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The incidence of cancer is growing increasingly because of the living environment and lifestyle of modern people. However, the treatment of cancer was still difficult to overcome.Some drugs with good therapy efficacy have been developed and applied in clinic, butmost of them lack of specific pharmacological effects and show serious side effects. As aresult, how to achieve selective efficacy of drugs on tumor cells and tissues has attractedthe attention in the biomedical research field. In this thesis, we fabricated a series ofintelligent drug delivery systems based on amphiphilic polymers to resolve problemsincluding low drug loading capacity, functionality limitations, safety issue, and so on. Ournamomaterials could accumuate in tumor sites and realize controlled release. Besides,theses systems would selectively inhibit the proliferation of cultured tumor cells or tissues,in comparison, show negligible toxicity in normal cells or tissues.
     (1) The pH-responsive amphiphilic copolymer poly(SDMA-co-OEGMA)(PSO) wasprepared from the pH-sensitive hydrophobic monomer2-styryl-1,3-dioxan-5-ylmethacrylate (SDMA) and the hydrophilic monomer oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ethermethacrylate (OEGMA) by radical polymerization. Polymeric aggregates with about130nm diameter were obtained by the self-assembly of PSO in neutral aqueous solution.Cinnamic aldehyde (CA) small molecules are broken away from PSO side chains after thehydrolysis of acid-labile cyclic acetal in cultured A375human melanoma cells and furthersuppress the proliferation of this kind of tumor cells. Furthermore, the PSO aggregate wasdemonstrated to be a drug carrier for encapsulating Nile Red as model drug in in vitrotesting. Based on the pH-responsive characteristic, the Nile Red molecules loaded inself-assembly process could be released from the aggregate inside cultured B16mousemelanoma cells.
     (2) In order to improve the drug loading content and stability of carriers, amultifunctional nanocomposite (HMS@C18@PSOR) was synthesized by assembling hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles (HMS) and as-sythesized pH-sensitive amphiphiliccopolymer from rhodamine chromophore, hydrophobic monomer SDMA, hydrophilicmonomer OEGMA. The obtained nanocomposites have high drug loading content due tothe HMS core, selectively release the encapsulated drug in mild acidicendosomal/lysosomal compartments as a result of the degradation of the pH-resposivepolymer PSOR, and also selectively inhibit the proliferation of cultured A375humanmelanoma cells by cinnamic aldehyde from pH-degradation of PSOR. In addition, thenanocomposites have potential of optical imaging in live cells.
     (3) Based on the core-shell nanocomposite mentioned above, we fabricated a novelmultifunctional nanocomposites (HMS@C18@PSDMA-b-POEGMA) consisting of HMSand well defined amphiphilic capping agent. The first step was the synthesis of amphiphilicblock polymer (PSDMA-b-POEGMA), by atom transfer radical polymerization frominitiator with a chromophore, hydrophobic monomer SDMA, hydrophilic monomerOEGMA. The second step was the self-assembly of amphiphilic polymer and hydrophobicHMS modified with C18, and the obtained multifuctional nanocomposites could be welldispersed in aqueous solution, have high drug loading content. After uptake by A375human melanoma cells, the pH-responsive shell would hydrolized due to cleavage of acetalmoieties in the weakly acidic endosomal/lysosomal compartments, resulting in loaded drugrelease. Furthermore, the simultaneously released cinnamic aldehyde (CA) would inhibitthe proliferation of cultured A375human melanoma cells. In comparison, thenanocomposites show negligible toxicity in GM human normal fibroblast. In addition, thenanocomposites have potential of optical imaging in live cells due to chromophores fromamphiphilic block polymer.
     (4) In order to obtain ultra small nanocomposite more suiltable for clinic application,polymeric micelles (~10nm) have been prepared from the amphiphilic oligomercomprising of oligomeric polystyrene as the hydrophobic inner core and half of EDTA(-N(CH2COOH)2) as the hydrophilic outermost shell. After chelating cisplatin with-N(CH2COOH)2in water, polymeric micelles containing Pt on the spherical surface havebeen easily obtained. Since the chelate group is introduced into amphiphilic oligomer asthe terminal group by RAFT agent, the chelation of cisplatin with PS(COOH)2is almoststoichiometric. The drug carrier based on PS(COOH)2showed a high loading efficiencytowards cisplatin. The release of the therapeutic Pt from the cisplatin-loaded composites (PS(COOH)2-Pt) triggered under weak acidic conditions resulted in good Pt-releasing andaccumulation in tumor cells. Both in vitro and in vivo, the chelated cisplatin inhibitedSk-Br3cancer more effectively than the intact cisplatin do. Furthermore, neitherPS(COOH)2nor PS(COOH)2-Pt showed obvious systematic toxicity.
     Based on the above works, we further studied the potential applications of amphiphilicpolymer and iron oxide in water treatment materials.
     (5) Bifunctional oligomers were synthesized and could be easily used to coatmonodisperse hydrophobic magnetite (Fe3O4) superparamagnetic nanoparticles (MSPNPs).And the resulting hydrophilic modified MSPNPs (M-MSPNPs) with abundant groups onthe surface, which could bond with Hg ions, could be used in the fast, efficient removal ofHg ions from water samples by low-field magnetic separation.
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