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     碲在矿床中最高丰度达71 ppm,平均6.71 ppm,Te/Au平均比值0.72,Te丰度呈正
     模式等在石英脉矿体和蚀变岩型矿体之间有显著区别:前者Te、Au绝对含量和Te/Au 比
     值高(平均>0.7)、稀土总量低(<10 ppm),后者贫Te、Te/Au 比值低(平均<0.5)、稀土
     总量高(>20 ppm)。碲在石英脉矿体的水平、垂直空间与金显著正相关,相关系数、Te/Au
     要以AU、Ag、Pb 碲化物与含Ag自然金共生,它们在局部的矿物量相近,并分布于方铅
     碲酸盐等含氧盐,含氧盐进一步可分为含 Au、不含Au,包括 AuTeO3、Au2TeO4、AuTeO4
Th Dongping-type gold deposit is named after a gold deposit in Dongping village
    was explored, with its gold ores rich in tellurium (Te in abbrev.) and short of sulfides,
    which has been proven characteristic for all other gold deposits in the Shuiquangou
    syenite batholith on the northem margin of North China craton.
    T is 71ppm in maximum and 6.71 ppm in average, respectively for the gold ores
    and tends to concentrate in high-grade ores of gold bearing quartz veins. The quartz
    vein orebody is different from auriferous metasomated syenite orebody in correlation
    coeffiency and the ratio between Te and Au, along with REE contenis: the former is
    higher in Te, Au grades, in the value of Te/Au ratio (>0.7 in average), and lower in
    REE content (<10 ppm), whereas the latter is lower in Te abundance, in the value of
    Te/Au ratio (<0.5) and higher in REE content (>20ppm). Te is in positive correlation
    with gold both at depth and in horizon profiles of the quartz vein bodies, whose
    correlation coefficiency and the ratio between Te and An increase along with the
    increase of An grade, suggesting that Te has the same concentrative center as of Au
    in the quartz vein orebody. In gold ores, Te presents as tellurides of Au, Ag, Pb in
    association with native gold, occurring in surfaces or/and fissures of galena, pyrite
    and quartz minerals. Therefore, Te and the 'refractory gold' are worth being extracted
    from these abundant tellurides.
    B ides the tellurides mentioned above that are common in gold deposits, Te is
    also seen in such rare minerals as hessite, Au2Te and, a variety of unnamed tellurites
    and tellurates that may be subdivided into Au-bearing and Au free minerals. The
    former includes AtteO3, Au2TeO4, AuTeO4; and the latter schieffinilite, Zn2Te3O8,
    H2Pb2Fe4[TeO4]9.7-12H2O that were found by the author and are yet to be further
    studied for acceptance by IMA-CNMMN as potential new minerals. Most of these
    te1lurites and tellurates in these deposits are found to be products of coeval oxidation
    of calaverite, altaite and sufides, by Which 'refractory gold' of Au tellurides will be
    released as naive gold. Most native gold released through oxidation of tellurides,
    however, will be trapped in the telluraes or tellurites; or be combined by Te in
    tellurites or tellurates, which prevent gold of hyPergene from secondaxy enrichment
    under the supergene oxidation environrnenis.
    Of the fOux metallogenic stages of two periods, Te was mineralized only at both
    pyrite-qUartz stage and base metal sulfides quaftz stage, demonstrating its
    unsustainable in time and confinement to a small area. From mineral associations of
    native gold -calaverite, ga1ena -altaite in conunon, and native silver-hessite at the end
    of the sulfides quartz stage, it is concluded that Te, fugacity is in 'unstheated state
    for native Te' and will decline with the temperature of metallogeulc fluids decreased.
    It is inferred under observations on mineral paragenesis, modem geothermal fluids,
    and Te evaPoration experiments in nanometer scale particles, along with fluid
    inclusions and O,H,C,S isotope data that, Te, Pb, Au and parts of sulfides originate
    from deep under the crust during 'magtna degassing' and are transported in volatile
    fluids made of suspended nanometer scaled particles. ms high temperthee flulds
    mixed with regional auriferous groundwater in the crust-crossing faults, causing
    boiling of the fluid mixture and depositing Te, Au, Pb in the process of mixing and
    boiling. The precipitates of Te, Au, and Pb 'reworked' and added Te, Au, Pb to the
    earier stages Au concentrates, forming rich ores of Au-Te association. This
    mechwhsm is suPPorted by geological and geochemical characteristics of the
    Dongping tyPe gold deposits, which range between tyPical epithermal gold deposits
    and the Dashuigou Te deposit of the mantle-degassing origin. Te is believed to come
    from the 'magma degassing' during regional mantle plutne process in the northwest
    Hebei, China.
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