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This study collects materials through questionnaire survey on the ethos of the Chinese residents in six provinces and cities. Based on the relevant theories of sociology and social psychology, it aims to describe the interpersonal trust of urban residents and try to analyses the relevant influence factors of the interpersonal trust state.
     The thesis falls into four chapters:
     The first chapter includes the study background, the literature review, the conceptualization and the operation of concept. In addition, the framework and the research method of this study are also mentioned.
     The second part, the body of the thesis, describe the general trust state of urban residents. Then, it goes deep to analyze the factors such as Guanxi and responsibility that affect the general trust.
     The third chapter, the body of the thesis too, describe the specific trust state of urban residents at first, and then analyze the influence factors from such angles as institutional trust and moralistic trust. At last, the effects on difference between trust faith and trust behavior are analyzed.
     The last chapter includes the conclusion. The contents of the previous chapters, especially the results of the research are summed up. Two points are mentioned for further discussion: the one is about the connection between specific trust and institutional trust, and the other one is about the connection between general trust and government trust.
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