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This paper consists of five chapters. In the first paper, Application of fluorescence
     analysis based on resonance energy transfer (FRET)is reviewed with 56 references. The
     review includes Fster theory of fluorescence resonance energy transfer, analysis
     techniques and application.
     In the second chapter the fluorescence energy transfer between some basic dyes,
     such as acridine orange (AO), acridine yellow (AY), rhodamine 6G(Rh6G), rhodamine
     B (RhB), ethyl ester of rhodamine B (ERhB), buthyrhodamine B (BRhB) and safranine
     T (ST), was investigated. The effect of various surfactants on fluorescence energy
     transfer of basic dyes was studied, too. The conditions effecting energy transfer
     efficiency were discussed.
     Practical application of fluorescence energy transfer to the determination of
     inorganic ions was introduced in the third chapter. In the first section, the determination
     of trace phosphorus by using energy transfer fluorescence quenching from acridine
     orange to rhodamine 60 was studied. In the second section, study on the energy transfer
     florescence qtienching among combination of acridine yellow-PAR determination of
     trace iron.
     In the fourth chapter, determination of trace Vanadium(v) by a fluorescence
     quenching method with rhodamine B-7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid
     surfactant system was studied.
     In the fifth chapter, spectrofluorometric determination of trace germanium with
     phenylfluorone in flyash was investigated.
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