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The sediment particles in natural water have a complex surface morphology. Contaminants in water during transportation have been transformed with the sediment in the adsorption/desorption process. In the adsorption process, the concentration and distribution of contaminants on sediment particle surfaces changes, and parameters of water quality model are also influenced. On the other hand, the mechanisms of sedimentation are influenced because the sediment morphology changes. Research on sediments and pollutants in water emphasize the adsorption amount, but sediment particle morphology and the location of contaminants on the particle surface are the real foundation of sediment adsorption research. These factors have not been closely studied.
     This dissertation focuses on sediment morphology and especially morphology changes after copper ions are adsorbed. The field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) is utilized to determine the surface structure and characteristic sediment particle morphology. The adsorption/desorption test is applied then to provide the samples for experiment. The description and quantitative analysis of natural, clean and polluted sand are then analyzed using statistical and Fourier Shape Analysis (FSA).
     The results of the research indicate that: (1)“Mathematical Sand”, built by FSA, can present sediment morphology and has excellent spatial analysis ability. It provides the sediment surface data and as the basis for calculation and analysis. Therefore, Mathematical Sand becomes a platform for sediment adsorption research. (2) As a result of sediment copper ion adsorption, copper ions accumulate on sediment surfaces and fill the pore structure. The sediment morphology and structure, including the surface area, total pore volume, and pore diameter distribution, undergo significant changes. Those changes impact sediment transportation. (3) X-ray microanalysis technology shows that the copper ions are adsorbed easily in the ridges and valleys of particle surfaces. The adsorption capacity of those morphology characteristics shows a good correlation with the surface curvature.
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