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Facing the increasingly fierce competition of the world economy, Chinese enterprises are trying to cultivate and build their core competences in order to survive and develop, and acquire competitive advantage. Independent innovation is an important way for enterprises to cultivate core competence and gain competitive advantage. According to the current innovation levels of Chinese enterprises, integrative technology innovation, as the transition period of re-innovation with introduction and absorption of foreign advanced technologies to original innovation should be the dominating mode of independent innovation at present.
     The core of integrative technology innovation is the process that knowledge to be transformed to new products or new service and new knowledge. Knowledge management is very important during the process of integrative technology innovation. As a key part of knowledge management, knowledge integration is an accelerator of utilizing all kinds of knowledge to improve enterprises’integrative technology innovation capability. But, knowledge is very specific under the conditions of integrative technology innovation which results in knowledge integration very complex. There are some urgent theoretical and practical problems, such as contents and process of knowledge integration, knowledge integration mechanism and mode, influencing factors and knowledge integration capability can’t be solved about knowledge integration. So, this thesis will study knowledge integration in integrative technology innovation in order to perfect theory of knowledge integration in enterprises’integrative technology innovation, enhance the effectiveness of knowledge integration in integrative technology innovation, and improve the technology innovation capability of Chinese enterprises.
     First, the research defines the concept and characteristics of enterprises’integrative technology innovation, constructs the framework of integrative technology innovation, defines the concept and classification of knowledge, and presents the concept and meaning of knowledge integration. The characteristics of knowledge in integrative technology innovation are analyzed in its complexity, disparity, tacitness and stickiness. According to the influence of knowledge integration to innovation performance, knowledge integration plays as an accelerator in enterprises’integrative technology innovation.
     The contents of knowledge integration include knowledge integration between different ontologies, knowledge integration between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, knowledge integration between existing and new knowledge, knowledge integration of WSR System, and knowledge integration among individual, team and organizational learning. This research presents the knowledge integration process in enterprises’integrative technology innovation. The process includes demand analysis and knowledge identification, individuals’knowledge integration, groups’knowledge integration and organizational WSR knowledge integration. Dynamic optimization is realized by mutual influence of these four stages. Four knowledge integration mechanisms that knowledge integration in integrative technology innovation should follow: dynamic optimism mechanism, and emerging mechanism, stickiness weakening mechanism, and preferential absorption mechanism; there are three modes: replicated knowledge integration mode, incremental knowledge integration mode and breakthrough knowledge integration mode for different stages of integrative technology innovation.
     The research carries out an empirical study on influencing factors to knowledge integration in enterprises’integrative technology innovation with questionnaires and structural equation model in the view of knowledge characteristics, organizational structure, knowledge integration means, organizational learning, culture climate and managers’attitude. Descriptive statistics is employed to analyze the interviewees’backgrounds. Reliability and validity of scale are verified in detail. Structural equation model is used to discern measurement model and structural model, calculate goodness of fit in order to test hypotheses of the research in order to determine the influencing degrees and directions of factors to knowledge integration.
     The research constructs the index system of knowledge integration capability evaluation in enterprises’integrative technology innovation, which includes seven indexes: knowledge identification capability, knowledge acquisition capability, knowledge sharing capability, knowledge systematization capability, organizational cooperating capability, organization socialization capability, and knowledge development capability. It presents Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relations to evaluate knowledge integration capability in the light of fuzziness and complexity of knowledge. It ranks first level indexes and second level indexes according to importance which can determine the key capability factors to provide basis for drawing up countermeasures of knowledge integration performance.
     Finally, the research provides proposals for improving knowledge integration performance in enterprises’integrative technology innovation in the perspective of knowledge integration mechanism and mode, influencing factors and knowledge integration capability. It proposes highly effective coordinating knowledge integration among individuals, teams and organization, strengthening cooperation of knowledge integration mechanisms, selecting proper knowledge integration mode based on mechanisms and modes. It puts forward enhancing transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, reducing stickiness of knowledge, optimizing organizational structures, establishing learning enterprises, and perfecting knowledge integration platform. Strategies based on knowledge integration capability are enhancing knowledge integration capability, promoting knowledge systemization capability, improving knowledge development capability and improving organizational cooperating capability.
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