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     结果基线筛查1653例受检者中,男1293例,女360例,中位年龄48岁(40-79岁)。中年组1511例,老年组142例。吸烟组824例(男803例,女21例),非吸烟组726例(男429例,女297例),性别间吸烟人数差异有统计学意义(P<0.0001)。非吸烟组二手烟暴露率较高(70.5%),但性别间差异无统计学意义(P=0.452)。基线筛查中244例(14.8%)结果为阳性,717例(43.4%)结果为半阳性,692例(41.8%)结果为阴性。老年组结果为阳性者高于中年组(30.3% vs 13.3%,P<0.0001)。基线筛查共检出阳性结节337个(14.6%),其中部分实性结节的恶性比率最高(12.5%)。190例行CT复诊。与基线筛查比较,复诊398个结节无变化,其中6个阳性结节可疑或高度可疑恶性;22个结节缩小或消失;2个结节再次筛查增大(中分化腺癌和细支气管肺泡癌各1例);新出现9个结节,其中8个考虑良性,1个良恶性不能确定。基线与复诊CT共检出经病理证实的肺癌14例,包括腺癌10例,BAC3例,类癌1例。其中ⅠA期7例,ⅠB期5例,ⅢA期2例。检出冠状动脉钙化242例(14.6%),男性、老年组、吸烟者和糖尿病是其独立预测因子。检出肺气肿58例(3.5%),以男性、老年组和吸烟者居多。1321例次有辐射剂量记录的受检者中位ED为0.89mSv。
Objective To analyze the non-calcified pulmonary nodules and lung cancers by low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening and the relevant epidemiological factors, as well as the other lesions identified simultaneously.
     Materials and methods We performed LDCT screening without contrast medium for lung cancer on 1,653 eligible participants. They were divided into two age groups:the middle-aged group (between 40 and 64) and the elderly group (between 65 and 79). One thousand five hundred and fifty subjects who had information of smoking or tobacco exposure recorded were divided into ever smokers (smokers or light smokers) and non-smokers (with or without secondhand smoking exposure). The classification for pulmonary nodules and other chest lesions identified by LDCT conformed to the I-ELCAP protocol. At baseline screening, the result was positive when at least one solid or part-solid nodule 5mm or more in diameter or at least one nonsolid nodule 8mm or more in diameter was identified. The result was semi-positive when all of non-calcified nodules identified were too small to imply a positive result. If none of non-calcified nodule was identified the result was negative. Statistical significance was analyzed. The seventh edition of lung cancer staging revised by the IASLC was adopted.
     Results At baseline screening,1,653 subjects who met the inclusion criteria were recruited (1,293 men and 360 women). Median age was 48 years (range:40 to 79 years). Of these subjects,1,511 were in the middle-aged group and 142 in the elderly group, including 824 ever smokers (803 men,21 women) and 726 non-smokers (429 men,297 women). The difference of population between ever smokers and non-smokers among different gender was statistically significant (P<0.0001). The secondhand smoke exposure rate of non-smokers was high (70.5%) whereas the difference between different gender was not statistically significant (P=0.452). At baseline screening, the results of 244 subjects (14.8%) were positive,717 subjects (43.4%) were semi-positive, and 692 subjects (41.8%) were negative. The positive result rate was higher in the elderly group than in the middle-aged group (30.3% versus 13.3%, P<0.0001). Three hundred and thirty seven positive nodules were identified at baseline screening, in which the malignant rate of part-solid nodules was highest (12.5%). Follow-up CT scans were performed in 190 subjects. Compared with baseline screening,398 nodules had no changes, including 6 positive nodules that maybe malignancies,22 nodules shrank or disappeared,2 nodules increased (1 adenocarcinoma and 1 bronchioalveolar carcinoma, respectively), and 9 nodules newly emerged at follow-up CT. Of the new nodules,8 were considered benign, and 1 undetermined. Fourteen cases of lung cancer confirmed pathologically were identified at baseline and follow-up CT. Of them, the pathological types included adenocarcinoma (10 cases), BAC (3 cases) and carcinoid (1 case). Based on the seventh edition of the TNM stage,7 cases were in stage I A,5 cases in I B, and 2 cases inⅢA. Positive coronary artery calcification (CAC) were observed in 242 subjects (14.6%), and male, the elderly group, smokers or diabetes were the independent predictors. Emphysema was screened in 58 cases (3.5%), and male, the elderly group and smokers were in the majority. Finally, the median effective dose of 1321 subjects who had recorded radiation dose was 0.89mSv.
     Conclusion The smoking situation and secondhand smoke exposure rate in our study are consistent with the overall survey trend in China. The malignant rate of positive part-solid pulmonary nodules was highest that should be followed up closely. Early lung adenocarcinoma was the most common pathological type in identified lung cancer and female patients were in the majority. The radiation dose was reduced markedly by LDCT and the CAC and emphysema can be screened simultaneously.
     Objective To evaluate the detectability and application of computer-aided detection (CAD) system for non-calcified pulmonary nodules in low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening.
     Materials and methods One hundred subjects who underwent LDCT screening were adopted to evaluate. Three analysis methods were designed. Method A:CAD pulmonary nodules detection system; Method B:axial images of 1.25mm thickness with MIP imaging (10mm thickness); Method C:combining A and B. Method B and C were applied independently by one resident and one junior radiologist. The reference standard of true non-calcified nodules was determined in consensus by another two senior radiologists. Nodules'size, location and consistency were recorded. The matching chi-square test and Kappa test were used.
     Results There were 269 true nodules determined by two senior radiologists. The number of true nodules, sensitivity and false negatives of CAD, method B and C by resident, method B and C by junior radiologist were 181 (67.3%,32.7%),110 (40.9%,59.1%), 206 (76.6%,23.4%),215 (79.9%,20.1%),256 (95.2%,4.8%), respectively. The sensitivity of method C was higher than that of method B by both resident and junior radiologist, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.0001). The sensitivity of method C by resident was close to that of method B by junior radiologist, and the difference was not statistically significant (P=0.422). The agreement for method C and the reference standard was excellent (Kappa=0.806 by resident, and 0.953 by junior radiologist). There also was an excellent inter-observer agreement (Kappa=0.&35). Missing true nodules by CAD in our study was predominantly due to small size (<4mm), lower attenuation (ground-glass opacity) and the segmentation algorithm (connected or adjacent to blood vessels or pleura). The missing rate of nonsolid nodules by CAD was 89.5%.
     Conclusion CAD can improve radiologists'performance in detecting pulmonary nodules, particularly for residents or junior radiologists who have limited experience. However, the high false negatives of CAD limit its application as a stand-alone technique, especially to nonsolid pulmonary nodules which are more missed.
[1]American Cancer Society. Global cancer facts and figures 2007. Atlanta (GA):American Cancer Society; 2007:14.
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    [3]American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures 2010. Atlanta (GA):American Cancer Society; 2010:4,15.
    [4]Aberle DR, Brown K. Lung cancer screening with CT. Clin Chest Med.2008; 29 (1): 1-14.
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    [11]Miser WF. Cancer screening in the primary care setting:the role of the primary care physician in screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, ovarian, and prostate cancers. Prim Care.2007; 34 (1):137-167.
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    [1]American Cancer Society. Global cancer facts and figures 2007. Atlanta (GA):American Cancer Society,2007.14.
    [2]中华人民共和国卫生部.《2010中国卫生统计年鉴》.北京:中华人民共和国卫生部,2010Available: http://www.moh.gov.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/zwgkzt/ptjnj/year2010/index2010.ht ml (accessed 2011 Mar.12).
    [3]American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures 2010. Atlanta (GA):American Cancer Society,2010.4,15.
    [4]Aberle DR, Brown K. Lung Cancer Screening with CT. Clin Chest Med.2008,29 (1): 1-14.
    [5]Boiselle PM and White CS ed. Lung cancer screening:past, present, and future. New Techniques in Thoracic Imaging. New York:Marcel Dekker, Inc.2002.1-23.
    [6]International Early Lung Cancer Action Program Investigators, Henschke CI, Yip R, Miettinen OS. Women's susceptibility to tobacco carcinogens and survival after diagnosis of lung cancer. JAMA.2006,296 (2):180-184.
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    [15]Ganti AK, Mulshine JL. Lung cancer screening. Oncologist.2006,11(5):481-487.
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    [20]Leader JK, Warfel TE, Fuhrman CR, et al. Pulmonary nodule detection with low-dose CT of the lung:agreement among radiologists. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2005,185 (10): 973-978.
    [21]Henschke CI, Yankelevitz DF, Mirtcheva R, et al. CT screening for lung cancer: frequency and significance of part-solid and nonsolid nodules. AJR Am J Roentgenol.2002, 178 (5):1053-1057.
    [22]Naidich DP, Marshall CH, Gribbin C, et al. Low-dose CT of the lungs:preliminary observations. Radiology.1990,175 (3):729-731.
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    [25]Henschke CI, McCauley DI, Yankelevitz DF, et al. Early Lung Cancer Action Project: overall design and findings from baseline screening. Lancet.1999,354 (9,173):99-105.
    [26]International Early Lung Cancer Action Program Investigators, Henschke CI, Yankelevitz DF, Libby DM, et al. Survival of patients with stage I lung cancer detected on CT screening. N Engl J Med.2006,355 (17):1763-1771.
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    [28]Van Iersel CA, de Koning HJ, Draisma G, et al. Risk-based selection from the general population in a screening trial:selection criteria, recruitment and power for the Dutch-Belgian randomised lung cancer multi-slice CT screening trial (NELSON). Int J Cancer.2006,120 (4):868-874.
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    [32]National Cancer Institute. Lung cancer trial results show mortality benefit with low-dose CT:Twenty percent fewer lung cancer deaths seen among those who were screened with low-dose spiral CT than with chest X-ray. Bethesda, MD:National Cancer Institute,2010. Available: www.cancer.gov/newscenter/pressreleases/NLSTresultsRelease(accessed 2010 Nov.09).

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