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Solid quasi-fluid state, which is similar to liquid and exists in surface and interiorof solid, is one new kind of state besides gas, liquid, solid and liquid crystal. In thispaper, the phenomenon which is similar to liquid is validated under normaltemperature and pressure on the surface of pure metal, alloy, mylonitic quartzite,gabbros et al. using metallographic microscope, AFM, X-ray diffractometer, SEM andTEM. The phenomenon reveals a new matter existence state in non-extreme arduousconditions, and the ubiquity is one of its most important characteristics. When theexternal condition reaches the critical value, the phenomenon will appear in solids.
    In macroscopic scale, the dynamical motion can be observed and someperformance changes can be measured in quasi-fluid state cell. Under high powermicroscope, the lattice structure changes can be observed, the X-ray diffractionspectral lines exhibit fine fluctuation. Comparing the small-scale results with the greatones, the irregularity and randomicity appear in local, and the self-comparability isshowed as a whole, i.e. ‘quasi-fluid state' presents a typical fractal character, which isa typical nonlinear dynamical system.
    Quasi-one dimensional (1D) nanomaterials such as nanotubes, nanowires orcomposite (nanocables, nano-heterojunctions) has become the most active areas inphysics, chemistry and materials research due to their potential applications in theconnects of electric or photoelectric nanodevices, field emission panel display, energystorage, and high-strength composites. Among them, the effective synthesis of one-dimensional nanomaterials has always been the research focus related to the one-dimensional nanomaterials. In this thesis, we present our work mainly involved thesynthesis of novel one-dimensional nanomaterials, their growth mechanism and alsoproperties explored.
    Herewith, Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy is a kind of function material with fineperformance and low cost. When we studied it, some new one dimensional alloynano-structures were attained including alloy nanotubes, alloy nanowires, alloynanorodes, and some zero dimension separated alloy nanoparticals in normaltemperature and pressure . Through a mass of experiments, it was found that the alloynano-structures would be attained when the annealed Cu-Zn-Al alloy was treated bymixed acid include HNO3, HCl, H3PO4, HAC. And it was confirmed that twin-jetelectrolytic polishing and ionization had nothing to do with growth of alloy
    nano-structures by large number of experiments. The alloy nano-structures wereattributed by TEM, SEM and EDX. The outer diameter of nanotubes were about40nm, and their inner diameter were from 10nm to 40nm. The top end of somenanotubes were enclosed by nanoparticals and the others top end were open. Thediameter of nanowires and nanorods were from 10nm to 40nm, and the most length ofnanowires and nanorods were over micron. The grain size of nanoparticals were from10nm to 40nm, and their dispersity were fine. The main ingredients of alloynano-structures were Cu, Zn and Al, and the structures of them were polycrystal.In the process of researching growth mechanics of alloy nano-structures, it wasconfirmed that ‘quasi-fluid cell', a kind of non-liner oscillation phenomenon in the alloy,was the critical factor. The alloy atoms motion rules of cell were researched deeply bymetallographic, SEM, TEM, AFM, X-ray and so on. According to the experimentaldata, the chaotic movement of the quasi-fluid cell oscillation thim series in solid isanalyzed, The dynamical system phase space was reconstructed;the systemparameters were calculated, such as Lyapunov exponents, Kolmogorov entropy, andHurst exponents. The results proved that the quasi-fluid is a very complex activity,and it is an obvious process from chaos into order. According to the characters ofquasi-fluid cell such as chaotic, self-organizing and similarity with fluid, the questionsabout where the energy and atoms which composing alloy nano-structures come from,how the alloy nanotubes nucleate and why the atoms can grow directionly could beexplained reasonably. So the grow model of one dimensional alloy nano-structureswere put forward in response to quasi-fluid state.Silicon-based materials have the research focus of semiconductor industry. Inchapter five, a novel method has been developed to produce bulk quantities of siliconnanowires. Encouraging results shows that thesis 1D nanomaterials should havepotential in opto-electric nanodevices in the future. In addition, the alternative methodcould be explored for the synthesis of other 1D nanomaterials.With all successes and failure related to the synthesis of 1D nanomaterials, we getmore knowledge and understanding to the growth mechanics of 1D nanomaterialsbased on Cu-Zn-Al alloy.
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