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The ancient liberalism taking orders of Scotland moral philosophy tradition encountered unprecedented challenge around the 20th Century. In the 19th Century the national power was restricted, but was increasingly expanded in the 20th Century. It’s seriously threatened the individual freedom. To protect the individual freedom, Hayek proved the individual freedom again. Traditional classical liberal theorists are both beginning from human nature to prove the individual freedom. But theorists of other schools criticized it seriously accompanying with it. The stress of the criticism is that the theory of human nature put individual atomization, completely ignoring the social background of individual. Individual was fully abstracted. For this kind of criticism, the intrinsic traditional classical liberal theorists can’t response to it. But the cognition of freedom of Hayek not only succeeded to the base of human nature, but also broke through the intrinsic moralism of human nature, because he researched the human nature under the background of social constitution. The breakout of the research framework makes the inherent criticism to liberalism instantly losing the pertinence, so Hayek become the leader of safeguarding liberalism in the new era. From then on, Hayek’s thought has been researched. Some people elaborate it, some people criticize it, and some people interpret and apply for it. In 1990s, because the world situation has occurred unheard-of great change, Hayek has done some forward-looking research about the whole situation in his theory, so he attracts the most attention.
     The research about Hayek mainly plays emphasis upon the doctrinal interpretation that more fastened on the interpretation about the nature of the freedom, spontaneous social order and constitution theory and so on. But it pays less attention about the question that Hayek wants to interpret and to face: to make the individual freedom come true. Hayek defended the liberalism in his whole life, so safeguard freedom is the core theme in his theory. This dissertation makes detailed discourse on the condition of freedom that is the theme of the dissertation.
     Hayek is the representative person of the classic liberalism in the new period, so if we want to understand his freedom thought, we must give him a corresponding position in the corresponding theory tradition to understand the relation between Hayek’s thought and its source, and to find the rough changes of the theory venation. Meanwhile, it has an introduction about the era background that Hayek’s thought has come into being upon it, because theory comes through age background. Through the theory combines the age background, we can truly understand the source of Hayek’s thought. Hayek thinks that freedom is a kind of regulation and a kind of value. It exists depending on the freedom is the necessary condition of the social spontaneous order, and it enhances the development and progress of society, and it also is the regulation of the spontaneous revolve of the society.
     Because freedom is the core thought of Hayek, so it’s necessary to interpret the nature of freedom. The freedom that Hayek advocates is a kind of nugatory freedom that it only tells people behavior is allowable behavior except the forbidden behavior. That is different from other freedom thought. It is a kind of law freedom. Because the relationship among freedom, equality and democracy is inextricably involved in modern times, the dissertation compare and analysis them.
     Logically, freedom thought runs though in this logical venation: individual freedom is the premise of the freedom, and freedom is the necessary condition of the social spontaneous order. The main character of Hayek’s individualism thought is that individual reason is not full, and the methodology individualism, through it he puts individual under the background of social order, meanwhile he emphasis the limitation of individual. He changes the moralism into mental faculty theory of human nature and he overcomes the shortcoming of atomic individual. Because individual reason is not full, it’s necessary to communicate between people. In this process, people gradually forms kinds of regulations that in favor of people’s life. People follow this regulations and continuous adapt their behavior to form a kind of relative stable behavior structure making the society to be an ordered situation, this is social spontaneous order. Social spontaneous order is a kind of expended order, because it can be expended following the scope of the behavior of the process of communication. In this spontaneous order, the decisive regulation is the inner regulation that people’s behavior be regulated and restricted by and its change will affect the social order and the development of social itself. Organization order and outer regulation correspond to the spontaneous order and inner regulation. Organization order wholly serves for the spontaneous order, but the change of its regulation has relative independence. In the society, organization order has its existed reason and necessary, because it can resolve the‘free riding’and‘the Tragedy of the commons’that can’t be resolved by inner regulations.
     Social spontaneous order is dominated by the inner regulation. The form and creation of the regulation needs people to trial-and-error and accumulate experiences. So people need enough behavior square to find the suitable new regulation and it’s necessary to protect the square to make people to allodium choice. This is private squares. In other words, it actually needs to maintain freedom. But maintain freedom is one of the conditions to make the freedom come true. Other question is that how to carry out the communication in the private squares, especially the change to satisfy the material necessary. Private ownership of property and the separation of property provide the base for the succeed change. The shortcoming of the system is that it can lead to polarize of property, to make the pattern of ownership divided into the controlled right of self and the distributive right of income, and to separate them to make up the inequality. The most dangerous factors for freedom are the arbitrary enforcement. Although country is a kind of system order, but it comes through the necessary of spontaneous social order, it easily threatens the individual freedom when it executes the function given by society. The obvious prove is that governmental power expends and permeates in the everywhere in the democracy system. To hold back the dilation of public power, Hayek reiterates the spirit of law, hoping to remodel the constitution system to protect individual freedom and to provide corresponding condition to make the freedom come true. For this purpose, Hayek transforms the legislative parliament to be pure legislative parliament and governing parliament basing on the intrinsic separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers. If there are disputes between each other, the jurisdictional right belongs to the constitution court. Hayek’s constitution mechanism is a kind of distributive power system that justice is the core of it. He puts the jurisdictional right in the hand of justice, embodying that Hayek’s mental to guard against democracy. This is a kind of mode in which legal mechanism substitutes for political mechanism.
     The form and development of social spontaneous order must maintain freedom that is the necessary condition of the inborn of freedom. But, carefully read up his works, we find that the grow of the social spontaneous order in favor of the carry out and maintain of freedom, because the former theorist usually put the task to maintain the social order to give to nation, Hayek considers that the social order to be a kind of spontaneous order, in order to less the important mission, then the country can pay more attention to accomplish its corresponding task following the rule of law. This is good at the realization of freedom.
     There are many shortcomings of his thought, e.g. he emphasis the importance to realize the cooperation in the social cooperating order and put the cooperator’s independence and equality in a very preferential position, but he ignores the results of inequality of starting point. The factor threatening freedom is not only from government, but also from the great disparity of property. Though government’s interference can level the disparity, the weakened party may not improve their situation. But because Hayek’s constitution mechanism strictly restricts the democracy, so people using the method to improve their situation will be influenced.
     The discourse of freedom and illumination of the condition of freedom of Hayek mainly research the constitute factors of freedom and his object of research is the country that freedom has already formed. The only thing that Hayek worried is that people will forget the value of freedom that brings out progress and prosperous, not the freedom that people never enjoy. He warmed is only the people living in the freedom society but not concerned the people living in the enslavedness. So, we must search the road to carry out the freedom when we advocate his maintaining of freedom.
     In a word, Hayek reproves the core value of classic liberalism in the foundation of new theory, doing a positive contribution for the renascence of classic liberalism. Though Hayek’s theory is not perfect, but the defects cannot obscure the virtues. His thought needs us to research continuously and hardly.
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    2 [英]霍布斯鲍姆:《极端的年代》(上),郑明萱译,江苏人民出版社1999年第2版,第203—206页。
    2 [英]霍布豪斯:《自由主义》,朱曾汶译,商务印书馆1996年版,第80页。
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    2 [英]哈耶克、[美]诺齐克等著:《知识分子为什么反对市场》秋风编,吉林人民出版社2003年版,第20页。
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    1 [英]约翰·格雷:《自由主义》,曹海军、刘训练译,吉林人民出版社2005年1月版,导论第1页。
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    3 [美]列奥·斯特劳斯:《霍布斯的政治哲学》,申彤译,译林出版社2001年版,第34页。
    1 [美]乔治·霍兰·萨拜因:《政治学说史》,[美]托马斯·兰敦·索尔森修订,盛葵阳、崔妙因译,商务印书馆1986年4月第一版,第534页。
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    1 [英]休谟:《人性论》,关文运译,商务印书馆1983年版,第498页。
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    2 [美]丹尼尔·耶金、约瑟夫·斯坦尼斯罗:《制高点》,段宏等译,外文出版社2000年版,第78页。
    2 [英]昆廷·斯金纳、博·斯特拉思主编:《国家与公民》,彭利平译,华东师范大学出版社2005年12月版,第15页。
    3 [英]霍布斯:《利维坦》,黎思服、黎廷弼译,商务印书馆1985年版,第162—163页。
    1 [英]洛克:《政府论》(下),叶启芳、翟菊农译,商务印书馆1964年版,第16页。
    2 [英]霍布斯:《利维坦》,黎思服、黎廷弼译,商务印书馆1985年版,第130页。
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    2 [英]以赛亚·伯林:《自由论》,胡传胜译,译林出版社2003年12月版,第204页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联出版社2003年1月版,第155—156页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联出版社2003年1月版,第105页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年12月版,第37页。
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    2 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年12月版,第28页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年12月版,第4页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),邓正来译,三联书店1997年版,第12页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),邓正来译,三联书店1997年版,第16页。
    2 [英]约翰·格雷:《自由主义》,曹海军、刘训练译,吉林人民出版社2005年1月,第86—87页。
    1 [英]斯金纳:《自由主义之前的自由》,李宏图译,上海三联书店2003年10月出版,第59页。
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    1 [美]德沃金:《至上的美德》,冯克利译,江苏人民出版社2003年1月版,导论第5页。
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    2 [美]乔·萨托利:《民主新论》,冯克利、阎克文译,东方人民出版社1998年12月,第380页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),邓正来译,三联书店1997年版,第123页。
    1 [英]萨托利:《民主新论》,冯克利译,东方出版社1998年版,第36页。
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    1 [英]休谟:《人性论》,关文运、郑之骧译,商务印书馆1997年版,第101页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年12月版,第80—81页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第87页。
    3 [美]林毓生:《中国传统的创造性转化》,三联书店,1996年版,第341页。
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    1 [英]哈耶克:《The Sensory Order》,Routledge & Kegan Paul,1987年版,第165页。
    2 [英]约翰·格雷:《Hayek on Liberty》,Routledge1998年第3版,第4—5页。
    3 [德]康德:《纯粹理性批判》,蓝公武译,1997年版,第459页。
    4 [英]哈耶克:《The Sensory Order》,Routledge & Kegan Paul,1987年版,第166页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《The Sensory Order》,Routledge & Kegan Paul,1987年版,第179页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《The Sensory Order》,Routledge & Kegan Paul,1987年版,第182页。
    3 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第102页。
    4 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第90—91页。
    5 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第92页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第104页。.
    2 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第105页。
    3 [英]哈耶克:《The Sensory Order》,Routledge & Kegan Paul,1987年版,第192页。
    4 [英]哈耶克:《The Sensory Order》,Routledge & Kegan Paul,1987年版,第188—159页。
    5 [英]哈耶克:《The Sensory Order》,Routledge & Kegan Paul,1987年版,第190页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第121页。
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    4 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第135页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第155—156页。
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    1 [英]斯蒂文·卢克斯:《个人主义》,阎克文译,江苏人民出版社2001年8月版,第138页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第11页。
    3 [加]查尔斯·泰勒:《自我的根源:现代认同的形成》,韩震等译,译林出版社2001年版,第257页。
    4 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),代译序,邓正来译,三联书店,1997年版,第49页。
    5 [英]哈耶克:《科学的反革命》,冯克利译,译林出版社2003年版,第32—33页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《科学的反革命》,冯克利译,译林出版社2003年版,第24页。
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    2 [美]丹尼尔·贝尔:《社群主义及其批评者》,李琨译,三联书店2002年版,第7页。
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    2 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店,2003年版,第19—20页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《致命的自负》,冯克利、刘晋华译,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第129页。
    1 [德]斐迪南·滕尼斯:《共同体与社会》,林荣远译,商务印书馆1999年版,第52页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《法律、立法与自由》(第一卷),邓正来译,2000年版,第54页。
    3 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),邓正来译,三联书店出版社1997年版,第200页。
    4 [英]哈耶克:《法律、立法、自由》(第一卷),邓正来、张守东、李静冰译,中国大百科全书出版社2000年版,第19页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《致命的自负》,冯克利、刘晋华译,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第8页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《致命的自负》,冯克利、刘晋华译,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第8页。
    3 [英]哈耶克:《法律、立法、自由》(第一卷),邓正来、张守东、李静冰译,中国大百科全书出版社2000年版,第54-55页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《法律、立法、自由》(第一卷),邓正来、张守东、李静冰译,中国大百科全书出版社2000年版,第56页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《法律、立法、自由》(第一卷),邓正来、张守东、李静冰译,中国大百科全书出版社2000年版,第58页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《法律、立法、自由》(第一卷),邓正来、张守东、李静冰译,中国大百科全书出版社2000年版,第64页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《法律、立法、自由》(第一卷),邓正来、张守东、李静冰译,中国大百科全书出版社2000年版,第7页。
    3 [英]哈耶克:《致命的自负》,冯克利等译,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第13页。
    4 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年版,第37—38页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《致命的自负》,冯克利等译,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第8页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《致命的自负》,冯克利等译,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第9页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《科学的反革命》,冯克利译,译林出版社2003年版,第87—88页。
    2 [美]曼瑟尔·奥尔森:《集体行动的逻辑》,陈郁等译,上海三联书店、上海人民出版社2003年3月第3版,导论第2页。
    1 [古希腊]亚里士多德:《政治学》,吴寿彭译,商务印书馆1997译,第48页。
    3 [英]哈耶克:《致命的自负》,冯克利等译,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第19页。
    4 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年版,第35页。
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    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年版,第49—50页。
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    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年版,第102页。
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    2 [英]哈耶克:《通往奴役之路》,王明毅等译,中国社会科学出版社1997年版,第101页。
    3 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联书店1997年版,第173页。
    4 [英]迈克尔·奥克肖特:《政治中的理性主义》,张汝伦译,上海译文出版社2003年版,第113页。
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    2 [美]罗伯特·诺齐克:《无政府、国家与乌托邦》,何怀宏译,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第163页。
    3 [美]克里斯特曼:《财产的神话:走向平等主义的所有权理论》,张绍宗译,广西师范大学出版社2004年版,第37页。
    4 [美]克里斯特曼:《财产的神话:走向平等主义的所有权理论》,张绍宗译,广西师范大学出版社2004年版,第37页。
    1 [美]克里斯特曼:《财产的神话:走向平等主义的所有权理论》,张绍宗译,广西师范大学出版社2004年版,第276页。
    1 [美]乔·萨托利:《民主新论》,冯克利、阎克文译,东方出版社1998年12月第2版,第370页。
    3 [美]塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿:《变化社会中的政治秩序》,王冠华等译,三联书店1989年版,第7页。
    2 [美]E·博登海默:《法理学:法律哲学与法律方法》,邓正来译,中国政法大学出版社,第228页。
    4 [英]哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,邓正来译,三联书店2003年版,第30页。
    5 [英]Ferguson:《An Essay on the History of Civil Society》,中国政法大学出版社,2003年版,第74页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《法律、立法与自由》(二、三卷),邓正来译,中国大百科全书出版社2000年版,第487页。2高全喜:《法律秩序与自由正义》,北京大学出版社2003年版,第364页
    3[英]Bernard Crick:《In defence of politics》fourth edition 1992,The university of Chicago Press,第123页。
    1 [澳] Chandran Kukathas: Hayek and modern liberalism,Oxford university Press, 1989,第2-3页。
    3 [加]威尔·金里卡:《当代政治哲学》,刘莘译,上海三联书店2004年版,第7页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),邓正来译,三联书店出版社1997年版,第72页
    2 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),邓正来译,三联书店出版社1997年版,第74页
    1 [美]R·M·昂格尔:《现代社会中的法律》,吴玉章等译,译林出版社2001年版,第27页。
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    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),邓正来译,三联书店出版社1997年版,第73页。
    2 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(上),邓正来译,三联书店出版社1997年版,邓正来代译序第49页。
    1 [美]罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社1988年版,第60-61页。
    2 [美]罗伯特·诺齐克:《无政府、国家与乌托邦》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,前言第1页。
    1 [英]哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》(下),邓正来译,三联书店出版社1997年版,第49页
    2 [法]孟德斯鸠:《论法的精神》(上),张雁深译,商务印书馆1997年版,第154页。
    2 [美]霍伊:《自由主义政治哲学》,刘峰译,三联书店1992年版,第164页
    8、[英]hayek,F.A.The Sensory Order:An Inquiry into the Foundations of Theoretical Pshcholotgy,Chicago:university of Chicago press,1952.
    73、[英]昆廷·斯金纳:《政治的洞见:斯金纳文集》(Quentin Skinner )3卷本,总序,剑桥大学出本社2002年版。
    74、Chandran Kukathas , Hayek and modern liberalism , Clarendon Press·Oxford,1989。
    75、Bernard Crick: fourth edition 1992,The university of Chicago Press。
    76、Ferguson:《An Essay on the History of Civil Society》,中国政法大学出版社,2003年版。
    77、John Gray :Hayek on Liberty,London and New York:Routledge,1998年第3版。
    78、Christina Petsoulas:Hayek’s Liberalism and it’s Origins,First published 2001 by Routledge.
    79、The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek Volume I:Politica,ed.by Peter J. Boettke,Edward Elgar Publishing,Inc,1999.
    80、Friedrich A.Hayke;Critical Assessments(Vol.I、II、III,IV),Ed.by John Cunningham Wood and Ronald N.Woods,London and NewYork:Routledge,1991.

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