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Strong social security policy and multidisciplinary characteristics oftenmake researchers on the social security law was puzzled even disoriented. Onthe one hand, social security law late start, the lack of rich theoretical andpractical basis fulfillment, academic tradition has not yet taken shape, whichmakes the social security law research of very difficult; On the other hand,economics, sociology and other academic research results achieved are so thickand more complete, and often make the law research on social security lost"Law Taste" and independent research directions. This article holds that thesocial security law research must respond to reality, and the results of researchon other subjects precisely provides us with a good empirical material.
     This paper is on the basis of these empirical material trying to use law andthe legal elements of the basis of analytical tools (system, subjects, rights,liability, etc.) analyzing legal system related issues in the process of integrationof urban and rural of social security.
     By comparison China's urban and rural social security system status quo,that is the dualistic urban and rural areas of China's social security systemmodel, it has the typical“to urban centre”system features. There are manydrawbacks on this model system: artificial separation between the urban andrural development and exchange, a deterrent to the free movement of membersof the society, resulting in unequal opportunities and the fact that all the results;not conducive to requirements of the market economy on the unity of the establishment of the labor market, contrary to industrialization, urbanizationand modernization requirements of the development, goes against harmonioussociety spirit of the times.
     In theory sector, the social security reform of the urban and rural dualisticthere have long been calls, on the topic of integration of urban and rural,scholars are regularly affirmed two different perspectives. With social securityin the global scope of the re-affirmation and the central policy graduallybecome clear, positive view becomes the mainstream. This paper furtheranalyzes the necessity and feasibility on integration of urban and rural socialsecurity, preliminary study on the path of social security system for urban andrural integration. From the law perspective, the integration of urban and ruralsocial security will be defined as: State or Government in the development ofthe social security laws, policies, we should consider the co-ordination of urbanand rural social and economic development status and future plans for thebalance of the social security system arrangements for nationals of each oneproviding equal social security rights. More integration of urban and ruralsocial security should be regarded as a long-term goal of struggle, emphasizedbenign results of the integration of urban and rural social security. China'ssocial security has been with the realization of the conditions of urban and ruralintegration, and localities have also emerged the integration of urban and ruralsocial security practice mode, these are the integration of urban and rural socialsecurity system framework to pave the way for the early.
     The integration of urban and rural social security system constructionshould be sub-item, step-by-step start gradually, with the level of social andeconomic development of a highly developed, and the gradual disappearanceof the gap between urban and rural and urban social security integration can bethe ultimate realization. China's current social relief from the start of urban andrural integration, and build the right to life of all citizens of the bottom line ofprotection and social insurance contributions nature, the internal heterogeneity of the rural areas as well as the development of non-equilibrium of the region,decided to urban and rural areas in China's social insurance only sub-regionalintegration, sub-item, sub-level domain gradually start..
     The right to social security is the core concept of the social security law.The right to social security is a typical example of social rights, the valueattributes bound to affect value orientation of the social security rights. Theauther analyses the meaning of social right on the basis of justice by Rawlstheory that social right has the double value orientation to personal freedomand social equity. And the value orientation to social security can be frompersonal freedom and social justice both be explored. This article holds thatunder China's current urban and rural social security system, the right to socialsecurity is the lack of individual freedom value, and there are social equitystructural defects. The essence of social security, scholars of the classicaltheory and specific practice have determined that we should bring social equityas the right to social security the first value. Specifically, forms fair shouldbecome the core values in the current macro-social security systems; real fairshould become the core values in the current basis of the social security system;legislative principles of the integration of urban and rural social security mustface the main parties of the status of inequality, and the rights and obligationsof non-full reciprocity, security standards subject to the level of developmentof productive forces and other special prerequisite, and the integration of urbanand rural social security legislation main principles: the principle of equality ofsocial security rights, the protection of the bottom line of universal principles,tilt protection principles, social cohesion and integration of the principle ofpersonal responsibility and social principles.
     In this paper, affecting social protection of the legal system constructionstart of factors, pointed out that the choice between the social security surplusmode and mechanism of the mode, and the establishment of model legislationhave decided the tone, direction and legislative technology of social security legal system; proposed by the World Bank and the multi-pillar system forChina's construction of multi-level social security legal system provideinspiration. In the urban and rural integration process, we must first sort out themacro planning level social security system framework; Secondly, inaccordance with the development trend of international social security andChina's real conditions, from the universal basic protection, regional groups ofthe urban and rural areas of convergence social insurance, personal supplementsocial security constructive three different levels of social protection of thelegal system.
     In the urban and rural integration process, social security legalrelationship can be divided into the basic social security legal relationship tosupplement social security and other social security legal relationship betweenthree different levels, each level is different from the nature of the legalrelationship. Subjects are the first element in social security legal relationship,it is necessary to carry out focused research. Subjects of social security law areenjoying the protection of the legal rights and obligations of individuals,organizations and state organs in social security legal relationship. The maincharacteristics of subjects of social security law are: universality andparticularity on subject of the right, the complexity of subject of a duty, publicand private property in subject of protection. Subjects of social security law canbe classed into legislation and practice. In the legal, Subjects of social securitylaw can be classed into the basic subject and the common subject; in practice,subjects of protection are diversified. The author suggests that there are issues,such as, qualitative unclear laws, obligations meaning not clear, anddeficiencies of subjects of protection in rural, through the legal status of suchanalysis about he social security agencies, community, village collective units.
     The author suggests that during both of the system development, or a totalof at the current situation of the system, the right to social security in thefollowing three can be in the context of the existence in a different form: first, the right to social security in the Human Rights context; Second, basic rights tosocial security in the Constitution context; Third, specific rights to socialsecurity in the common law context. The rights to social security in differentcontext have different characteristics and norms effect, this paper focuses onbasic rights to social security in the Constitution context and specific rights tosocial security in the common law context. The paper discusses that basic rightto social security is an independent constitutional right, points out that basicright system of social security posed by the right to material assistance ofcitizens, the right to retirement living and the right to protection of specialgroups entitled to special care. Because lack of effectiveness of norms in basicright to social security, basic right to social security which should be directlytranslated into the reality of the right of individual citizens can only lookforward to a concrete manifestation of the common law. However, there is alarge difference between urban and rural areas in China about specific rights tosocial security in the common law context, such as the legal sources, the scopeof rights, funding sources and regulating effect. Clearly, the social securityright system is urgently needed to reconstruct in the urban and rural integrationprocess in China. We ought to establish the principle of the equal protectionand reasonable differential treatment principle, on the basis of economicresources and social stratification two reality premise.
     Based on the semantic analysis of the concept of liability, social securityliability is defined as multi–meanings concept of liability, both negativeliability and positive liability. Compared to other legal departments, thecharacteristics of the social security liability are: defined the concept ofliability multi–meanings, the diversity of subjects of liability, a comprehensiveform of liability, and accountability mechanism complexity. On the reciprocalrelationship, Positive duty is a liability of the role, status liability, and thenegative liability is a liability for the protection of active duty. For active duty,the paper discusses liability-based thinking from the two perspectives of history and reality, then analyses the subjects of liability and the contents ofliability. As for negative liability, the author suggests that there are not ownindependent constitute theory for negative responsibility, we can learn fromother sectors of the negative responsibility theory, integrated criminal liability,administrative liability and civil liability and other forms of legislative normsto meet the needs of self-contained logic.
     To sum up, this paper systematically studied social security legal systemin the process of integration of the urban and rural referring to other subjects.On the one hand, demonstrated the right to freedom of the individual and socialequity double value orientation in the process of integration of the urban andrural social security, not only laid a jurisprudence basis, but also enrichedChina's social security law on the basis of theory ; On the other hand, with theexisting regulations and policies based on the text in light of China's socialsecurity practice around the legal system and legal relations, the right to socialsecurity and social security liability, the use of traditional tools of law,interpretation and evaluation of specific social security laws and regulations,this paper confirms legal system the direction of the development of urban andrural integration, and looks forward to China's current social security ongoinglegislative activities benefit.
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    ② [英]洛克:《政府论》下篇(中译本),商务印书馆1964 年版,第35~36 页。
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    ② 张文显:《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001 年版,第208 页。
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    ② 参见《中华人民共和国宪法》第二章“公民的基本权利和义务”。
    ① 见《中华人民共和国教育法》第9 条、《中华人民共和国义务教育法》第4 条。
    ①《马克思恩格斯全集》(第1 卷),人民出版社1975 年版,第71 页。
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    ③ [德]黑格尔:《法哲学原理》,商务印书馆1979 年版,第11 页。
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    ① 李乐平:《再论社会保障权》,《实事求是》2004 年第6 期。
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    ③ 罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社1988 年版,第12 页。
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    ①《中国大百科全书·法学》,中国大百科全书出版社1984 年版,第84 页。
    ② 孙国华主编:《法学基础理论》,中国人民大学出版社1987 年版,第367 页。
    ① 史探径主编:《社会保障法研究》,法律出版社2000 年版,第45 页。
    ② 李迎生:《社会保障与社会结构转型》,中国人民大学出版社2001 年版,第5 页。
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    ① 参见《城市居民最低生活保障条例》第2 条。
    ② 参见《城市居民最低生活保障条例》第7 条。
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    ① [美]阿瑟·刘易斯:《二元经济论》,施炜译,北京经济学院出版社1989 年版,第34 页。
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    ① 李强:《农民公与中国社会分层》,社会科学文献出版社2004 年版,第286~287 页。
    ① 李强:《农民公与中国社会分层》,社会科学文献出版社2004 年版,第241 页。
    ① 林嘉:《社会保障法的理念、实践与创新》,中国人民大学出版社2002 年版,第31 页。
    ② 参见《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》(第2 条)。
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    ② 例如:《关于企业职工基本养老保险紧急转移问题的通知》(劳部发[1996]78 号)、《职工基本养老保险个人账户管理暂行规定》(劳办发[1997]116 号)、《关于严格执行职工基本养老保险个人账户转移政策的通知》(劳社厅发[1999]22 号)、《关于规范企业职工基本养老保险个人账户管理有关问题的通知》(劳社厅发[2001]5 号)、《关于职工在机关事业单位与企业之间流动时社会保险关系处理意见的通知》(劳社部发[2001]13 号)。
    ① 董保华:《社会保障的法学观》,北京大学出版社2005 年版,第277 页。
    ① 董保华:《社会保障的法学观》,北京大学出版社2005 年版,第276 页。
    ① 彭高建:《中国养老保险责任问题研究》,北京大学出版社2005 年版,第74 页。
    ① 参见《社会保险行政争议处理办法》第6 条、第9 条。
    ② 周宝妹:《社会保障法主体研究》,北京大学出版社2005 年版,第37 页。
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    ② 周宝妹:《社会保障法主体研究》,北京大学出版社2005 年版,第45 页。
    ③ 崔红梅:《企业年金运行中的困惑与建议》,中国企业年金网
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    ① 秦士由:《商业保险参与建立失地农民保障机制调查分析》,《保险研究》2005 年9 期。
    ① 王国军:《社会保障:从二元到三维——中国城乡社会保障制度的比较与统筹》,对外经济贸易大学出版社2005 年版,第301 页。
    ② 孙祁祥、郑伟:《中国社会保障制度研究》,中国金融出版社2005 年,第81 页。
    ① 孙祁祥、郑伟:《中国社会保障制度研究》,中国金融出版社2005 年版,第116 页。
    ① 王全兴、樊启荣:《社会保障法的若干基本问题探讨》,民商法网。
    ① 张文显:《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001 年版,第113 页。
    ① 董保华等著:《社会保障的法学观》,北京大学出版社2005 年,第129 页。
    ② 参见:《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》第6 条,《社会保险行政争议处理办法》第2 条。
    ③ 参见:《社会保险费征缴监督检查办法》第2 条。
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    ② 李迎生:《社会保障与社会结构转型》,中国人民大学出版社2001,第27 页。
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    ② 李步云:《论宪法的人权保障功能》,《中国法学》2002 年第3 期。
    ③ 李乐平:《论社会保障权》,《求是》, 2004 年第3 期。
    ① 参见《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》第2 条。
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    ② 龚向和:《社会权司法救济之宪政分析》,《现代法学》2005 年第5 期。
    ③ 张文显:《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001 年版,第317 页。
    ① 陈新民:《德国公法学基础理论(下册)》,山东人民出版社2001 年,第688 页。
    ② 吴家麟主编:《宪法学》,群众出版社1993 年版,第72 页。
    ③ 黄越钦:《劳动法新论》,中国政法大学出版社2003 年版,第53 页。
    ① 郑贤君:《论宪法社会基本权的分类与构成》,《法律科学》2004 年2 期。
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    ③ 郑贤君:《论宪法社会基本权的分类与构成》,《法律科学》2004 年2 期。
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    ② 许庆雄:《宪法入门》,台北元照出版公司2001,第143 页。
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    ② 郑贤君:《基本权利哲学基础的转变》,《长白学刊》2006 年第3 期。
    ① 钟会兵:《作为宪法权利的社会保障权——基于文本与判例分析》,《学术论坛》2005 年第10 期。
    ② 郑贤君:《论宪法社会基本权的分类与构成》,《法律科学》2004 年第2 期。
    ① 郭曰君、吕铁贞:《社会保障权宪法之确认比较研究》,《比较法研究》2007 年第1 期。
    ② 郑贤君:《论宪法社会基本权的分类与构成》,《法律科学》2004 年第2 期。
    ② 夏正林:《论退休权的宪法保障》,《法学》2006 年第12 期。
    ① David M. Walker. The Oxford Companion to Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980. 694.
    ① 王建学:《论社会保障权的司法保护》,《华侨大学学报》2006 年第1 期。
    ① Robert Alexy:《作为主观权利与客观规范之基本权》,程明修译,《宪政时代》第24 卷第4 期。
    ② 张翔:《基本权利的双重性质》,《法学研究》2005 年第3 期。
    ① 该客观规范主要表现在客观价值秩序功能的具体内容上。主要有对国家科以的制度性保障、组织与程序保障、狭义的保护义务等义务内容。参见张翔:《基本权利的双重性质》,《法学研究》2005年第3 期。
    ② 徐振东:《社会基本权理论体系的建构》,《法律科学》2006 年第3 期。
    ① 徐振东:《社会基本权理论体系的建构》,《法律科学》2006 年第3 期。
    ① 李迎生:《社会保障与社会结构转型》,中国人民大学出版社2001 年版,第41 页。
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    ② 吴军:《中国社会保障争议处理体制研究》,华东政法学院2003 年硕士学位论文。第3 页。
    ① 李迎生:《社会保障与社会结构转型》,中国人民大学出版社2001,第44 页。
    ② 刘翠霄:《中国和德国农业社会保障制度比较分析》,中国社会法学网。
    ① 卢云主编:《法学基础理论》,中国政法大学出版社1994 年版,第52 页。
    15 3罗豪才、宋功德:《认真对待软法——公域软法的一般理论及其中国实践》,《中国法学》2006年第2 期。
    ① 参见《行政复议法》第2 条、《行政诉讼法》第2 条。
    ①《马克思恩格斯全集》第4 卷,人民出版社1975 年,第121~122 页。
    ②《马克思恩格斯选集》第3 卷,人民出版社1972 年,第12 页。
    ① 李强:《农民公与中国社会分层》,社会科学文献出版社2004 年,第2 页。
    ② 冉井富:《农民、民公与权利保护——法律与平等的一个视角》,民商法网。
    ① 尽管多数学者认为,平等既是一种权利,也是一种原则。但就平等权而言,大多将其视为一种公民的基本权利,通过公民与公民、公民与国家、平等权与其它权利的关系来体现,缺少严格的规范论证。参见汪进元:《论宪法的平等保护原则》,《武汉大学学报》2004 年第11 期。
    ② 何华辉:《比较宪法学》,武汉大学出版社1988 年版,第226 页。
    ③ 刘作翔:《权利冲突:一个值得重视的法律问题》,《浙江社会科学》2002 年第5 期。
    ④ See Ronald Dworkin, Taking rights Seriously , Harvard University Press,1997, p.272.
    ① 汪进元:《论宪法的平等保护原则》,《武汉大学学报》2004 年第11 期。
    ① 郝铁川:《权利实现的差序格局》,《中国社会科学》2002 年第5 期。
    ① 冉井富:《农民、民公与权利保护——法律与平等的一个视角》,民商法网。
    ② A·埃德:《国际人权法中充足的生活水准权》,载于刘海年:《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约研究》中国法制出版社2000,第213 页。
    ③ 都玉霞:《论平等权的立法保护》,《政法论丛》2006 第3 期。
    ① 张文显:《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001 年版,第118 页。
    ① Black’ Law Dictionary, eighth edition, West Publishing Co., 1999, p.544; p.1338; p.932.
    ② 郭明瑞、房绍坤、於向平:《民事责任论》,中国社会科学出版社1991 年,第5-7 页。
    ③ 转引自张文显:《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001 年版,第120 页。
    ④ 张文显:《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001 年版,第122 页。
    ⑤ 沈宗灵主编:《法理学》,高等教育出版社1994 年版,第404 页。
    ⑥ 孙笑侠:《法的现象与观念》,群众出版社1995 年版,第202 页。
    ① 葛洪义:《法律责任若干理论问题的探讨》,正义网。
    ② 董保华:《社会保障的法学观》,北京大学出版社2005 年版,第141 页。
    ① 彭高建:《中国养老保险责任问题研究》,北京大学出版社2005 年,第29 页。
    ②《现代汉语词典》,商务印书馆2005 年版,第65 页。
    ① 张文显:《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001 年版,第342~345 页。
    ② 董保华:《社会保障的法学观》,北京大学出版社,第42 页。
    ① 彭高建:《中国养老保险责任问题研究》,北京大学出版社2005 年,第43 页。
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