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    1 小学男女生中,欺负者和受欺负者情绪稳定性得分、男生中的
Bullying is prevalent among primary school students, and it is a
    special type of special aggression in which the more powerful
    oppresses the less powerful without being provoked. The stability of
    bullying implies that it is connected with certain characteristics of
    personality. Significant diffeence in persona1ity between bu11ies,
    victims and those students not involved into bullying was found in
    large amount of research conducted among prirnary and secondary
    schOol students outside China. In the preseni study, anonymous
    questionnaires were administered to primary students, and the
    differences of personality' characteristics of bullies, victims, and
    children not involved were examined. The re1ation between the
    probabilities of bu1lying others and being bullied and personality was
    also investigated.
    872 students of grade 3, 4, 5, and 6, with approximately equal
    number of boys and girls, from Yu Xin primary schoo1 in Jinan City
    of Shandong Province participated in ti1e investigation. The age of the
    students was mainly between 7 and l 1 years old. Eysenck Persona1ity
    Questionnaire 0unior) (EPQ) into which two questions about bullying
    others and being buIlied this term were inserted, and the Self Esteem
    Questionnaire were administered to the panicipants. The results of
    data analysis were as fOllows.
    1. Conthested with the norm, the bu1lies and victims among primary
    school students scored significa-ntly higher on the Neuroticism
    Subscale, and the bullies among boys scored significantly higher on
    the Psychoticism Subcale, and the victims scored significanily 1ower.
    2. MAVOVA indicated that significant main effect of children's
    status (bu1lies, victims and not involved) on the tota1 varia-nce of
    personality dimensions of EPQ, a-nd on the Psychoticism Subscale,
    Neuroticism Subscale and Lie Subscale significant main effects of
    chi1dren's status were also fOund, however no interaction of age,
    gender and type was fOund. The scores of bullies on the Psychoticism
    Subscale were significantly higher than victims and those students
    who were not invo1ved, and victims' scores on the subsca1e were also
    significam1y higher tha-n those uninvolved. The scores of those
    uninvolved on the Neuroticism SubscaIe were signiflcant1y higher
    than those u-ninvolved, and marked difference between bu11ies and
    victims was not found. At the same time, Lie scores of buI1ies and
    victims were significanly lower than those uninvo1ved. On the other
    hand, there was no significan difference of Extraversion scores
    between three types of chi1dren.
    3. The variable of children' status has a significant effect on
    self esteem scores of primary schoo1 studeflts, and those uninvo1ved
    scored significant1y higher than those invo1ved, however significant
    interaction was not found.
    4. Significam positive correlation was fOund between the frequency
    of bullying others and being bullied and the scores on Psychoticism
    Subscale and Neuroticism Subsca1e, and significant negative
    correlation existed between the frequency of bu1lying others a-nd
    being bullied and SeIf esteem scores and Lie scores, however the
    correlation between the frequency a-nd Extraversion Scores was not
    found to be significant. Logistic Regression Analysis trier
    indicated the very significant effect of the variables of psychoticism,
    lie and gender on predicting the probabilities of bulling others, and
    the effect of selfestCem, neuroticism and age on predicting the
    probabilities of being bullied. The higher children scored on the
    Psychoticism Subscale, and the lower children scored on the Lie
    Subscale, the more probably children would buIly others. At the same
    time boys were more likely to bulIy others than girls. On the other
    hand. the lower chi1dren scored on the Self eSteem QueStionnaire, and
    the higher children scored on the Neuroticism Subscale, the more
    probable children would be bullied. At the saxne time, comPared to
    l1-year-old children, 9-year-old children were mo
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