, Keepers of the Flame: Understanding Amnesty International, Cornell:Cornell University Press,1984.
    86Egon Larsen, A Flame in Barbed Wire: The Story of Amnesty International, London: FrederickMuller Limited,1978.
    87Ramesh Thakur,“Human Rights: Amnesty International and the United Nations”, Journal ofPeace Research, Vol.31, No.2,1994, pp.143-160.
    88Harry M. Scoble and Laurie S. Wiseberg,“Human Rights NGOs: Notes towards ComparativeAnalysis”, Revue Des Droits De L'Homme,1972, pp.611-644.
    89Ibid., p.632.
    90Ibid., pp.636-639.
    91Jackie Smith, Charles Chatfield and Ron Pagnucco, eds., Transitional Social Movements andGlobal Politics: Solidarity beyond the State, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press,1997.
    92Henry J. Steiner, Diverse Partners: Non Governmental Organizations and the Human RightsMovement, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law College,1991.
    97陈明玉:《试论软国际关系――国际非政府组织作用下之国际关系的人道方面研究(SoftInternational Relations-Study on the Human Side of International Relations by InternationalNGOs)》,北京大学国际关系学院硕士学位论文,2007年5月。
    98Mughis Ahmad, Amir Ali Chandio and Fozia Naseem,“Human Rights and Non-GovernmentalOrganizations: A Case Study”, Berkeley Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.1, No.4, April2011.
    99Claude E. Welch, Protecting Human Rights in Africa: Strategies and Roles of Non GovernmentalOrganizations, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,1995.
    100Kiyoteru Tsutsui and Christine Min Wotipka,“Global Civil Society and the International HumanRights Movement: Citizen Participation in Human Rights International NongovernmentalOrganizations”, Social Forces, Vol.83, No.2, December2004.
    163该报告将国际非政府组织称为“外国非政府组织”。由于两者英文名称均为Non-Government Organizations(NGOs),因此,在该报告中,两者区别不大,可以等同对待。
    192Robyn Wexler、徐莹、Nick Young:《非政府组织倡导在中国的现状》,中国发展简报报告,2006年9月。
    211James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49.
    214James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49.
    242Year Book of International Associations, Brussels: Union of International Associations,1999/2000, http://www.uia.org.
    246《非政府组织与联合国新闻部:一些问题和回答》,http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/ngo/qanda.html(2012.3.22)。1948年,联合国经社理事会最初给予了41个非政府组织咨商地位。截至到2011年11月15日,在联合国享有三类咨商地位的非政府组织共计3500个,其中享有普遍咨商地位的有144个,享有专门咨商地位的有2408个,列入名册的有948个。United Nations Economic and Social Council: List ofnon-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council as of1September2011, http://csonet.org/content/documents/E2011INF4.pdf(2012.3.14)。
    247David Korten先在论文《第三代非政府组织战略》中把非政府组织分为三代,具体参见David Korten,“Thind Generation NGO Strategies: A Key to People-Centered Development”, WorldDevelopment, Vol.15,1987;后又在专著《走向21世纪:志愿行动和全球议程》中补充了新近出现的第四代非政府组织,具体参见David Korten, Getting to the21th Century: VoluntaryAction and Global Agenda, West Hartford: Kumarian Press,1990。
    257Union of International Associations, Yearbook of International Organizations1988-1989,Munich: Saur Verlag,1988, p.36.
    258Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye,“Globalization: What’s New? What’s Not?”, ForeignPolicy,2000.
    262John Boli and George M. Thomas, eds., Constructing World Culture: InternationalNongovernmental Organizations since1875, California: Stanford University Press,1999, pp.41-42.
    263Lester M. Salamon and Helmet K. Anheier, Defining the Nonprofit Sector: A Cross-nationalAnalysis, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press,1997, pp.56-81.
    269Robin Fox,“Human Nature and Human Rights”, the International Interest, No.62, Winter2000/01, pp.77-86.转引自何志鹏:《人权全球化基本理论研究》,北京:科学出版社2008年,第14页。
    285这一观点最初由法国法学家卡莱尔·瓦萨克(Karel Vasak)在担任联合国教科文组织法律顾问时,于1979年7月人权国际协会第十届研究会议的开幕讲演中提出。当时,卡莱尔·瓦萨克特别注重对第三代人权的定义和说明,认为其主要内容是:环境、发展、和平、共同继承财产、交流和人道主义援助。陈云生:《权利相对论——权利和义务价值模式的建构》,北京:人民出版社1994年,第38-42页。
    297Jack Donnelly,“International Human Rights Regime nalysis”, International Organization,Vol.40, No.3, Summer,1986, p.607; Thomas Buergenthal and Judith V. Torney,“Expanding theInternational Human Rights Research Agenda”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.23, No.2, June1979, p.326.
    311如国际废奴社(The Anti-Slavery Society)成立于1839年,国际红十字委员会(InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross)成立于1863年。
    313Jackie Smith, Ron Pagnucco and George A. Lopez,“Globalizing Human Rights: The Work ofTransnational Human Rights NGOs in the1990s”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.20(1998), p.386.
    314Kiyoteru Tsutsui and Christine Min Wotipka,“Global Civil Society and the International HumanRights Movement: Citizen Participation in Human Rights International NongovernmentalOrganizations”, Social Forces, Vol.83, No.2, December2004, p.593.
    316国际人权非政府组织的总数为295个,位于各地区的国际人权非政府组织的具体比例为:非洲9%,亚洲15%,东欧1%,西欧46%,拉美7%,中东2%,北美17%,太平洋2%。JackieSmith, Ron Pagnucco and George Lopez,“Globalizing Human Rights The Work of TransnationalHuman Rights NGOs in the1990s”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.20(1998), p.387.
    318James V Riker,"Contending Perspectives for Interpreting Government-NGO Relations in Southand Southeast Asia: Constraints, Challenges and the Search for Common Ground in RuralDevelopment," Noleen Hyzer, James V Riker and Antonio B. Quizon ed., Government-NGORelations in Asia: Prospects and Challenges for People-Centered Development, London:MacMillan Press,1995, p.23.
    319Jackie Smith, Ron Pagnucco and George Lopez,“Globalizing Human Rights The Work ofTransnational Human Rights NGOs in the1990s”, HumanRights Quarterly, Vol.20.2,1998, p.389.
    323联合国人权委员会任意监察工作小组(the Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions)1995年的一份文件统计显示:该工作组在1994年期间所处理的案件信息中,有97%是由非政府组织报告的,其中74%是由国际非政府组织报告的,23%是由国内非政府组织报告的,只有3%的案件是由家庭报告的。蔡拓、刘贞晔:《人权非政府组织与联合国》,《国际观察》2005年第1期。
    325Cynthia Price Cohen,“The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations in the Drafting of theConvention on the Rights of the Child”, Human Rights Quarterly,12(1990), p.137; Peter R. Baehr,Non-Governmental Human Rights Organizations in International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.122.
    326Mary Robinson, Human Rights at the Dawn of the21stCentury, Human Rights Quarterly, Nov.1993, p.629.
    327Peter Childs,"Amnesty International", Mike Storry eds., Encyclopedia of Contemporary BritishCulture, London: Routledge,2002, pp.22-23.
    330现任委员有Bernard Sintobin、Euntae Go、Guadalupe Rivas、Julio Torales、Mwikali NziokaMuthiani、Nicole Bieske、Pietro Antonioli、Rune Arctander、Sandra Lutchman和Zuzanna Kulinskag共10人,http://www.amnesty.org(2012.4.5)。
    331Salil Shetty自2010年7月起担任大赦国际秘书长一职,http://www.amnesty.or(g2012.4.5)。
    332现任高级理事有Claudio Cordone、Colm ó Cuanacháin、George Macfarlane、Sara Wilbourne和Widney Brown共5人,http://www.amnesty.org(2012.4.5)。
    342最终,大赦国际仍然接受了诺贝尔和平奖,但是将奖金专门用于帮助建立新的分会,而非用于运动等实践活动。具体参见William Korey,“’To Light a Candle’: Amnesty Internationaland the ‘Prisoners of Conscience’”, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“ACurious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.170。
    343Nigel S Rodley,“Human Rights NGOs Rights and Obligations, Present Status andPerspectives”, The Legitimacy of the United Nations: Towards an Enhanced Legal Status ofNon-state Actors, SIM Special No.19,1997, p.46.
    351Mokken规模分析与政治恐怖尺度指数类似,根据法外处决、消失、政治监禁和酷刑的程度考察79个国家对人权的尊重程度,以三年为一个时间段进行分析,并将结果从弱到强用数字0-8表示。同政治恐怖尺度指数相同,Mokken规模分析的信息来源也是大赦国际的年度国别报告以及美国国务院的国别人权报告。具体介绍参见David L. Cingranelli and David L.Richards,“Measuring the Level, Pattern, and Sequence of Government Respect for PhysicalIntegrity Rights”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.43(2),1999, pp.407-417。
    352James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49, p.560.
    356James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49, p.559.
    361Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.36.
    362Laurie S. Wiseberg,“Protecting Human Rights Activists and NGOs: What More Can Be Done?”,Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.13.4,1991, p.532.
    364Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.36.
    367Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report2004, Index Number: POL10/004/2004,Date Published:25May2004,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/POL10/004/2004/en/33dd427d-d627-11dd-ab95-a13b602c0642/pol100042004en.html(2013.3.8).
    376Ann Marie Clark, Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing HumanRights Norms, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press,2001, p.17.
    380http://www.amnesty.org/en/library,在“Advanced Search”模式下进行搜索,“Country”一项中选择“All Countries”,“Issue”一项中选择“All Issues”,“Language”一项中选择“English”,“Documents”一项中选择“Reports”、“Press Materials”或“Urgent Actions”,并对时间段进行限制(2011-01-01至2011-12-31)。
    381William Korey, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“Curious Grapevine”,Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.171.
    382大赦国际在运动中成功推出了和虐待者相关的“普遍的犯罪权限(universal criminaljurisdiction)”的概念,受到广泛关注。霍淑红:《国际非政府组织(INGOs)的角色分析——全球化时代INGOs在国际机制发展中的作用》,北京:中央编译出版社2011年,第170页。
    383随后几年,联合国开始了对酷刑标准进行设定的工作。具体参见Virginia Leary,“A New Rolefor Non-governmental Organizations in Human Rights: A Case Study of Non-governmentalParticipations in the Development of International Norms of Torture”, Antonio Cassese, eds., UNLaw/Fundamental Rights, Netherlands: Sitjhoff&Noordhoff,1979, p.197。
    384全称为《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约(The United NationsConvention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)》,http://www.un.org/chinese/hr/issue/docs/39.PDF(2013.1.21)。
    385“酷刑”指“为了向某人或第三者取得情报或供状,为了他或第三者所作或涉嫌的行为对他加以处罚,或为了恐吓或威胁他或第三者,或为了基于任何一种歧视的任何理由,蓄意使某人在肉体或精神上遭受剧烈疼痛或痛苦的任何行为,而这种疼痛或痛苦是由公职人员或以官方身份行使职权的其他人所造成或在其唆使、同意或默许下造成的。纯因法律制裁而引起或法律制裁所固有或附带的疼痛或痛苦不包括在内”。William Korey,“’To Light a Candle’:Amnesty International and the ‘Prisoners of Conscience’”, NGOs and the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights:“A Curious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.175.
    386Nigel Rodley, The treatment of prisoners under international law, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1987, pp.121-122.
    387http://www.amnesty.org/en/library,在“Advanced Search”模式下进行搜索,“Keywords”一项中输入“Death Penalty”,“Country”一项中选择“All Countries”,“Issue”一项中选择“All Issues”,“Language”一项中选择“English”,“Documents”一项中选择“Reports”、“PressMaterials”或“Urgent Actions”,并对时间段进行限制(2011-01-01至2011-12-31)。但是,这种检索方法只能得出十分粗略的结果,因为有些对死刑进行关注的出版物并没有在标题中使用“death penalty”的字样。因此,大赦国际对死刑进行关注的出版物的实际数量比该结果更多。
    3882011年,大赦国际共发布了163篇报告、564篇新闻稿和825篇紧急行动。http://www.amnesty.org/en/library,在“Advanced Search”模式下进行搜索,“Country”一项中选择“All Countries”,“Issue”一项中选择“All Issues”,“Language”一项中选择“English”,“Documents”一项中选择“Reports”、“Press Materials”或“Urgent Actions”,并对时间段进行限制(2011-01-01至2011-12-31)。
    393国际人权非政府组织在援助实施前所发布的针对援助对象国人权状况的报告的作用往往远大于援助实施后所发布的同样主题的报告。冷战结束后,在人权观察等人权组织的游说下,美国减少了对索马里西亚德政权、利比里亚多伊政权和扎伊尔蒙博托政权的援助,并停止了对安哥拉反对派萨文比领导的安盟的援助;欧盟在援助协定中正式把人权作为条件;日本则把人权作为决定是否给予海外开发援助的一个因素。Laurie S. Wiseberg,“Protecting HumanRights Activists and NGOs: What More Can Be Done?”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.13.4,1991,p.531;盛红生、贺兵主编:《当代国际关系中的“第三者”——非政府组织问题研究》,北京:时事出版社2004年,第331页。
    399William Korey, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“Curious Grapevine”,Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.260.
    400Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.5.
    402Ann Marie Clark, Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing HumanRights Norms, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press,2001, p.4.
    403具体例子参见International Commission of Jurists,“Preliminary Evaluation of the UN WorldConference on Human Rights”, International Commission of Juriste Review50,1993, p.109和Donna Sullivan,“Envisioning Women’s Human Rights: What Was Achieved in Beijing?”, ChinaHuman Rights Forum, Winter,1995, p.19。
    404Amnesty International, Statement of Aims: Amnesty International and Cooperation withOther Non Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Actors, London: AmnestyInternational,1996.
    405Jan Egeland, Impotent Superpower–Potent Small State: Potentials and Limitations of HumanRights Objectives in the Foreign Policies of the United States and Norway, Oslo: NorwegianUniversity Press,1988, p.193.
    406如1976年,阿根廷发生政变并出现侵犯人权的行为,美国政府取消了对其的军事援助。在采取行动初期,美国政府的主要依据是大赦国际以及其他非政府组织所提供的人权纪录,而非美国使馆或国务院等官方渠道收集到的信息。Iain Guest, Behind the Disappearance:Argentina’s Dirty War against Human Rights and the United Nations, Philadelphia: University ofPennsylvania Press,1990, pp.66-67.
    414William Korey,“Overcoming the Crisis of Growth: Human Rights Watch Spans the Globe”,NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“A Curious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.339.
    416Laurie S. Wiseberg,“Protecting Human Rights Activists and NGOs: What More Can Be Done?”,Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.13.4,1991, p.531.
    417David Weissbrodt,“The Contribution of International Nongovernmental Organizations to theProtection of Human Rights”, Theodor Meron, eds., Human Rights in International Law: Legal andPolicy Issues, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1984, p.411; William Korey,“Overcoming the Crisis ofGrowth: Human Rights Watch Spans the Globe”, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of HumanRights:“A Curious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.339.
    418James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49.http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2010-09/26/content_1709942.htm(2013.3.5);罗艳华:《中国与国际人权合作》,李君如主编:《中国人权事业发展报告(2011)》,北京:社会科学文献出版社2011年,第449页。
    509《联合国人权高专澄清:未受到出席诺贝尔和平奖颁奖仪式的邀请》,http://www.iolaw.org.cn/showNews.asp?id=24861(2013.3.5)。5102011年9月,联合国人权高专办特别机制司司长简·康妮(Jane Connors)女士参加了第四届北京人权论坛并致辞。《第四届北京人权论坛开幕》,http://www.humanrights.cn/cn/zt/tbbd/37/4/t20110921_797511.htm(2013.3.5)。
    540James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49, p.572.
    541Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.37.
    542William Korey,“’To Light a Candle’: Amnesty International and the ‘Prisoners of Conscience’”,NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“A Curious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.168.
    543在俄克拉荷马州,涉及性暴力的案件的排序是最后的、优先度是最不重要的,并且最终会被搁置或遗忘。Amnesty International, United States of America: Maze of injustice: the failureto protect Indigenous women from sexual violence in the USA: End injustice-effectiveprosecutions, Index Number: AMR51/058/2007, Date Published:24April2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/058/2007/en/96944ef6-d3a1-11dd-a329-2f46
    544Amnesty International, United States of America: Maze of injustice: The failure to protectindigenous women from violence: End injustice-free forensic examinations, Index Number: AMR51/056/2007, Date Published:24April2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/056/2007/en/b96dd104-d3a1-11dd-a329-2f46302a8cc6/amr510562007en.html(2013.3.10).
    545Amnesty International, United States of America: Maze of injustice: The failure to protectIndigenous women from sexual violence in the USA: End injustice-Indigenous voices must beheard, Index Number: AMR51/059/2007, Date Published:24April2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/059/2007/en/8388f827-d3a1-11dd-a329-2f46302a8cc6/amr510592007en.html(2013.3.10).
    546Amnesty International, United States of America: Maze of injustice: The failure to protectIndigenous women from sexual violence in the USA: End injustice-better policing, Index Number:AMR51/057/2007, Date Published:24April2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/057/2007/en/a823b334-d3a1-11dd-a329-2f46302a8cc6/amr510572007en.html(2013.3.10).
    547Amnesty International, United States of America: Maze of injustice: The failure to protectindigenous women from violence, Index Number: AMR51/035/2007, Date Published:24April2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/035/2007/en/ce2336a3-d3ad-11dd-a329-2f46302a8cc6/amr510352007en.html(2013.3.10).的服务;检阅了有关孕产妇死亡的媒体报导及现有关于孕产妇健康和保健的医疗和公共卫生文献;集中研究了保健供应和结果的差别,以及可预防的死亡和并发症。AmnestyInternational, USA: Deadly delivery: The maternal health care crisis in the USA, Index Number:AMR51/007/2010, Date Published:12March2010,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/007/2010/en/926e361c-4941-45c5-9368-ab18859254fd/amr510072010en.pdf(2013.3.10).
    550Amnesty International, USA: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review: Ninth session ofthe UPR Working Group of the Human Rights Council, November-December2010, Index Number:AMR51/027/2010, Date Published:19April2010,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/027/2010/en/cf00e3f9-6289-4051-8d24-05795a4b4375/amr510272010en.html(2013.3.10).
    551Amnesty International, USA: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review: Ninth session ofthe UPR Working Group of the Human Rights Council, November-December2010, Index Number:AMR51/027/2010, Date Published:19April2010,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/027/2010/en/cf00e3f9-6289-4051-8d24-05795a4b4375/amr510272010en.html(2013.3.10).
    552Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Council Fourteenth Session,31May-18June2010:Amnesty International Written Statements, November-December2010, Index Number: IOR41/014/2010, Date Published:1May2010,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/IOR41/014/2010/en/03b02be8-0c2a-45cf-b7d9-e8dc6bf8030d/ior410142010en.pdf(2013.3.10).
    553Amnesty International, From promises to delivery-putting human rights at the heart of theMillennium Development Goals, Index Number: IOR41/012/2010, Date Published:9June2010,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/IOR41/012/2010/en/9b4144aa-c964-4a08-ab92-6fb89cbfab5/ior410122010en.pdf(2013.3.10).
    54Amnesty International, USA: Stonewalled-still demanding respect. Police abuses againstesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the USA, Index Number: AMR51/001/2006, Dateublished:23March2006,ttp://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/001/2006/en/f618ee08-d46f-11dd-8743-d305ea2b2c7/amr510012006en.html(2013.3.10).
    55Amnesty International, USA: Stonewalled-still demanding respect: Police abuse andisconduct against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the USA: City Profiles, Indexumber: AMR51/025/2006, Date Published:23March2006,ttp://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/025/2006/en/d8d44657-d45d-11dd-8743-d30bea2b2c7/amr510252006en.html(2013.3.10).
    56Amnesty International, United States of America: Stonewalled-Still demanding respect:olice abuse and misconduct against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the USAFocus sheets), Index Number: AMR51/026/2006, Date Published:23March2006,ttp://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/026/2006/en/be1d6fe0-d45d-11dd-8743-d30bea2b2c7/amr510262006en.html(2013.3.10).
    557William Korey,“’To Light a Candle’: Amnesty International and the ‘Prisoners of Conscience’”,NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:“A Curious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmilla2009, p.168.
    558Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.218.
    559James P. Sterba,“Carter, Ending China Trip, Stresses Taiwan Issue”, New York Times,4September1981, section A2.
    560Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.281.
    561Amnesty International, US: Government creating "climate of torture", Index Number: AMR51/070/2006, Date Published:2May2006,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/070/2006/en/8c238264-d437-11dd-8743-d30
    562Amnesty International, International Criminal Court: US efforts to obtain impunity forgenocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, Index Number: IOR40/025/2002, DatePublished:1September2002,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/IOR40/025/2002/en/2852a5e4-d7f4-11dd-9df8-936c90684588/ior400252002en.html(2013.3.10).
    563Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report2002, Index Number: POL10/001/2002,Date Published:27May2002,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/POL10/001/2002/en/bc051d3c-d8a8-11dd-ad8c-f3d4445c118e/pol100012002en.html(2013.3.9).
    601Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.19.
    602Amnesty International, USA: Further information: Governor imposes moratorium onexecutions, Index Number: AMR51/096/2011, Date Published:23November2011,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/096/2011/en/87705c1c-f967-4c32-be4a-b956f2acb1f4/amr510962011en.html(2013.3.12).
    603Amnesty International, USA: Further information: No death penalty for former secret detainee,Index Number: AMR51/110/2009, Date Published:8October2009,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/110/2009/en/0e549718-22b1-4fa2-8387-4ba5b63fcfd9/amr511102009en.html(2013.3.12).
    604Amnesty International, Amnesty International Annual Review2004-05Local action Globalimpact, Index Number: ORG10/001/2006, Date Published:1February2006,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/ORG10/001/2006/en/d1ad4549-d462-11dd-8743-d305bea2b2c7/org100012006en(2013.3.12).
    605Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.164.
    606Amnesty International, USA-Amnesty International Report2007: Human Rights in UnitedStates of America, http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/usa/report-2007(2013.3.12).
    607Amnesty International, Syria/Jordan/Canada/USA: Canadian inquiry underlines need forinvestigation into Maher Arar case in Syria and Jordan, Index Number: AMR51/152/2007, DatePublished:5October2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/POL30/041/2006/en/62e656cf-d3ef-11dd-8743-d305bea2b2c7/pol300412006en.html(2013.3.12); Amnesty International, Canada/USA: Visit toCanada of former US President George W. Bush and Canadian obligations under international law:Amnesty International memorandum to the Canadian authorities, Index Number: AMR51/080/2011, Date Published:12October2011,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/080/2011/en/24331aed-212e-4bc3-841d-72b262e2ab51/amr510802011en.pdf(2013.3.12).
    608Amnesty International, USA: Conviction of war objector would violate international rights,Index Number: AMR51/152/2007, Date Published:5October2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/152/2007/en/49c52551-d364-11dd-a329-2f46302a8cc6/amr511522007en.html(2013.3.12).
    609Amnesty International, USA: Soldier imprisoned as conscientious objector: Travis Bishop, IndexNumber: AMR51/093/2009, Date Published:24August2009,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/093/2009/en/bb7a6bba-48c4-49ba-975f-af5bc0ff9c5e/amr510932009en.html(2013.3.12).
    610Amnesty International, USA: Abdullah Webster and Camilo Mejia's message after beingreleased, Index Number: AMR51/076/2005, Date Published:12May2005,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/076/2005/en/4cd7473c-d4ec-11dd-8a23-d58a49c0d652/amr510762005en.html(2013.3.12).
    611Amnesty International, USA: Further information on Incommunicado detention/Fear ofill-treatment/Legal concern, Index Number: AMR51/116/2003, Date Published:7August2003,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/116/2003/en/7f7f4d8e-d6a5-11dd-ab95-a13b602c0642/amr511162003en.html(2013.3.12).
    612Amnesty International, USA: Fear of forcible return/Fear of torture/Fear of execution, IndexNumber: AMR51/147/2003, Date Published:4December2003,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/147/2003/en/7e015fcf-d65b-11dd-ab95-a13b
    613Amnesty International, USA: Further information: No death penalty for former secret detainee,Index Number: AMR51/110/2009, Date Published:8October2009,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/110/2009/en/0e549718-22b1-4fa2-8387-4ba5b63fcfd9/amr511102009en.html(2013.3.12).
    614Amnesty International, USA: Further information: Omar Khadr sentenced, Index Number:AMR51/102/2010, Date Published:1November2010,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/102/2010/en/f0007713-fe7e-4d1c-81e3-580e05efdc60/amr511022010en.html(2013.3.12).
    615Amnesty International, USA: Supreme Court's ruling-a victory for human rights, IndexNumber: AMR51/101/2006, Date Published:28Jun2006,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/101/2006/en/0beda481-d418-11dd-8743-d305bea2b2c7/amr511012006en.html(2013.3.12).
    616Amnesty International, USA: Federal judge rules that three Bagram detainees can challengetheir detention in US court, Index Number: AMR51/048/2009, Date Published:3Apr2009,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR51/048/2009/en/c037afb4-be98-4001-84bf-42cd6ad6a8dd/amr510482009en.html(2013.3.12).
    617Amnesty International, Syria/Jordan/Canada/USA: Canadian inquiry underlines need forinvestigation into Maher Arar case in Syria and Jordan, Index Number: AMR51/152/2007, DatePublished:5October2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/POL30/041/2006/en/62e656cf-d3ef-11dd-8743-d305bea2b2c7/pol300412006en.htm(l2013.3.12); Amnesty International, USA-Amnesty InternationalReport2007: Human Rights in United States of America,http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/usa/report-2007(2013.3.12).
    618Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.285.
    619Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.37.
    621Rudolph K. Ripp,“Transnationalism and human rights: the case of Amnesty International”,PhD diss., City University of New York,1982, p.318.
    630Jonathan Power, Like Water on Stone: The Story of Amnesty International, Boston:Northeastern University Press,2011, pp.237-238.
    631Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.241.
    635Amnesty International, China: Abolishing "Re-education through Labour" and other forms ofpunitive administrative detention: An opportunity to bring the law into line with the InternationalCovenant on Civil and Political Rights, Index Number: ASA17/016/2006, Date Published:11May2006,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/ASA17/016/2006/zh/5320dec8-d453-11dd-8743-d305bea2b2c7/asa170162006en.html(2013.3.7).
    636Amnesty International, People's Republic of China: Internal migrants: Discrimination andabuse-The human cost of an economic ‘miracle’, Index Number: ASA17/008/2007, DatePublished:1March2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/ASA17/008/2007/en/c28868de-d3af-11dd-a329-2f46302a8cc6/asa170082007en.html(2013.3.7).
    643Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.11.
    644Young Professionals Amnesty International,简称YPAI。
    648Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report2003, Index Number: POL10/003/2003,Date Published:27May2003,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/POL10/003/2003/en/9f949bed-d743-11dd-b024-21932cd2170d/pol100032003en.html(2013.3.12).
    650Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.571.
    651Amnesty International, Colombia:Amnesty International response to Andrés Ballesteros, JorgeA. Restrepo, Michael Spagat, Juan F. Vargas, The Work of Amnesty International and HumanRights Watch: Evidence from Colombia, CERAC, Colombia, Index Number: AMR23/006/2007,Date Published:21February2007,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR23/006/2007/en/83aa83aa-d399-11dd-a329-2f46302a8cc6/amr230062007en.html(2013.3.13).
    652James Ron, Howard Ramos, Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49, pp.557-587.
    653大赦国际将自身定位为“一个独立的、公正无私的、并致力于成为真正世界性的人权运动组织”。Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report2002, Index Number: POL10/001/2002, Date Published:27May2002,http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/POL10/001/2002/en/bc051d3c-d8a8-11dd-ad8c-f3d4445c118e/pol100012002en.html(2013.3.9).
    654Claude E Welch,“mnesty International and Human Rights Watch Comparison”, Claude EWelch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia: University ofPennsylvania Press,2001, p.92.
    655James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49, p.573.
    656Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.13.
    658James Ron, Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers,“Transnational Information Politics: NGOHuman Rights Reporting,1986-2000”, International Studies Quarterly,(2005)49, p.573.
    660Peter R. Baehr, Non-Governmental Human Rights Organizations in International Relations,Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.126.
    661David Weissbrodt,“The Contribution of International Nongovernmental Organizations to theProtection of Human Rights”, Theodor Meron, eds., Human Rights in International Law: Legal andPolicy Issues, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1984, p.409.
    662United Nations General Assembly, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, UNDocument A/CONF.157/23, July12,1993.
    669Claude E Welch,“mnesty International and Human Rights Watch Comparison”, Claude EWelch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia: University ofPennsylvania Press,2001, p.99.
    670Ibid., p.77.
    671Makau Mutua,“Human Rights International NGOs: A Critical Evacuation”, Claude E. Welch,eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia: University ofPennsylvania Press,2001, p.152&p.156; Harry M. Scoble and Laurie S. Wiseberg,“Human RightsNGOs: Notes towards Comparative Analysis”, Revue Des Droits De L'Homme,1972, p.639.
    672Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, pp.283-284.
    676Harry M. Scoble and Laurie S. Wiseberg,“Human Rights NGOs: Notes towards ComparativeAnalysis”, Revue Des Droits De L'Homme,1972, p.615.
    678Peter R. Baehr, Non-Governmental Human Rights Organizations in International Relations,Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.82.
    679Harry M. Scoble and Laurie S. Wiseberg,“Human Rights NGOs: Notes towards ComparativeAnalysis”, Revue Des Droits De L'Homme,1972, p.631.
    681Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.32.
    682大赦国际收入的91%都来自其最大的11个国家分支机构,这些分支机构无一例外都在西方国家,分别是:美国、英国、荷兰、法国、德国、瑞士、瑞典、加拿大、意大利、澳大利亚和挪威。Stephen Hopgood, Keepers of the Flame: Understanding Amnesty International, Ithacaand London: Cornell University Press,2006, p.197.
    683Maria T. Baldwin, Amnesty International and U.S. Foreign Policy: Human Rights Campaigns inGuatemala, the United State, and China, El Paso: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,2009, p.237.
    684比如,大赦国际就曾经在关于科威特的报告中出现错误。William Korey,“Overcoming theCrisis of Growth: Human Rights Watch Spans the Globe”, NGOs and the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights:“A Curious Grapevine”, Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.347.
    685Peter R. Baehr, Non-Governmental Human Rights Organizations in International Relations,Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.82.
    688Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.47.
    689Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.47.
    690Jackie Smith, Ron Pagnucco and George Lopez,“Globalizing Human Rights The Work ofTransnational Human Rights NGOs in the1990s”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.20.2,1998, p.390.
    691Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, pp.33-34.
    692Ibid., p.33.
    697有学者特别指出了存在于非政府组织中的个人崇拜的事实以及该情况在组织运作、参与中的影响。Henry J. Steiner, Diverse Partners: Non Governmental Organizations and the HumanRights Movement, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law College,1991; Claude E. Welch,“mnestyInternational and Human Rights Watch Comparison”, Claude E Welch, eds, NGOs and HumanRights: Promise and Performance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.109.
    698Morton E. Winston,“ssessing the Effectiveness of International Human Rights NGOs:Amnesty International”, Claude E. Welch, eds., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise andPerformance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2001, p.47.
    699Ramesh Thakur,“Human Rights: Amnesty International and the United Nations”, Journal ofPeace Research, Vol.31, No.2,1994, p.158.
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    Amnesty International Annual Report
    Amnesty International Report
    Amnesty International Press Release
    Amnesty International Urgent Action

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