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Comparative Study on Visually Impaired Children and Normal Children's
    Self-concept and Personality
    Self-concept was the key construction of personality,it influenced both an
    indivudual's cognition and behavior style and his mental health.The
    objective of this study was to Undrstand the similarity and difference
    between normal children and visually impaired children's self-concept and
    personality characteristics, and supply exceptional education with
    phychological advice. TST skill and EPQ and interview method were used
    to investigate 45 normal children,28 low vision children and 20 totally
    blind children in ZiQiang polytechnic school. After comparing visually
    impaired children with normal children,the conclusion displayed that:
    1.All children had same strcture of self concept, they paid more anention
    to spintual self and social self rather than physical and other aspect of
    self They all showed idealization and contradiction in self description.
    2.Low vision children paid significantly more attention to physical
    self than normal and blind children did, Blind children are more sensitive
    about their inner world than low vision children and normal children,low
    vision children and normal children had significant difference in social
    self;Female students were more aware of their social self than their male
    3.Low vision Children had higher E score than normal children.All
    children had no statistically difference in P score,L score and N score. But
    visually impaired children(the blind children, specially), tended to feel more
    pressure of employment and anxiety caused by it. Visually children were in
    low spirit more often than normal children.
    4.Vsually impaired children and normal children displayed same
    developmental trend:as they grew older,the difference in their seIf-concept
    and personality became smaller.
    5.There were more significant difference in self-concept and personality
    within visually impaired children than within normal children.
    6.Parents' education level had no significant impact on all
    children'self──concept and personality;Different onset of blindness made
    the blind children have different means in their spirituaI self and social self
    According to the conclusions, we made three pieces of suggestion
    l.Educators should have higher expectation for visually impaired
    children,give them strong support.Give special attention to low vision
    children,and employ diffenent strategies to teach visually impaired
    2.Educators should give more attention to visually impaired children
    's social adjustment and their mental health.
    3.Give visually impaired children some educational
    interference,such as motive training and attribution style training.
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