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CultWal default is a cornmon1y seen bul often ignored cultural phenomenon
    in written texts. It is the absence of the releva*nt cultural knowledge shared by the writer
    and his ifltended readers. The construction of the coherence of cultural default in a text
    is secured in that the readers can retrieve the relevant cultural information from their
    memory schemata. According to the Reception Aesthetics theory, the occurrence of
    cultWal default in a text can stimulate the readers' imagination, increase the
    conununicative efficiency between the writer and the readers, and hence strengthen the
    aesthetic effect of the text. Bul in translation, cultural default of the original texts often
    tUrns out to be a' tough nut to crack due to the difference of cultures. The present thesis
    allemptS to probe into the various aspects of the influence imposed by cultural default
    on tTanslation as well as the many problems bred by culttiral default in translation
    practices in the hope of finding some practical aPproaches to translating texts with
    cultural default.
    First of all, the author of this thesis states the necessity of the research by revealing
    the inextricable connection among language, culture and translation. In view of the
    close relationship between language and culture, translation is inevitably an
    inter-cultural activity, rather than a simple process of inier-lingual transference. The
    discussion of translation of texts with cultural default can help us resolve culforal
    translation problems betteT, thus enhancing cultural conununication. The aUthor then
    makes an overall analysis of cultural default from the aspects of its definition,
    mechanism of fOrmation, aesthetic value and classifications.
    Because of cultUral disparity in translation, cultural default of the original texts
    poses a big challenge to the translator The translator, as a mediator between the SL
    writer and the TL readers, must qualify himself with the fOllowing aspects. On one hand,
    he must have a good conunand of the two language-cultures concerned; on the other
    I 1
    hand, he shou1d make an accurate assUmPtion of the TL readers' cultural knowledge so
    as to form a correct judgment. In translation practices, nevertheless, translation
    problems arising from cultUral default are not rare due to the translator's incompetence
    in cultUral knowledge or inadequate assumption of the TL readers' cultural Anowledge,
    or sometimes due to the interference of cultural presupposition in the translator's
    interpretation of the SL texts.
    Grounded on the above anaIysis, this thesis systematically explores the translation
    principles, aPproaches and methods of texts with cultural default. The author first sets
    out discussing the general tfanslation principles, and then proceeds to presellt the great
    cofltribution translation has made to cultural exchange and development, thereby
    stressing on the foreignization of the translation of texts with cultural default. The
    author sums uP fOur translation methods commonly used in tTanslation practices, naxnely,
    literal translation, literal translation with notes, literal translation with coniextual
    explanation, and free translation. The pertinence of each is fully discussed. At the same
    time, the athor points ollt the inevitable translation loss in the translation of texts with
    cultural default.
    The thesis finally concludes that translation and cultural exchange are
    comp1imeflting each other. Along with the development of cultural exchange, more
    cases of cultural default of the original texts will be directly recognized and accepted by
    the target readers, Which, of course, relies greatly on the translator's conscious and
    persistent efforts.
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