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     3.以硫酸铁为铁源,硫酸钛为钛前驱体不使用任何模板,成功制备了Fe~(3+)掺杂的TiO_2空心球。对产物进行了XRD、SEM、TEM、Raman等多种表征,利用Uv-vis DRS、PL分析了产物的光学特性,评价了不同Fe~(3+)掺杂比例产物光降解甲基橙的特性。
Nano semiconductor materials have attracted so much attention becauseof its excellent properties in optics, electrics, magnetics, chemistry, etc.Forming the special nanostructure and morphologies to improve the properityof the products has become the scientist's important task. TiO_2owns hollow orcore-shell structure, would be widely used in many fields, such asphotocatalysis, solar cell, waste water treatment, and so on, because of its highspecific surface and low density. The micro spherical YAG:Ce~(3+)powders withhigh crystallinity was thought to be the best yellow phosphor for white lightLED. In addition, although the research has been done very widely, the nanomaterial with special structure used in practice is very limited for itscomplicated producing process and it's poor yield. In this paper, the worksbelow have been done.
     1. Porous hollow TiO_2spheres with a high BET surface were synthesizedby hydrothermal method with two steps,in which TBOT was used as theprecursor. The adsorption results of the product to Cr~(6+)was studiedsystematically, such as pH, sorbent concentration, adsorption isothermal curve,adsorption model, recycle capability, the effect by Cr~((3+)and so on.
     2. Hollow TiO_2spheres have been synthesized by hydrothermal methodwith water and ethanol as the solvent, and the titanium sulfate as the precursor.The forming mechanism of the hollow TiO_2spheres was analysized, and thephoto catalysis was researched systematically. Compared with other methods,this method is very facile, in which no additive were used.
     3. Hollow TiO_2spheres doped wih Fe~(3+)were synthesized in hydrothermalsystem without any templete. Fe_2(SO_4)_3was used as Fe~(3+)precursor. XRD、SEM、TEM、Raman were used to characterized the products, and Uv-visDRS、PL were used to evaluated its optics performance.
     4. Monodisperse YAG:Ce3+microspheres were synthesized byradio-frequency (RF) thermal plasma using the aqueous solution of aluminumnitrates, yttrium nitrates and cerium nitrates as the starting materials withoutany additives. The phase structure, morphology, growth mechanism, andluminescence properties of the synthesized YAG:Ce~(3+)microspheres withdifferent Ce3+doping amount have been investigated in detail.
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