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     2、基于1983年开始近25年固定样地清查数据计算的中国海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林的生物量结果表明:雨林生物量随林木径级的增加而增大,DBH>10 cm的个体占生物量总和的90%以上,尤其是数量不到1%的大径级个体(DBH≥45 cm),其生物量所占比例更是高达32%,充分反映了在热带森林中大径级个体对生物量和碳密度的贡献占据绝对的主导作用。生物量密度在397.05±57.92和502.35±96.32 Mg·ha-1范围间变动,平均为453.13±80.06 Mg·ha-1;林木碳密度在201.43±29.38和254.85±48.86 Mg C·ha-1范围间变动,平均为230.84±40.61 Mg C·ha-1。基于样地调查估算的山地雨林地上部分碳汇大小P9201样地平均为2.13±0.46 Mg C ha-1yr-1,P8302样地为0.49±0.17 Mg Cha-1yr-1.
     3、基于2006年到2009年近四年涡度协方差通量监测结果显示,尖峰岭热带山地雨林碳交换昼夜节奏明显,日碳交换通量变异较大,在-9.20~5.20g C m-2 day-1范围间变动(在涡度协方差技术中,通常用负值代表碳吸收,正值代表碳释放),碳交换通量季节及年间变异较大,雨季碳交换能力明显强于旱季;以涡度协方差测定的碳交换通量和CO2/H20廓线估测的林内C02存储通量估算的2006-2009年尖峰岭热带山地雨林生态系统净碳交换(NEE)分别为-1.89±0.43、-2.96±0.40、-2.42±0.42、-2.15±0.41 Mg C·ha-1·yr-1,平均为-2.36±0.42 Mg C·ha-1·yr-1,表明尖峰岭热带山地雨林为净的碳汇;总生态系统生产力(gross ecosystem productivity,GEP,由涡度协方差计算的日-·NEE和估算的生态系统呼吸Re之和计算得出)分别为19.19±2.23、19.19±2.46、21.38±2.27、19.04±2.23 MgC·ha-1·yr-1,平均为19.70±2.30 Mg C·ha-1·yr-1。
     总之,在本论文涡度协方差技术的应用研究中估算的多年平均碳汇大小(2.36±0.42Mg C·ha-1·yr-1)与样地调查法估算的碳汇大小(2.13±0.46 Mg C ha-1yr-1)其值相近,为当前以涡度协方差技术和样地清查技术估算森林碳源汇大小的比较研究中提供了一个较好的研究案例;本论文研究表明,不管是涡度协方差监测还是样地资源清查,结果都显示尖峰岭未受扰动的热带山地雨林为净的碳汇,说明热带森林仍然存在巨大的碳汇潜力;同时,本论文研究表明,尖峰岭热带山地雨林碳交换与降雨(尤其是暴雨降雨次数)和干旱状况呈明显的二次曲线变化趋势,降雨和干旱月份次数是尖峰岭热带山地雨林碳交换能力的两个关键影响因子,但碳交换能力同时受台风等极端干扰事件的影响。
Tropical montane rain forest at Jianfengling is one of the most typical rain forests in China. We used two independent approaches, biometry and micrometeorology, as well as CO2/H2O profile to determine the net ecosystem exchage (NEE) and to explore the environmental controls of tropical montane rain forest at Jianfengling, Hainan Island. The results show as follows:
     1. Annual mean air temperature has been rising in recent 26 years, and annual mean minimum temperature had a significant increase but mean maximum temperature increased slightly. Diurnal courses of air temperature showed upside down U shape, and the minimum value occurred in 6:00-8:00, the maximum value appeared near 14:00. The precipitation at Jianfengling is rich, but varied distinctly from dry season to wet season. The prevailed wind came from southern, and the wind speed profile displayed a highly spatial-temporal variability and which had a positive relationship with height below canopy. Diurnal courses of solar radiation, net radiation and photosynthetic active radiation were the same as air temperature, and the daily peak appeared at 12:00, while at night the solar radiation and PAR were near zero. Annual changes showed single-peak trend, monthly peak appeared in April, and monthly valley value was in February.
     2. Biometric inventories of 25 years from 1983 indicated that the forest was either a source or a modest sink of carbon. The biomass density varied between 397.05±57.92 and 502.35±96.32 Mg·ha-1, and averaged 453.13±80.06 Mg·ha-1; while carbon density varied between 201.43±29.38 and 254.85±48.86 Mg C·ha-1, and averaged 230.84±40.61 Mg C·ha-1. The biomass of trees with dbh> 10 cm comprised 96% of the total above-ground biomass (AGB) for all trees with dbh> 1.0 cm; and the biomass of trees with dbh> 45 cm contributed 32% of the total AGB, although the number of stems accounted for just 1% of the total stems. The carbon source or sink based on ground measurements indicated that plot P9201 was a net sink at a rate of 2.13±0.46 Mg C ha-1yr-1, while the plot P8302 with a rate of 0.49±0.17 Mg C ha-1yr-1.
     3. Based on four years of eddy covariance data for CO2 fluxes in tropical montane rain forest we found that the net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (NEE) varied between-1.89 and-2.96 Mg C-ha-1·yr-1(a positive flux indicates carbon loss by the forest, a negative flux indicates carbon gain) from the year of 2006 to 2009, and averaged-2.36±0.42 Mg C-ha-1·yr-1, which showed a moderate sink of this forest. The diurnal pattern of flux showed a significant transition from daytime to nighttime, this similar trend is also found in the course of interannual and seasonal (wet and dry season) variability of flux. The forest was found productive with the gross ecosystem production (GEP) of 19.19±2.23、19.19±2.46、21.38±2.27、19.04±2.23 Mg C·ha-1·yr-1 from 2006 to 2009 respectively, and averaged GEP is 19.70±2.30 MgC·ha-1·yr-1.
     4. Inventory-based method has been used as major traditional means of addressing net ecosystem carbon exchange of an ecosystem over:multiple years. In recent years the eddy covariance technique has emerged as an alternative way to assess ecosystem carbon exchange. Although these two methods have its merits and limitations, the results in this study produced from eddy covariance technique did well match the estimates of net ecosystem productivity produced with the ground-based inventory. The study showed that we can remedy bias errors of eddy covariance by conducting comparative studies with biomass inventories to constrain flux estimates. The eddy covariance method is particularly adept as studying ecosystem physiology. Specifically, it can be used to quantify how CO2 exchange rates of whole ecosystems respond to environmental perturbations, and when paired systems are applied the method can be used to assess management questions such as the effects of disturbance and plant functional type. Inventory studies of biomass change produce estimates of annual net primary productivity in a variety of temporal and spatial scales. So, by conducting comparative studies in future research at Jianfengling tropical montane rainforest will have a good prospect and production.
     Overall, the maintance of flux tower and post-field data processing (including quanlity analysis, quanlity control, and data gap filling) are the key steps on deciding whether the technique of eddy covariance can evaluate accurately carbon exchange of ecosystems or not. But, our results estimated from four years of eddy covariance showed that a significant accumulation of carbon (2.36±0.42 Mg C·ha-1·yr-1) at Jianfengling tropical montane rain forest was found, this estimate was independently confirmed through biometric methods which also showed the forest to be gaining carbon at a rate of 2.13±0.46 Mg C ha-1yr-1.Our study provide a good case study in the situation that the results produced from eddy covariance technique did not well match the estimates of net ecosystem productivity produced with the ground-based inventory. Undisturbed tropical rain forests have been historically presumed to contribute little to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide. But our results indicted that this forest was a carbon sink based on the eddy covariance technique and the ground-based inventory. These results indicated that undisturbed tropical rain forests still have the potential to accumulate carbon from atmosphere. Quadratic relationships were found between the strength of carbon sequestration and heavy rainstorms and dry months. Precipitation and evapotranspiration are two major factors controlling carbon sequestration in the tropical mountain rain forest. Besides that, we also found a strong relationship between disturbance (such as typhoon) and the dynamics of carbon exchange.
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