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This thesis contains three parts, including the background and theory study, the comparative study, and the application study. The background and theory study is the base, which covers an in-depth study and understanding of new urbanism and detailed knowledge of residential areas in China, and thus ensures avoidance of deviation in the direction of the follow-up studies. The key part in this thesis is the comparative study focusing upon the innate consistency between the New Urbanism and the development of Chinese residential areas, and the introspection of the existing problems in China. And then based on these two parts, in the application study, the framework and planning strategies for the development of residentially suitable areas are put forward for the intension of putting theories into practice.
     The thesis starts from the description of the industrial revolution and the development of urbanization in the 19th century. It reviews the developmental process of theories such as the modern city planning of garden cities, neighborhood units, modernism and introspection, sorts out the theoretical basic line for the residential planning, and points out the humanism tendency of city planning after 1970s in western countries.
     Then comes the major study upon New Urbanism. The thesis thoroughly analyzes the background and causes for its emergence, describes the whole process and illustrates its principles, structures and working methods, sheds highlight on its three practical areas– community planning, regional planning and ecologically sustainable development, and new urbanizational reconstruction of old cities– with elaboration of their features and account of examples, and then introduces other derivative theories of the new urbanism– Smart Growth, New City Development and Compact City. Finally, in this part, the thesis summaries the planning features of residential areas of New Urbanism, the attacks it has received both in theoretical and practical aspects, and its current significance to the development of Chinese residential areas.
     In the third chapter, the thesis reviews the development of urban residential areas from the period of feudalism, modern times to contemporary era. It summarizes the features, the progress and the problems in each phase. In particular, it analyses in details the new tendency in China after its opening up and reform, which embodies the dynamic features of the consistent development of the concept of urban residential areas with the development of the society and science and technology.
     In the part of the comparison study, based on the previous basic study, the thesis compares the new tendency of Chinese residential areas and the background of the development of New Urbanism, which leads to the finding of their innate consistency and thus establishes the base for further comparisons. By further comparisons, it reaches the conclusion that the existing problems and the inner causes of contradictions in the development of Chinese residential areas result from the deficiency of the three concepts in the development of cities—Humanism, Ecological and Sustainable Development, and Integration. Based on these, it then puts forward the concept of Suitability for residential areas and its framework for their construction.
     In the final part of the application study, by combining the theoretical framework of suitable residential areas with current condition of the cities and the development of the society and the features of the planning of the residential areas, the thesis discusses the related specific planning strategies, and puts forward the Mode of Suitable Construction– generally opening up, fractionally sealing off; generally mingling, fractionally compacting– to realize the integration of different aspects, and at the same to establish a system that respects the surrounding conditions, contains humanistic designs for traffic and enables sophisticated public participation, and thus embodies the concept of Humanism and Sustainable Development.
    2 Marriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition (1993 ), Merriam Webster,U.S.
    3 Gerald A. Porterfield, Kenneth B. Hall, Jr, A concise guide to community planning, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995
    1 Lewis Mumford, The City in History, Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, 514-24
    2张京祥.西方城市规划思想史纲.南京:东南大学出版社, 2005: 94
    3 Le Corbusier, The City of To-morrow, Transl. F.Etchells, London, 1929/1971, 179
    5 Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great Amrican Cities, 1992, New York: Ramdom House,55
    6 Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great Amrican Cities, 1992, New York: Ramdom House
    1 G.斯科特·托马斯:《郊区合众国》,第36页
    2本杰明·琴尼茨编:《中心城市经济发展》(Benjamin Chiniz,ed.,Central City Economic Development),马萨诸塞州剑桥1979年版,第156—157页;美国住房与城市发展部:《总统城市政策报告》(U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,The President’s National Urban Policy Report),华盛顿特区美国政府印刷所1978年版,第101页。
    3美国人口统计署:《美国人口收入失衡报告》(U.S.Census Bureau,Census Bureau Reports on Income Inequality in America),美国人口统计署出版发行社1996年版,CB96-96。
    4 G.斯科特·托马斯:《郊区合众国》,第101、241—242页;本杰明·琴尼茨编:《中心城市经济发展》,第152页。
    5 M.哥特迪纳:《危难之城》,第29—30页。
    6 "15 Ways to Fix the Suburbs" Newsweek, May 5 1995
    7 James Kunstler, The Geography of Nowhere 1993
    8 James Kunstler, The Geography of Nowhere 1993
    9 John button, New American Urbanism: Re-forming the Suburban Metropolis, Skira, 2000, 19
    11 http://www.cnu.org/charter
    12 Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter, Collage City, 8th printing ( Originally published in 1991),MIT Press, 1995, 50
    14 David Mohney and Keller Easterling ed.,“Seaside, Making a Town in America. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. 1991
    16 Charter of the New urbanism,
    17 Andres Duany,“Our Urbanism, Duany Responds to Alex Krieger”Architecture, December 1998,转引自单皓,美国新城市主义,建筑师,2003,3
    20 Thomas Flsher, Do tie Suburbs Have a Future Progressive Architecture, Dec. 1993.p.36
    22 Award for Excellence in Architecture, for the master plan of Seaside, FL: Florida Association of the AIA,1984;Builder’s Best Award, for Seaside, FL: Builder Magazine;Governor’s Urban Design Award, for the master plan of Seaside, FL: State of Florida,1986;"Best of the Decade -- 1980s”(Design), for master plan of Seaside, FL: Time Magazine ,1991;等等。引自http://www.dpz.com/company_honors.htm
    23 Peter Calthorpe, Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community, and the American Dream:Princeton Architectural Press 1993
    25 Daniel Solomon, Rebuilding. New York: Princeton Architectural Press,1992
    28“日常城市主义”( Everyday Urbanism )强调对存在的理解和宽容,主张设计应该尊重已有的格局,具体地对待城市中多层次、复杂和矛盾的各种要求。John Chase, Margret Crawford, John Kaliski (Editor), Everyday Urbanism, New york: Monacelli, ,1999
    29 Scully Vincent, The American City in A.D.2025,Bookings Review, Summer2000 Vo1.18 Issue3: 3-7
    30 Rabert Campbell.’Marrying Modernism to Tradition: on Jose Rafael lVioneo's Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels'Metropolis, December, 2002
    1聂兰生等. 21世纪中国大城市居住形态解析.天津:天津大学出版社,2004: 191
    8 Christopher Alexander : A City Is Not A Tree
    9 A·布拉姆卫语,转引自《生态建筑》,中国建筑工业出版社,2001
    3 Setha M Low, Behind the gates: Life, Security, and the Pursuit of Happiness in Fortress America, 2003
    5 Oscar Newman, Defensible space: Crime Prevention through Urban Design, 1972
    8王紫雯、涂银霞:城市居住环境中的人文要素研究——以杭州市的人居环境调查为例,建筑学报2002, 01
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