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     边境税收调整措施主要包括两大类。一类是对进口产品征收与同类国产品同样的国内税,另一类是对出口产品退税。根据征税对象的不同,各国对进口产品所采取的应对气候变化的边境税收调整措施主要可分为两种类型。一种是直接对化石燃料征收碳税或能源税,另一种是对内涵碳(embodied carbon)或内涵能源(embodied energy)产品1征收碳税或能源税。前者针对产品的消费所造成的温室气体排放,而后者则是针对产品生产过程所造成的温室气体排放。前者属于直接针对进口产品开征的间接税,因此,只要WTO成员方对进口化石燃料课征的税负不高于对同类国产化石燃料课征的税负,并且对来自于另一成员方的化石燃料课征的税负不高于对来自任何第三国的同类化石燃料课征的税负,就不会构成对WTO规则的违背。后者则与WTO规则存在根本性的冲突,其根本原因在于该措施造成了“同类产品”之间的差别待遇。因此,要想在WTO框架内采取此类措施,就必须保证其符合GATT第20条例外条款的规定。如果以GATT第20条(b)款为依据,那么成员方应当注意的是该款所规定的“必需性”要求。如果以(g)款为依据,那么成员方应当注意的是该款所规定的“与……有关”以及“与国内措施一同实施”的要求。最后,此类措施还必须符合第20条引言的要求,即不得对情况相同的国家构成武断的、不合理的歧视待遇,也不得构成对国际贸易的变相限制。
This paper will undertake a study on the relationship between the trade-related measures addressing climate change and WTO rules from legal perspective. First, it analyzes the possible conflicts between them. Secondly, it seeks the effective means to resolve the conflicts. Lastly, it takes an overview of China’s legislation and practice in related areas, summarizes the challenges and influences the various trade-related measures addressing climate change impose on China’s trade, and provides the countermeasures.
     This paper consists of three parts, namely, the introduction, the main body and conclusion.
     The introduction provides an overview of the research background, the current research results domestically and abroad, the purpose and significance, the research methods, and the framework of this paper. The main body includes five chapters. Chapter one summarizes the issues of climate change we are confronted with currently, the international and domestic laws and measures addressing climate change, the influence between climate change and trade liberalization, and the relationship between the trade-related measures addressing climate change and WTO rules.
     Chapter two examines the relationship between carbon emission trading system and WTO rules. Currently, there’re two types of carbon emission trading. One is based on allowances, also called cap-and-trade. The other is based on project, mainly including Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation project based on Kyoto Protocol. The multilateral agreements related to carbon emissions trading within the WTO framework include GATT, GATS and SCM. The measures applied directly to the trade of carbon emission allowances fall outside the scope of GATT at least in short term since the allowances are not goods.
     However, it is not impossible that the trade of carbon emission allowances will be covered by GATT in the future. Specifically speaking, the measures applied directly to the trade of carbon emission allowances will conflict with the provisions of GATT in two situations. The first situation is that the quantitative restrictions on the trade of carbon emission allowances would violate Article XI of GATT. The second situation is that the import restrictions on the carbon emission allowances issued by certain countries would violate Article XI and Article I of GATT. However, the first type of measures would very likely be justified under paragraph (b) of Article XX of GATT if they are implemented appropriately. Nevertheless, it is more difficult for the second type of measures to be justified under paragraph (b) of Article XX of GATT. Moreover, the countries adopting carbon emissions trading system would very likely impose certain requirements or restrictions on related products, such as requiring that the exporting countries also adopt the similar system, since the production cost of the domestic products would be increased due to the application of carbon emissions trading system. Such measures undoubtedly fall within the scope of GATT because they are applied to tangible products.
     GATS does not apply to the measures affecting carbon emissions trading adopted by WTO members since the allowances could not be deemed as services. However, the CDM/JI projects should be deemed as services defined by GATS. Therefore, the measures affecting the investment and development of such projects taken by WTO members fall within the scope of GATS. Moreover, the CDM/JI projects should be classified as environmental services sector in the Schedule of WTO members. Besides, the measures affecting the trade of services related to carbon emissions trading also fall within the scope of GATS.
     Among all the components of the carbon emissions trading, what is relevant to SCM is the initial allocation of allowances. To allocate all of the allowances freely does not constitute subsidy, while to allocate part of the allowances freely constitutes actionable subsidy.
     As for carbon emissions trading, the challenges confronting China include two aspects. First, China may be confronted with unilateral trade restriction measures in the traditional areas of trade of goods and trade of services. Second, the export of CERs may be confronted with quantitative restrictions or other discriminatory measures. Furthermore, the measures applied to the investment and operation of CDM projects should be governed by the rules of GATS if such projects are deemed as services. Facing the above challenges, China should take countermeasures from the following four aspects: (1) to make full use of WTO rules to protect our country’s interest; (2) to reinforce the legislation on controlling the emission of greenhouse gases; (3) to build carbon emission trading information exchanging platform and cultivate carbon emissions trading market; and (4) to establish carbon emission trading scheme when it is appropriate.
     Chapter three focuses on the relationship between border tax adjustment measures addressing climate change and WTO.
     Border tax adjustment measures include two types. One is to apply the same domestic tax to imported products as to like domestic products. The other is the rebate of tax with regard to exported products. Based on the objects of tax, border tax adjustment measures addressing climate change can be divided into two types. One is to apply carbon/energy tax directly to fossil fuels. The other is to apply carbon/energy tax to the imported products based on embodied carbon/energy.1 The former is aimed at the greenhouse gas emission during the consumption of the products, and the latter is aimed at the greenhouse gas emission during the manufacturing process of the products. Since the former is indirect tax applied directly to imported products, it will not violate WTO rules as long as the tax rate applied by the WTO members to imported fossil fuels is not higher than that applied to like domestic fossil fuels, and the tax rate applied to the fossil fuels originating from one WTO member is not higher than that applied to the like fossil fuels originating from any other country. The latter is essentially in conflict with WTO rules, since it creates discrimination among like products. Therefore, WTO members must ensure that such measures meet the requirements of Art.XX of GATT so that they could be justified. If citing paragraph (b) of Art.XX, the WTO member should pay special attention to the requirement of“necessity”. If citing paragraph (g) of Art.XX, the WTO member should pay special attention to the requirements of“relating to……”and“in conjunction with restrictions on domestic production or consumption”. Lastly, such measures must meet the requirement of the chapeau of Art.XX, namely, not to constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between countries where the same conditions prevail, or a disguised restriction on international trade.
     Rebate of carbon/energy tax upon export can also be divided into two types in accordance with the basis. One is rebate of carbon/energy tax upon export of fossil fuels, and the other is rebate of carbon/energy tax applied to the fossil fuels consumed in the production of the exported products. As for the first type, the exemption of exported fossil fuels from carbon/energy taxes, or the rebate of such duties or taxes in an amounts not in excess of those which shall accrue or have accrued, shall not be deemed to be export subsidies. The basis for the second type of carbon/energy tax rebate is the carbon/energy tax applied to the fossil fuels consumed in the production process of the exported products, which belongs to prior-stage cumulative indirect tax on goods or services used in the production of exported products, so the latter part of paragraph (h) of Annex I of SCM shall apply to such a situation. In other words, WTO members could exempt or return the carbon/energy tax applied to the fossil fuels consumed in the production of the exported products, even if the like products sold for domestic consumption can not enjoy such treatment. Of course, the amounts of exemption or rebate of carbon/energy taxes shall not exceed those which shall accrue or have accrued.
     As a big exporting country of energy-intensive products, China will undoubtedly suffer serious impact from border tax adjustment measures addressing climate change. Therefore, China should take countermeasures from the following aspects: (1) to adjust and optimize the energy sources, and improve energy efficiency ; (2) to adjust and optimize the pattern of export, and restrict the export of energy-intensive, pollution-intensive, and resources-intensive products; (3) to green the tax system, and reinforce the resource protection function of tax; (4) to reinforce the research of related WTO rules, and make full use of the WTO dispute settlement system.
     Chapter four considers the relationship between product carbon labeling and WTO.
     Product carbon label is a kind of environmental label which reveals the carbon footprint of certain products. Product carbon labeling can be divided into two types in accordance with the institution in charge of it. One is conducted by government, and the other is conducted by non-governmental bodies. Product carbon labeling conducted by government can be further divided into enforceable carbon labeling and voluntary carbon labeling. As compared with other kinds of product labels, product carbon label is prominent in revealing the production and process method which is not related to the product’s characteristics.
     Product carbon labeling is mainly relevant to GATT and TBT. According to the general interpretative note to Annex 1A, the provision of TBT shall prevail in the event of conflict between a provision of the GATT and a provision of TBT. Enforceable carbon labeling conducted by government and related to consumption of products falls within the scope of TBT. The obligations for WTO members stipulated by TBT include: (1) most-favored-nation treatment and national treatment; (2) not to be more trade-restrictive than necessary to fulfill a legitimate objective; (3) to use relevant international standards as the basis for drafting technical regulations; and (4) the obligations related to transparency such as notice and consultation.
     Voluntary carbon labeling conducted by government and related to consumption of products also falls within the scope of TBT. The obligations for WTO members are provided by Art. IV and Annex III of TBT. The obligations for WTO members stipulated by GATT are mainly national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment. As for the product carbon labeling conducted by non-governmental bodies, WTO members also shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to them to ensure that non-governmental bodies comply with the code of good practice in Annex III to TBT. If the non-governmental bodies are controlled by the government in practice, and dependent on the government to a great extent, the product carbon labeling conducted by such non-governmental bodies shall be deemed to be actions of government. If such non-governmental bodies violate the obligations of national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment of GATT, the government shall assume the legal responsibilities accordingly.
     Currently, many scholars abroad suggest using product carbon labeling to urge China to adopt measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Accordingly, China should take countermeasures from the following aspects: (1) to promote the product carbon labeling domestically; (2) to seek mutual acknowledgement of product carbon labels with other countries or districts; (3) to take part in WTO negotiations on relevant issues initiatively so as to facilitate the formation of rules in favor of China.
     Chapter five analyzes the relationship between climate change subsidy and WTO rules. The adverse effect of climate change subsidy on trade is that the subsidy reduces the cost of domestically produced products so it impairs the market access chances of like products from other countries which do not provide such subsidies. Climate change subsidy can be divided into two types in accordance with the purpose. The first type is really aimed to address climate change, but its effect leads to discrimination towards producers abroad. Such kind of subsidies should be allowed to be used to a certain extent. The second type may have no real impact on climate change, but the result of domestic industry rent seeking. Such kind of subsidies should be prevented and prohibited by multilateral trade rules. However, many subsidies really aimed to address climate change may be classified as prohibited subsidies or actionable subsidies in accordance with the current subsidies rules, so this will limit the freedom of WTO members to adopt legitimate climate change subsidies. Therefore, it is necessary to reform existing WTO subsidies rules in order to provide adequate scope for legitimate subsidies. Currently, the feasible approach is to supplement subsidies rules with an explicit environmental exception along the lines of Article XX of GATT. Due to scientific uncertainties and interception of politics, it is difficult to draw a clear line between legitimate subsidies and protectionist subsidies. Thus, it requires that WTO panels and Appellate Body examine both the substantive context for and the process leading to the choice of the subsidy. Another point deserving attention is that the action of maintaining lax regulations on climate change shall not be deemed as a subsidy in accordance with existing WTO rules. Other WTO members are not empowered to take countervailing measures towards products originating from such countries. China should firmly hold the stance of not bearing enforceable obligations of reducing emission of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, China should firmly oppose to broaden the definition of subsidy so as to embrace the action of maintaining lax regulations on climate change.
     The last part identifies the main conclusions of the article.
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    4、42 USC§13389.
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    1国外代表性的研究成果有:Tania Voon, Sizing Up The WTO: Trade-Environment Conflict and The Kyoto Protocol, Journal of Transnational Law & Policy, Vol.10,2000; Marisa Martin, Trade Law Implications of Restricting Participation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.19, 2007; Liana G.T. Wolf, Countervailing a Hidden Subsidy: The U.S. Failure to Require Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.19, 2006; Annie Petsonk, The Kyoto Protocol and The WTO: Integrating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading into the Global Marketplace, Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, Vol.10, 1999; Jacob Wersman, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and the WTO, Review of European Community and the International Environmental Law, Vol.8, Issue 3, 1999; Glenn M. Wiser, The Clean Development Mechanism Versus The World Trade Organization: Can free-Market Greenhouse Gas Emissions Abatement Survive Free Trade?, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.11, 1999; Andrew Green, Trade Rules and Climate Change Subsidies, World Trade Review, Vol.5, 2006.
    4 [日]山本良一:《2℃改变世界》,王天民等译,科学出版社2008年版,第68页。
    3 [日]山本良一:《2℃改变世界》,王天民等译,科学出版社2008年版,第44页。
    1 [美]诺曼·迈尔斯著,王正平等译:《最终的安全———政治稳定的环境基础》,上海译文出版社2001年版,第10页。
    1 David G Victor, The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming, Princeton University Press, 2001, p.30.
    3 Peggy Rodgers Kalas, Alexia Herwig, Dispute Resolution Under the Kyoto Protocol, Ecology Law Quarterly, Vol.27, 2000, p. 129.
    1 Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on EU Policies and Measures to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Towards a European Climate Change Programme (ECCP), COM(2000) 88 final, annex 2,3.
    3 Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC.
    1 Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 amending Directive so as to include aviation activities in the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community.
    3 Cinnamon Carlarne, Climate Change Policies an Ocean Apart: EU & US Climate Change Policies Compared, Pennsylvania State Environmental Law Review, Vol.14, 2006, p.472.
    3 42 USC§13389.
    4 Cinnamon Carlarne, Climate Change Policies an Ocean Apart: EU & US Climate Change Policies Compared, Pennsylvania State Environmental Law Review, Vol.14, 2006, p.440.
    3 Cinnamon Carlarne, Climate Change Policies an Ocean Apart: EU & US Climate Change Policies Compared, Pennsylvania State Environmental Law Review, Vol.14, 2006, p.467.
    4 Climate Change: The UK Programme 2006, 2006, p.3.
    2 Climate Change: The UK Programme 2006, 2006, pp.4-6.
    1 OECD贸易与环境专家联合论坛著,丁德宇、唐春林、张光明译:《贸易与环境影响》,中国环境科学出版社1996年版,第11-14页;赵玉焕著:《贸易与环境:WTO新一轮谈判的新议题》,对外经济贸易大学出版社2002年版,第29页。
    2 J·H·Jackson, W·J·Davey and A·O·Sykes, Legal Problems of International Economic Relations, St. Paul, Minnesota: West Group, 2002, p. 1015.
    1 J. Beghin, M. Potier, Effects of Trade Liberalization on the Environment in the Manufacturing Sector, The World Economy, Vol.20(4), 1997, pp.435-436.
    2 [英]帕特莎·波尼、埃伦·波义尔著,那力、王彦志、王小钢译:《国际法与环境》(第二版),高等教育出版社2007年版,第666页。
    3 Marino Marcich, Trade and Environment: What Conflict?, Law & Policy of International Business, Vol.31, 2000, p. 920.
    1 Shui, B. and R. C. Harriss. The Role of CO_2 Embodiment in US-China Trade, Energy Policy, Vol. 34(18), 2006, pp.4063-4068.
    2 Tania Voon, Sizing Up The WTO: Trade-Environment Conflict and The Kyoto Protocol, Journal of Transnational Law & Policy, Vol.10, p.74.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline,WT/DS2/AB/R, 20 May 1996, p.31.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products WT/DS58/AB/R, 6 November 1998, paras.129-131, 152,153,155.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline,WT/DS2/AB/R, 20 May 1996, p.22. (这个案件特别分析了GATT第20条具体条款和前言的分析顺序)。
    4 Esty, Bridging the Trade-Environment Divide, Journal of Economic Perspective, Vol. 15, 2001, p.121.
    1 Marisa Martin, Trade Law Implications of Restricting Participation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, Georgetown International Environmental Law Rev.iew, Vol.19, 2007, p.439.
    2 European Parliament Resolution on the European Union’s Strategy for the Bonn Conference on Climate Change, B5-0473/2001, para. 9; Peter J. Fontaine, The Gathering Storm, Pub. UTIL. FORT., Aug. 2004, p.50; Liana G.T. Wolf, Countervailing a Hidden Subsidy: The U.S. Failure to Require Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.19, 2006, p.112.
    3 Andrew Green, Tracey Epps, Is There a Role for Trade Measures in Addressing Climate Change?, U.C. Davis Journal of International Law and Policy,Vol.15,2008,p.1.
    4 The American Clean Energy and Security Act (2009), H.R.2454, Sec.401.
    5 Bernd G. Janzen, Trade Law And Climate Change: Convergence Or Conflict?, Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, Northeast Edition, Mar. 2008, p.32.
    6 Anupam Goyal, The WTO and International Environmental Law: Towards Conciliation, Oxford University Press, 2006, p.10.
    1 Daniel C. Esty, Greening the GATT: Trade, Environment and the Future, Institute for International Economics, 1994, p.182.
    3 Anita Halvorssen, Common,but Differentiated Commitments in the Future Climate Change Regime- Amending the Kyoto Protocol to Include Annex C and the Annex C Mitigation Fund, Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy, Vol. 18, 2007,pp.253-254.
    1世界环境与发展委员会编著:《我们共同的未来》,国家环保局外事办公室译,世界知识出版社1989年版, 第16-19页。
    2 Edwin Woerdman, The Institutional Economics of Market-based Climate Policy, Elsevier B.V., 2004, p.9.
    4 Garrett Hardin, The Tragedy of the Commons, Science, 1968, pp.1243-1248.
    2 J.H.Dales, Pollution, Property and Prices: An Essay in Policy-making and Economics, University of Toronto Press, 1970, p.107.
    3 Jonathan Donehower, Analyzing Carbon Emissions Trading: A Potential Cost Efficient Mechanism to Reduce Carbon Emissions, Environmental Law, Vol.38, 2008, p.183.
    3 Annex of Decision 3/CMP.1, Modalities and procedures for a clean development mechanism as defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, paras.43-52.
    6 Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003, art. 12.
    1 The European Commission, EU Action Against Climate Change: The EU Emissions Trading System, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p.5.
    2 The European Commission, EU Action Against Climate Change: The EU Emissions Trading System, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p.8.
    1 Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003, art. 3.
    2 42 U.S.C.§7651b.
    3 M.J. Mace,Background Paper for International Workshop on the Legal Nature of Emissions Reductions, May 2004, London, p.15.
    4 M.J. Mace,Background Paper for International Workshop on the Legal Nature of Emissions Reductions, May 2004, London, p.15; Markus W. Gehring , Charlotte Streck, Emissions Trading: Lessons From SO2 and NO2 Emissions Allowance and Credit Systems Legal Nature, Title, Transfer, and Taxation of Emission Allowances and Credits, April 2005 Issue of ELR News & Analysis?; Martijn Wilder, Monique Willis & Mina Guli, Carbon Contracts, Structuring Transactions: Practical, Experiences, in Legal Aspects of Implementing the Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms (David Freestone & Charlotte Streck eds.), 2005, p.311; Annie Petsonk, The Kyoto Protocol and The WTO: Integrating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading into the Global Marketplace, Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, Vol.10, 1999, p.197; Jillian Button, Carbon: Commodity orCurrency The Case For an International Carbon Market Based on The Currency Model, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Vol.32, 2008, p.573.
    2 Marisa Martin, Trade Law Implications of Restricting Participation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review , Vol.19, 2007, p.446.
    3 Joost Pauwelyn, The Role of Public International Law in the WTO: How Far Can We Go?, American Journal International Law, Vol.95, 2001, pp.574-575.
    4 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States--Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, , WT/DS58/AB/R, Oct. 12, 1998, para.129.
    5 Marisa Martin, Trade Law Implications of Restricting Participation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.19, 2007, p.447.
    2 Annie Petsonk, The Kyoto Protocol and The WTO: Integrating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading into the Global Marketplace, Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, Vol.10, 1999, p.202.
    3 Jacob Wersman, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and the WTO, Review of European Community and the International Environmental Law, Vol.8, Issue 3, 1999, p.255.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, para. 101.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report , United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2/AB/R, 20 May 1996, p.22.
    3 WTO Panel Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2 /R, 29 January 1996, para.6.35.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, para.170.
    1 Slayde Hawkins, Skirting Protectionism: A GHG-Based Trade Restriction under the WTO, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.20, 2008, p.429.
    2 The American Clean Energy and Security Act (2009), H.R.2454, Sec.401.
    2 The American Clean Energy and Security Act (2009), H.R.2454, Sec.401.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline , WT/DS2/AB/R, 20 May 1996, p.22.
    1 WTO Panel Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2 /R, 29 January 1996, para.6.21.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products , WT/DS58/AB/R, 6 November 1998, para.133.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, para.170.
    2 Slayde Hawkins, Skirting Protectionism: A GHG-Based Trade Restriction under the WTO, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.20, 2008, p.444.
    3 WTO Panel Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2 /R, 29 January 1996, para.6.35.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products , WT/DS58/AB/R, 6 November 1998, para. 136.
    3 16 United States Code (U.S.C.)§1537.
    4 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products , WT/DS58/AB/R, 6 November 1998, para. 138-142.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2/AB/R, 20 May 1996, p.21.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2/AB/R, 20 May 1996, p.22, 23, 29.
    3 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products , WT/DS58/AB/R, 6 November 1998, para.166, 181.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products , WT/DS58/AB/R, 6 November 1998, para.161-166.
    3 Slayde Hawkins, Skirting Protectionism: A GHG-Based Trade Restriction under the WTO, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.20, 2008, pp.447-449.
    1 Rüdiger Wolfrum,ed.,WTO- Trade in Services,Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2008,p.43.
    2 Rüdiger Wolfrum,ed.,WTO- Trade in Services,Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2008, p.38.
    3 Group of Negotiations on Services, Uruguay Round, Services Sectoral Classification List, Note by the Secretariat, MTN.GNS/W/120, 10 July 1991.
    1 T.P.Hill, On Goods and Services, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.23, No.4, 1997, pp.317-318.
    3王绍媛:《国际服务贸易自由化研究》,东北财经大学博士学位论文, 2004年,第4页;臧立著:《世界贸易组织法》,法律出版社2003年版,第205页。
    1 Glenn M. Wiser, The Clean Development Mechanism Versus The World Trade Organization: Can free-Market Greenhouse Gas Emissions Abatement Survive Free Trade?, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.11, 1999, pp.561-562.
    2 General Agreement on Trade in Services , art.1, para.3(c).
    2 Jacob Wersman, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and the WTO, Review of European Community and the International Environmental Law, Vol.8, Issue 3, 1999, p.257.
    4 General Agreement on Trade in Services, Annex on Financial Services, Art.5.
    3 WTO Appellate Body, European Communities—Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas,WT/DS27/AB/R, 9 September 1997, paras.219-220.
    1 WTO Panel Report, European Communities—Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, WT/DS27/R/ECU, 22 May 1997, para.7.280.
    2 Marisa Martin, Trade Law Implications of Restricting Participation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.19, 2007, p. 459.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States– Measures Affecting The Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services, WT/DS285/AB/R, 7 April 2005, paras.216,228-230.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States– Measures Affecting The Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services, WT/DS285/AB/R, 7 April 2005, para.292.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report,European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products,WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, para.170.
    2 A. Denny Ellerman, Barbara K. Buchner, Carlo Carraro, Allocation in the European Emissions Trading Scheme: Rights, Rents and Fairness, Cambridge University Press, 2007, p.28.
    3 T.H.Tietenberg, Emissions Trading: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Resources for the Future, 2006, p.128-131.
    4 David Harrison Jr., Per Klevnas, Albert L. Nichols, Daniel Radov, Using Emissions Trading to Combat Climate Change: Programs and Key Issues, Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis, Vol.38, 2008, p.10378.
    1 WTO Panel Report, United States- Measures Treating Export Restraints as Subsidies, WT/DS194/R, 29 June, 2001, para.8.73.
    2 WTO Panel Report, Canada - Measures Affecting The Export of Civilian Aircraft, WT/DS70/AB/R, 2 August 1999, para. 149.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales Corporation”-Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, WT/DS108/AB/RW, 14 January 2002, para.88.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States-Tax Treatment for“Foreign Sales Corporation”-Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, WT/DS108/AB/RW, 14 January 2002, para.90.
    2 International Energy Agency, CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion, 2008 Edition, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Devel, 2008, p.115.
    3 Michael P. Vandenbergh, Climate Change: The China Problem, Southern California Law Review, Vol.81, 2008, p.906;林云华著:《国际气候合作与排放权交易制度研究》,中国经济出版社2007年版,第215页。
    5 Glenn M. Wiser, The Clean Development Mechanism Versus The World Trade Organization: Can free-Market Greenhouse Gas Emissions Abatement Survive Free Trade?, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Vol.11, 1999,p. 589.
    1 Report of the Working Party established by GATT on 28 March 1968, Border Tax Adjustments(L/3464), adopted on 2 December 1970, para.4.
    2 Piero with M.H.Dobb ed., Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo Vol.IV: Pamplets and Papers 1815-1823, Cambridge University Press, 1951.
    3与目的地原则相对应的是原产地原则(The origin principle)。按照该原则,所有的商品均只由其生产所在国征税。
    4 Note by the Secretariat, Taxes and Charges for Environmental Purposes- Border Tax Adjustment, WT/CTE/W/47, 2 May, 1997, para.24.
    5 [英]帕特莎?波尼,埃伦?波义尔:《国际法与环境》(第二版),那力,王彦志,王小钢译,高等教育出版社2007年版,第693页。
    6 A report by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Trade Organization, Trade and Climate Change, p. 103, http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres09_e/pr559_e.htm (访问日期:2010年4月9日).
    1 Gary C. Hutbauer, Carol Gabyzon, The Evolution of Border Tax Adjustments, report prepared for the Center for Strategic Tax Reform, March 1993.
    2 OECD, Economic/Fiscal Instruments: Taxation (i.e. carbon/ energy), Annex I Expert Group on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, working paper No. 4, OECD/GD(97)188, p.83; Frank Biermann, Rainer Brohm, Implementing The Kyoto Protocol without The USA: The Strategic Role of Energy Tax Adjustments at The Border, Climate Policy, Issue 4, 2005, p.292.
    3 Report of the Working Party established by GATT on 28 March 1968, Consolidated Document on the Examination of Practices of Contracting Parties in relation to Border Tax Adjustments(L/3389), 6 May 1970.
    5 A report by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Trade Organization, Trade and Climate Change, p. 90, http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres09_e/pr559_e.htm (访问日期:2010年4月29日).
    7 J. Andrew Hoerner, Frank Muller, Carbon Taxes for Climate Protection in a Competitive World, A Paper Prepared for the Swiss Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs, p .21, http://www.rprogress.org/publications/1996/swiss_1996.pdf (访问日期:2010年4月29日).
    1 Swedish Tax Agency, Facts about Swedish Excise duties, 2007, p. 7.
    3 J. Andrew Hoerner, Frank Muller, Carbon Taxes for Climate Protection in a Competitive World, A Paper Prepared for the Swiss Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs, p .12, http://www.rprogress.org/publications/1996/swiss_1996.pdf (访问日期:2010年4月29日).
    6 Frank Biermann, Rainer Brohm, Implementing The Kyoto Protocol without The USA: The Strategic Role of Energy Tax Adjustments at The Border, Climate Policy, Issue 4, 2005, p.291.
    7 J. Andrew Hoerner, Frank Muller, Carbon Taxes for Climate Protection in a Competitive World, A Paper
    1 Gavin Goh, The World Trade Organization, Kyoto and Energy Tax Adjustment at the Border, Journal of World Trade, Vol.38, Issue 3, 2004, p.399.
    2 Report of the Working Party established by GATT on 28 March 1968, Border Tax Adjustments(L/3464), adopted on 2 December 1970, para.14, 15.
    1 Report of the Working Party established by GATT on 28 March 1968, Border Tax Adjustments (L/3464), adopted on 2 December 1970, para.21.
    1 See EPCT/A/PV/9, pp. 18-19; EPCT/C.II/11; EPCT/C.II/W.5, p.5; EPCT/W/181, p. 3.
    1 GATT Panel Report, United States—Taxes on Petroleum and Certain Imported Substances ( L/6175 - 34S/136), adopted on 17 June 1987, para.3.2.7-3.2.11.
    2 EPCT/TAC/PV/26, page 21.
    3 GATT Panel Report, United States—Taxes on Petroleum and Certain Imported Substances( L/6175 - 34S/136), adopted on 17 June 1987, para.5.2.4-5.2.11.
    1 Report of the Working Party established by GATT on 28 March 1968, Border Tax Adjustments(L/3464), adopted on 2 December 1970, para.18.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report,European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, para. 101.
    3 Quick and Lau, Environmentally Motivated Tax Distinctions and WTO Law: The European Commission’s Green Paper on Integrated Product Policy in Light of the“Like Product-”and“PPM-”Debates, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.6, 2003, p.432.
    4 WTO Appellate Body Report,European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, para. 109.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, para.170.
    2 Joost Pauwelyn, U.S. Federal Climate Policy and Competitiveness Concerns: The Limits and Options of International Trade Law, Working Paper, Nicolas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University, p.12-16, http://www.nicholas.duke.edu/institute/internationaltradelaw.pdf (访问日期:2010年4月20日).
    3 WTO Panel Report, United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2 /R, 29 January 1996, para.6.35.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products , WT/DS58/AB/R, 6 November 1998, para.136.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline , WT/DS2/AB/R, 20 May 1996, p.21.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report,United States–Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline , WT/DS2/AB/R, 20 May 1996, p.22, 23, 29.
    2 R.E. Hudec, The Product-Process Doctrine in GATT/WTO Jurisprudence, in M. Bronckers, R. Quick (eds.), New Directions in International Economic Law: Essays in Honour of John H. Jackson, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2000, p. 217.
    1 Frank Biermann, Rainer Brohm, Implementing The Kyoto Protocol without The USA: The Strategic Role of Energy Tax Adjustments at The Border, Climate Policy, Issue 4, 2005, p.297; Paul Demaret, Raoul Stewardson, Border Tax Adjustments under GATT and EC Law and General Implications for Environmnetal Taxes, Journal of World Trade , Vol.28,1994, No.5 , p. 29.
    1《国税总局环保部调研碳税方案或明年出台》,载《华夏时报》2009年5月13日;《我国有望率先推出碳税方案能源税可能取消》,http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2009-04/21/content_11224158.htm (访问日期:2010年4月8日)。
    2朱晓勤:《世贸组织与市场准入有关的环境措施法律问题研究》,厦门大学博士学位论文,2003年,第186 页。
    2 Atsuko Okubo, Environmental Labeling Programs and The GATT/WTO Regime, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review,Vol.11,Spring 1999,p.601.
    1 Veena Jha et al., Ecolabelling and International Trade, U.N. Conference on Trade and Development, U.N. Doc. No. 70, UNCTAD/OSG/DP/70 (1993), p.10.
    1ISO, Business Plan of ISO /Technical Committee 207 /Sub -Committee 3, Enviormental Labeling, 1997.
    2 Anil Markandya, Eco-labelling: An International Review, Eco-labelling and International Trade, Edited by Simonetta Zarrilli and Veena Jha, Foreword by Rubens Ricupero, Secretary General of UNCATD, 1997, p.16, 转引自:周杰,张梓太著:《WTO体系下贸易与环境的法律协调——发展中国家视角》,科学出版社2005年版,第318页。
    1 Michael P. Vandenbergh, Climate Change: The China Problem, Southern California Law Review, Vol.81, July 2008, p.953.
    2 WTO Panel Report, Indonesia - Certain Measures Affecting the Automobile Industry, WT/DS54/R, 2 July 1998,para.14.28.
    3 [比]约斯特?鲍威林:《国际公法规则之冲突——WTO法与其他国际法规则如何联系》,周忠海等译,法律出版社2005年版,第276-277页。
    1 WTO Appellate Body, European Communities—Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, WT/DS27/AB/R, 9 September 1997, para.204.
    2 WTO Panel Report, European Communities-- Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/R, 18 September 2000, paras. 8.16-8.17; WTO Panel Report, European Communities—Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/R , 29 May 2002, paras.7.17-7.18.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, para. 101.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report, Japan—Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, WT/DS8/AB/R, 25 September 1996, pp.15-16.
    3 Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, International Trade Law and International Environmental Law: Prevention and Settlement of International Environmental Disputes in GATT, Journal of World Trade,Vol.27,1993,p.66.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, EC—Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R, 26 September 2002, paras.274-275.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report, EC—Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R, 26 September 2002, paras.222-223, 227.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, EC—Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R, 26 September 2002, paras.232-233.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report, EC—Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R, 26 September 2002, paras.247-250.
    3 WTO Appellate Body Report, EC—Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R, 26 September 2002, paras.286.
    4 WTO Appellate Body Report, EC—Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R, 26 September 2002, paras.289.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135/AB/R, 5 April 2001, paras. 98-103.
    2在印度尼西亚——影响汽车产业的某些措施案中,专家小组在认定某些进口汽车与国产汽车属于GATT第3条第2款所规定的同类产品后,推定两者也属于第1条意义上的同类产品。参见:WTO Panel Report, Indonesia—Certain Measures Affecting the Automobile Industry, WT/DS55/R, 2 July 1998, para.14.141.
    1 Certification System Would Classify Tropical-Timber Goods, Nikkei Weekly, Dec. 28, 1992,p.3.
    2 Brian F. Chase, Tropical Forests and Trade Policy: The Legality of Unilateral Attempts to Promote Sustainable Development under The GATT, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review,Vol.17,Winter 1994, pp.375-379.
    1 Section 901, Public Law 101-627, 104 Stat. 4465-67, enacted 28 November 1990, codified in part at 16 U.S.C. 1685.
    1 GATT Panel Report, United States—Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, 3 September 1991, DS21/R, paras.5.42-5.44.
    2 WTO Appellate Body Report, Japan—Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, WT/DS8/AB/R, 4 October 1996, p.15.
    1 John H. Jackson, The World Trading System-- 2nd Edition: Law and Policy of International Economic Relations, The MIT Press, 1997, p.53.
    1 GATT Panel Report, Japan—Trade in Semi-conductors, 35S/116, 24 March 1988, paras.106-117.
    2 WTO Panel Report, Canada—Certain Measures Concerning Periodicals, WT/DS31/R, 14 March 1997, paras.5.34-5.36.
    1 Cristian Tietje, Voluntary Eco-Labelling Programmes and Questions of State Responsibility in the WTO/GATT Legal System, Journal of World Trade, Vol.29, 1995, p.145.
    1 Michael P. Vandenbergh, Climate Change: The China Problem, Southern California Law Review, Vol.81, July 2008, pp.943-957.
    1 Black, Henry Campbell, Garner, Bryan A. ed., Black’s Law Dictionary, 9th edition, West Group, 2009, p.1565.
    2 [英]庇古著:《福利经济学》,金镝译,华夏出版社2007年版,第173页。
    5 Andrew Green, Trade Rules and Climate Change Subsidies, World Trade Review, Vol.5, 2006, pp.381-386.
    1 Yandle, Bruce and Stuart Buck, Bootleggers, Baptists and the Global Warming Battle, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Vol. 26, 2002, p.208.
    2 Popp, D. , R&D Subsidies and Climate Policy: Is There a "Free Lunch"?, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series, WP 10880, Cambridge, MA, 2004.
    2 Sunstein, Cass R. Risk and Reason, Cambridge University Press, 2002, p.272.
    1 Joseph Stiglitz, A New Agenda for Global Warming, Economists’Voice, July 2006, p.2.
    1 WTO Panel Report, United States- Measures Treating Export Restraints as Subsidies, WT/DS194/R, 29 June, 2001, para.8.73.
    2 WTO Panel Report, Canada - Measures Affecting The Export of Civilian Aircraft, WT/DS70/AB/R, 2 August 1999, para. 149.
    2 ZhongXiang Zhang, Lucas Assuncao, Domestic Climate Change Policies and the WTO, The World Economy, Vol. 27, 2004, p. 360.
    1 WTO Panel Report, United States - Final Countervailing Duty Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada, WT/DS257/R, 29 August 2003, para. 7.116.
    2 Id.paras.7.120-7.121.
    3 WTO Panel Report, United States–Subsidies on Upland Cotton, WT/DS267/R, 8 September 2004, paras. 7.1142,7.1147-7.1153.
    1 Mac Benitah, The Law of Subsidies under the GATT/WTO System, Kluwer Law International, 2001, p.14.
    1 Frieder Roessler, The Concept of Nullification and Impairment in the Legal System of WTO, at Petersmann ed., International Trade Law and GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, Kluwer Law International, 1982, p.125.
    2 WTO Panel Report,Japan-- Measures Affecting Consumer Photographic Film and Paper, WT/DS44 /R, 31 March 1998, p.391.
    3 WTO Panel Report,European Communities– Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, WT/DS135 /R, 18 September 2000, para.8.292.
    1 WTO Panel Report, United States - Subsidies on Upland Cotton, WT/DS267 /R, 8 September 2004, paras.11.67-11.90.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States - Subsidies on Upland Cotton, WT/DS267/AB/R, 21 March 2005, paras.451, 458, 468.
    2 Andrew Green, Trade Rules and Climate Change Subsidies, World Trade Review, Vol.5, 2006, p.389.
    3 Hudec, Robert, Science and "Post-Discriminatory" WTO Law, Boston College International and Comparative Law Review,Vo.26, 2003, p.195.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States– Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, WT/DS257/AB/R, 19 January 2004, Para.119.
    2 Liana G.T. Wolf, Countervailing a Hidden Subsidy: The U.S. Failure To Require Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, Fall 2006, p.100.
    3 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States– Final Countervailing Duty Determination With Respect To Certain Softwood Lumber From Canada, WT/DS257/AB/R, 19 January 2004, para.89.
    1 WTO Appellate Body Report, United States - Tax Treatment For "Foreign Sales orporations,WT/DS108/AB/R, 20 March 2000, para. 90.

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