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On the basis of the sustainable development theory, stakeholder analysis theory, tourism geography and landscape ecology, taking the famous scenery of east Guizhou as an example, this paper elaborates the protective development mechanism of the Scenic and Historic Areas in China, and constructs an integrative index system. According to the fuzzy mathematics method, qualitative calculation model of two-level hieratchical structure is constructed. The following five chapters are the main contents.
     ChaperⅠsummarizes relative theories about the mechanism of protective development. They are the sustainable development theory, stakeholder analysis theory, tourism geography, landscape ecology, and LAC theory.
     ChapterⅡprovides a conceptual model of the mechanism of protective development from the middle and microscope aspect. From the middle scope aspect, it is actually the question of how to deal with relationship between man and nature/environment. We can thus define two functions, one is the protection function, which contains all the factors that are favorable to the protection of the Scenic and Historic Areas, and one is the development function, which contains all the factors that are favorable to the development of the Scenic and Historic Areas. The interactions between these two functions will deternine the final status of the protective development of the Scenic and Historic Areas. From the microscope aspect, it is actually the problem of how to deal with relationship between man and man. Stakeholder identification and stakehold salience are the two core questions. In China, the stakeholders of the Scenic and Historic Areas are the government, the managers and employees of the private sectors, the local people and the tourists. Actually, each group has the consciousness to protect the famous site resources and the environment, and they also have the consciousness to make use of the famous site resources. The only difference is that the degree of protection and development of each group is different. Thus the mechanism is to maximize the protection tendency of each group and try to let them make a reasonable use of the site resources.
     ChapterⅢtries to construct a comprehensive index system to evaluate the status of the protective development of the Scenic and Historic Areas. Based on the principles of hierarchy, representativeness, operability and completeness, indices are selected from different aspects of site resources protection, environment protection, economic coordinace, social coordinance and management/education. According to the fuzzy mathematics method, qualitative calculation model of two-level hieratchical structure is constructed. Among them, the first-level model focuses on a specific evaluation index. It calculates the membership degree of the protective development of the Scenic and Historic Areas in evalution index set, and sorts the calculation results. It calculates the membership degree of region to protective development in the whole evaluation index system and sorts the calculation results. Determination of evaluation index weight at each level is introduced from the angels of Analytic Hierarchy Process and information entrop method. Result shows that this model can be applied in quantitative and comprehensive measurement on protective development of the Scenic and Historic Areas.
     ChapterⅣtakes the famous scenery of east Guizhou as an example, analyzing the general protective development mechanism of the Scenic and Historic Areas.
     ChapterⅤprovides some measurements of protective development from the aspect of policy. Institutions and policies should be focused on the aspect of law improvement, management improvement, technology and finance guarantee, and supervision mechanism. Attention of the technical specification of planning also should be paid. Publicity and education to tourists, managers of private sectors and government officials also should be enforced.
2从1963年提出这一概念,到1995年,米切尔从各种文献中总结了27种有代表性的定义(Mitchell, A. & wood, D.1997. Towrd a theory of stakeholder identification and Salience: Defining the principle of who what really counts. Academy of Management Review 22(4): 853-886)。
    4旅游区(点)质量等级的划分与评定国家标准,中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 17775-2003
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