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The contemporary ecocriticism, which can be traced back to thebackground of ecological crisis that human beings as well as the whole world areobliged to confront, purports to study the relationship between literature andenvironment and enlightens people to realize the importance of the harmony andbalance between human beings and the nature. What the contemporary ecologicmovement needs to focus upon is the deep root of environment crisis in order torealize the intimate and important relationship of mutual dependence between humanbeings and the environment. Therefore, the traditional aesthetic ideas of commonlyrecognized dualities between the subjective and the objective, the active and thepassive must be abandoned. Instead, they should be unitized to create the pleasantand beautiful feelings in oneness and benefit from each other. The scholars involvedin writing, criticism and teaching careers as creative mediators between literature andthe biosphere need to undertake the tasks, including the encouragement, discovery,training, and development of creative biospheric apperceptions, attitudes, and actions.Struggling in the main culture that is overwhelmed with the heroic conquests aspositive individualism in which the Native Americans are always “the children ofnature” instead of “the men of letters”, their works have been included in Americanliterary canons no earlier than forty years ago for two reasons: one is theireco-systemic and non-anthropocentric perspective; the other is their performative andnon-textual mode of presentation. They have created many mythological stories ofrecovery and survival based on communities, in which the Sacred Hoop, symbolizing the perfect state of harmony and balance between human beings and the nature,becomes the spiritual pillar for Native Americans to defeat miseries, face the lifeoptimistically and fulfill their recovery. It represents their unique understanding ofspace-time cycles and the kinship.
     The metaphysical contemplation of Martin Heidegger—the Geviert of sky, earth,God and human representing respectively nature, belief and mortal human—is theideological basis of contemporary deep ecology in which the ecological holismpreserves the inseparable sky and earth, the God and the human who inhabit in thisworld in unity. He intends to guide the people with neither natural nor spiritualhomes to keep in harmony with all of the things in this world. Leslie Silko attemptsto analyze in Ceremony the Native Americans’ hardships and persistent vitality in theAmerican social life of the second half of the20thcentury. She devotes greater effortsto explore the liveliness of Indian culture embedded in the veteran’s recovery andreturn to the community by telling Tayo’s story. This liveliness originates fromNative people’s firm belief in the Geviert of sky, earth, God and human all along intheir history.
     Taking themselves as representatives and medium, the ecofeminists arousepeople’s vigilance to the existence of any unfair relationship to be changed in bothnatural and social lives. Native American writers find the healing power from thefemale shamans and warriors according to their woman tradition to reestablish thecentral position of Indian women in the tribal culture. This open context goes inaccordance with ecofeminism when facing the ecological crisis of modern world alltogether. Taking Mother Earth as an archetype, Paula Gunn Allen and James Welchboth reveal and interpret the tribal tradition of woman principle in their works—TheWoman Who Owned the Shadows and Winter in the Blood respectively. They try todiscover how the Natives of today get the rebirth in the baptism of Mother Earth toescape away from the spiritual dilemma caused by the materialization andindustrialization.
     The loss of the land that bears the tribal and familial histories and the radicalchange of the surrounding environment have done the Natives a severe emotionalinjury and caused their identity crisis. Due to this recognition, the Native American writers like to tell the survival stories of returning to home and re-understanding thekinship between the tribesmen and the nature. Louise Erdrich expresses her intensefeeling towards the reservations of the Native Americans by describing theirlandscape and environment in Love Medicine. Such intense feeling comes from herknowledge of the Indian history, as well as her deep understanding of the traditionalIndian spirituality which praises highly of the kindred intimacy between the humanbeing and the land. This happens to hold the same view with the eco-critical trend oftoday. Scott Momaday, on the other hand, advocates the traditional Indian culture bystory-telling in The Way to Rainy Mountain and House Made of Dawn, which is alsoa process of appreciating the beauty of the homeland. This is a remarkable exampleto understand the kinship between the people and their land praised highly intraditional Indian spirituality. Only when the nature is no longer the setting of stories,but the guide to people’s realization of his or her identity, history and culture, can thepeople finally understand the sense of place and get access to the place of happiness.
     Since food is one of the dominant conditions for survival, the harmoniousrelation and mutual dependence between animals and human beings manifest fullythe significant influence of the Native traditional culture on the ecological condition.The popular trickster stories among tribes-people are the most obvious expression oftheir culture emblem to reveal their animal ethics. Their persistence in theconnectedness and mutual benefits of the whole world as a principle and their firmbelief in tricksters have educated and changed the people. The optimistic tricksters incontemporary Native American novels offer readers a unique perspective tounderstand the survival of self accompanied with the natural world. Holding fast tothe traditional narration, the contemporary Native American writers as LouiseErdrich, Gerald Vizenor and Thomas King all write about the tricksters as themediators between the human being and the animals, the culture and the nature tocorrect mistakes and educate readers about the traditional sense of values.
     Mainly featured of being de-anthropocentric, ecological holism has been set asthe purpose of the contemporary ecocritical practice, whereas this is the ancientwisdom practiced and handed down in generations for the North Native Americans.When the western philosophers are still meditating and arguing for the endless streams of dualities, the North Native Americans are expressing and practicing theirworld view and spirituality on their own, constructing a harmonious Sacred Hoop ofthe coexistence of the human being and the nature. The mythologies and tales createdand passed down by ancestors have been the archetype for the contemporary Nativewriters to study and refer to. Like the traditional story-tellers, they inherit and spreadthe ancient ideas in their ritualized and mystified narration within a modern context.They treat the people and the whole world as a connected web, whereas any singlebroken string would cause the tilting and damage of the whole. Such belief helpseach individual and the whole tribe to enhance the lasting harmony with the naturalworld. The ecological wisdom of complying with the nature, no doubt, hasconsiderable realistic significance to defuse the present crisis of the global ecology.
    ②Neil Evernden,“Beyond Ecology: Self, Place, and the Pathetic Fallacy” in Cheryll Glotfelty&Harold Frommeds., The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology (Athens: The University of Georgia Press,1996)102.
    ①William Rueckert,“Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism” in Cheryll Glotfelty&HaroldFromm eds., The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology (Athens: The University of GeorgiaPress,1996)115.
    ①The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, Vol II.(Oxford: Oxford University Press,1971)2646.
    ②Roderick Frazer Nash, ed., American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History (New York:McGraw-Hill,1990)13.
    ③Trudy Griffin-Pierce, Earth Is My Mother, Sky Is My Father: Space, Time and Astronomy in NavajoSandpainting (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,1992)8.
    ⑤Shepard Krech, The Ecological Indian: Myth and History (New York: W. W. Norton&Company,1999)212.
    ①Shepard Krech, The Ecological Indian: Myth and History (New York: W. W. Norton&Company,1999)20.
    ④Shepard Krech, The Ecological Indian: Myth and History (New York: W. W. Norton&Company,1999)23.
    ①Michael E. Harkin and David Rich Lewis, eds., Native Americans and the Environment: Perspectives on theEcological Indian (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,2007) xxi.
    ②Henry David Thoreau, Walden and Other Writings (New York: Bantam Dell,2004)390.
    ③Joseph Wood Krutch,“Introduction” in Walden and Other Writings (New York: Bantam Dell,2004)20.
    ①转引自Paula Gunn Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions (Boston:Beacon Press,1992)56.
    ③Stacy Kowtko,“Introduction” in Nature and the Environment in Pre-Columbian American Life (Westport:Greenwood Press,2006) xi.
    ①Cheryll Glotfelty,“Introduction” in Cheryll Glotfelty&Harold Fromm eds., The Ecocriticism Reader:Landmarks in Literary Ecology (Athens: The University of Georgia Press,1996) xvi.
    ②Joseph W. Meeker, The Comedy of Survival: In Search of an Environmental Ethic (Los Angeles: Guild ofTutors Press,1972,1980)8.
    ③参阅Cheryll Glotfelty,“Introduction” in Cheryll Glotfelty&Harold Fromm eds., The Ecocriticism Reader:Landmarks in Literary Ecology (Athens: The University of Georgia Press,1996) xvii-xviii.
    ①Cheryll Glotfelty,“Introduction” in Cheryll Glotfelty&Harold Fromm eds., The Ecocriticism Reader:Landmarks in Literary Ecology (Athens: The University of Georgia Press,1996) xix.
    ②Glen A. Love, Practical Ecocriticism: Literature, Biology and the Environment (Charlottesville: University ofVirginia Press,2003)8.
    ①Glen A. Love, Practical Ecocriticism: Literature, Biology and the Environment (Charlottesville: University ofVirginia Press,2003)33,35.
    ②Lawrence Buell, The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination(Malden: Blackwell Publishing,2005)11.
    ①Michael P. Branch and Scott Slovic, eds., The ISLE Reader: Ecocriticism,1993-2003(Athens: The Universityof Georgia Press,2003) xix.
    ③Emily Brady, Aesthetics of the Natural Environment (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,2003)259.
    ⑤Lawrence Buell, The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination(Malden: Blackwell Publishing,2005)133.
    ⑥Cheryll Glotfelty,“Introduction” in Cheryll Glotfelty&Harold Fromm eds., The Ecocriticism Reader:Landmarks in Literary Ecology (Athens: The University of Georgia Press,1996) xxv.
    ①Kathleen R. Wallace and Karla Armbruster,“Introduction: Why Go Beyond Nature Writing and Where To?” ineds., Beyond Nature Writing: Expanding the Boundaries of Ecocriticism (Charlottesville: University Press ofVirginia,2001)2.
    ①Lisa M. Benton and John Rennie Short, eds., Environmental Discourse and Practice (Malden: BlackwellPublishing,2004)23-24.
    ③Michael E. Harkin and David Rich Lewis, eds., Native Americans and the Environment: Perspectives on theEcological Indian (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,2007)42.
    ④Paula Gunn Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions (Boston: BeaconPress,1992)55.
    ⑤Shi Jian, Native American Mythology and Literature (Chengdu: Sichuan People’s Publisher,1999)3-4.
    ⑥Catherine Rainwater,“Louise Erdrich’s Storied Universe”, in Joy Porter&Kenneth M. Roemer, eds., TheCambridge Companion to Native American Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press,2005)273.
    ①Kenneth M. Roemer,“Introduction” in Joy Porter&Kenneth M. Roemer, eds., The Cambridge Companion toNative American Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press,2005)4.
    ①《美国文学史》的主编Robert E. Spiller自称是把美国土著文本纳入美国文学选集的第一人,但却以不到七页的篇幅对土著人的传统作了零星简要的介绍,在主张美国文学史应当反映文化的多元化的同时,偏见也表露无遗。
    ②N. Scott Momaday,“The Native Voice” in Emory Elliott, ed., Columbia Literary History of the United States(New York: Columbia University Press,1988)6.
    ①Priscilla Oaks,“The First Generation of Native American Novelists”. MELUS, Vol.5, No.1(1978)57-65.
    ③Kenneth M. Roemer,“Introduction” in Joy Porter&Kenneth M. Roemer, eds., The Cambridge Companion toNative American Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press,2005)1.
    ①Peter G. Beidler,“Louise Erdrich” in Kenneth M. Roemer ed., Native American Writers of the United States
    (Washington, D. C.: Gale Research,1997)85.
    ②Kenneth M. Roemer,“Introduction” in Joy Porter&Kenneth M. Roemer, eds., The Cambridge Companion toNative American Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press,2005)12.
    ①N. Scott Momaday,“The Morality of Indian Hating” in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages(New York: St. Martin’s Press,1997)70.
    ④分别参阅“Locating the Uranium Mine: Place, Multiethnicity, and Environmental Justice in Leslie MarmonSilko’s Ceremony” in Steven Rosendale, ed., The Greening of Literary Scholarship: Essays on Literature,Theory, and the Environment (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press,2002);“The Sacred Hoop: AContemporary Perspective” and “Landscape, History, and the Pueblo Imagination” in Cheryll Glotfelty&Harold Fromm, eds., The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology (Athens: The University ofGeorgia Press,1996).
    ⑤Robert M. Nelson, Place and Vision: The Function of Landscape in Native American Fiction (New York: PeterLang Publishing, Inc.,1994)1.
    ①Robert M. Nelson, Place and Vision: The Function of Landscape in Native American Fiction (New York: PeterLang Publishing, Inc.,1994)3.
    ①Joni Adamson,“Introduction” in American Indian Literature, Environmental Justice, and Ecocriticism: TheMiddle Place (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press,2001) xvii.
    ③Joni Adamson, American Indian Literature, Environmental Justice, and Ecocriticism: The Middle Place(Tucson: The University of Arizona Press,2001)17.
    ①Joni Adamson, American Indian Literature, Environmental Justice, and Ecocriticism: The Middle Place(Tucson: The University of Arizona Press,2001)57.
    ③Donelle N. Dreese, Ecocriticism: Creating Self and Place in Environmental and American Indian Literatures(New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.,2002)3.
    ①Donelle N. Dreese, Ecocriticism: Creating Self and Place in Environmental and American Indian Literatures(New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.,2002)89.
    ②Lindsey Smith, Indians, Environment, and Identity on the Borders of American Literature (New York: PalgraveMacmillan,2008)6.
    ③Lee Schweninger, Listening to the Land: Native American Literary Responses to the Landscape (Athens: TheUniversity of Georgia Press,2008)17.
    ①Linda Hogan, Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World (New York: W. W. Norton&Company,1995)51.
    ③Jian Shi, Native American Mythology and Literature (Chengdu: Sichuan People’s Publisher,1999).
    ④Arnold Krupat,“Native American Literature and the Canon”, Critical Inquiry, Vol.10, No.1(1983)147.
    ①Paula Gunn Allen, Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook (Boston: Beacon Press,1991)29.
    ①Eric Anderson,“Manifest Dentistry, or Teaching Oral Narrative in McTeague and Old Man Coyote” inElizabeth Ammons and Annette White-Parks, eds., Tricksterism in Turn-of-the-Century American Literature:A Multicultural Perspective (Hanover: University Press of New England,1994)64.
    ①Gary Snyder,“The Incredible Survival of Coyote” in William Bright, A Coyote Reader (Berkeley: Universityof California Press,1993)167.
    ①Peter G. Beidler,“Louise Erdrich” in Kenneth M. Roemer ed., Native American Writers of the United States,(Washington D. C.: Gale Research,1997)25-29.
    ①【美】 R. F.纳什著,杨通进译,《大自然的权利》,青岛:青岛出版社,1996年。第17页。
    ⑤Louis Owens, Other Destinies: Understanding the American Indian Novel (Norman: University of OklahomaPress,1992)29.
    ①Paula Gunn Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions (Boston: BeaconPress,1992)55.
    ③Lynn White, Jr.,“Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” in Cheryll Glotfelty&Harold Fromm eds., TheEcocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology (Athens: The University of Georgia Press,1996)9.
    ①George E. Tinker,“Foreword” in Vine Deloria Jr., God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (Golden: FulcrumPublishing,2003) xi.
    ②Vine Deloria Jr., God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (Golden: Fulcrum Publishing,2003)77.
    ①Vine Deloria Jr., God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (Golden: Fulcrum Publishing,2003)89.
    ②T. C. McLuhan, Touch the Earth (New York: Outerbridge&Dienstfrey,1971)8.
    ③Vine Deloria Jr., God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (Golden: Fulcrum Publishing,2003)69.
    ①Vine Deloria Jr., God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (Golden: Fulcrum Publishing,2003)121.
    ⑥Ernest Thompson Seton, The Gospel of the Red Man (New York: Doubleday Doran,1936)58-59.
    ①Virginia Armstrong, I Have Spoken (Chicago: Swallow Press,1971)94-95.
    ②Uncommon Controversy. A report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee (Seattle: University ofWashington Press,1970)29.
    ①N. Scott Momaday,“On Indian-White Relations: A Point of View” in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories,Passages (New York: St. Martin’s Press,1997)51.
    ②Uncommon Controversy. A report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee (Seattle: University ofWashington Press,1970)29.
    ①N. Scott Momaday,“I Am Alive”, in Jules B. Billard, ed., The World of the American Indian (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society,1975)14.
    ①Leslie Marmon Silko, The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir (New York: Viking,2010)12.下文中所有来自该文本的引文均出自此版本,不再赘述,只在括号中标明页码。
    ①在以克里族为代表的土著人口述传统中,他们常常以“Hummah-hah”开始进行讲述,类似于英语中的“Once upon a time”或“Long ago, so far”,也有写作“hame haa”或“humma haa”等。参阅Robert M.Nelson, Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: The Recovery of Tradition (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.,2008)58,169.
    ①Leslie Marmon Silko,“Foreword” in Vine Deloria Jr., God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (30thAnniversaryEdition)(Golden: Fulcrum Publishing,2003) viii.
    ①Allan Chavkin,“Introduction” in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: A Casebook (New York: Oxford UniversityPress,2002)3.
    ②Robert M. Nelson,“Leslie Marmon Silko: Storyteller”, in Joy Porter&Kenneth M. Roemer, eds., TheCambridge Companion to Native American Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press,2005)245.
    ③Frederick Turner, Spirit of Place: the Making of an American Literary Landscape (Washington D. C.: IslandPress,1989)327.
    ①Leslie Marmon Silko, Storyteller (New York: Arcade Publishing,1981)4-6.
    ②Frederick Turner, Spirit of Place: the Making of an American Literary Landscape (Washington D. C.: IslandPress,1989)329.
    ③Anne Wright, ed., The Delicacy and Strength of Lace: Letters between Leslie Marmon Silkon and James Wright(Saint Paul: Graywolf Press,1986)26.
    ①Anne Wright, ed., The Delicacy and Strength of Lace: Letters between Leslie Marmon Silkon and James Wright(Saint Paul: Graywolf Press,1986)27.
    ③Leslie Marmon Silko, Ceremony (New York: Penguin Books,1977)45.下文中所有来自小说文本的引文均出自此版本,不再赘述,只在括号中标明页码。
    ①Leslie Marmon Silko, Cared Water: Narratives and Pictures (Tucson: Flood Plain Press,1993)23.
    ①Allan Chavkin,“Introduction” in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: A Casebook (New York: Oxford UniversityPress,2002)5-6.
    ②Leslie Marmon Silko, Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit: Essays on Native American Life Today (NewYork: Simon&Schuster Paperbacks,1996)50
    ①Robert M. Nelson, Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: The Recovery of Tradition (New York: Peter LangPublishing, Inc.,2008)60.
    ①Robert M. Nelson, Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: The Recovery of Tradition (New York: Peter LangPublishing, Inc.,2008)22.
    ③Richard F. Fleck,“Introduction” in Richard Fleck ed., Critical Perspectives on Native American Fiction(Pueblo: Passeggiata Press,1997)4.
    ①Thomas Lyon J., This Incomperable Land: A Book of American Nature Writing (New York: Penguin,1991) xv.
    ①Charles Alexander Eastman, The Soul of the Indian: An Interpretation (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,1980)5.
    ③Jeanne Rollins,“Liberation and the Native American” in Sergio Torres and John Eagleson, eds., Theology inthe Americas (Maryknoll: Orbis Books,1976)204
    ①Paula Gunn Allen, ed., Studies in American Indian Literature: Critical Essays and Course Designs (New York:MLA,1983)128.
    ②Dene Nation, Denedeh: A Dene Celebration (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart,1984)7.
    ③Jace Weaver, ed.,“Introduction” in Defending Mother Earth: Native American Perspectives on EnvironmentalJustice (New York: Orbis Books,1996)9.
    ①Kathleen Dean Moore etc., eds., How It Is: The Native American Philosophy of V. F. Cordova (Tucson: TheUniversity of Arizona Press,2007)115.
    ④Kathleen Dean Moore etc., eds., How It Is: The Native American Philosophy of V. F. Cordova (Tucson: TheUniversity of Arizona Press,2007)115.
    ③Sam D. Gill, Mother Earth: An American Story (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1987)130.
    ④Emmet Starr, History of the Cherokee Indians (Muskogee: Hoffmann Printing,1984)23.
    ⑤Joseph Epes Brown, The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian (New York: Crossroad,1982)70.
    ①参阅Jace Weaver, ed.,“Introduction” in Defending Mother Earth: Native American Perspectives onEnvironmental Justice, New York: Orbis Books,1996. p.11.
    ②Paula Gunn Allen,“Introduction” in The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions(Boston: Beacon Press,1992)2.
    ①Paula Gunn Allen,“Introduction” in The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions(Boston: Beacon Press,1992)2.
    ⑤Paula Gunn Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions (Boston: BeaconPress,1992)98-99.
    ①Paula Gunn Allen,“Introduction” in The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions(Boston: Beacon Press,1992)99.
    ②Paula Gunn Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions (Boston: BeaconPress,1992)16.
    ⑥Paula Gunn Allen,“Preface” in Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook (Boston: BeaconPress,1991) xiii.
    ①Paula Gunn Allen, Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook (Boston: Beacon Press,1991)78.
    ①Paula Gunn Allen, Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook (Boston: Beacon Press,1991)84.
    ④Paula Gunn Allen, Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Busting, Border-Crossing Loose Canons(Boston: Beacon Press,1998)8.
    ①Paula Gunn Allen, Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Busting, Border-Crossing Loose Canons(Boston: Beacon Press,1998)19.
    ④Donald A. Grinde, Jr., and Bruce E. Johansen, Ecocide of Native America: Environmental Destruction ofIndian Lands and People (Santa Fe: Clear Light Publishers,1995)30.
    ①Carole and Jon Belhumeur,“Reconnecting with Mother Earth”, Native Journal (October,1994)4.
    ②Grace Thorpe,“Our Homes Are Not Dumps: Creating Nuclear-Free Zones” in Jace Weaver, ed., DefendingMother Earth: Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice (New York: Orbis Books,1996)47.
    ③Grace Thorpe,“Our Homes Are Not Dumps: Creating Nuclear-Free Zones” in Jace Weaver, ed., DefendingMother Earth: Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice (New York: Orbis Books,1996)50.
    ④William J. Broad,“Scientists Fear Atomic Explosion of Buried Waste”, New York Times (March5,1995)18.
    ①Grace Thorpe,“Our Homes Are Not Dumps: Creating Nuclear-Free Zones” in Jace Weaver, ed., DefendingMother Earth: Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice (New York: Orbis Books,1996)54.
    ①Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)64.
    ③Paula Gunn Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions (Boston: BeaconPress,1992)30.
    ①Michelene E. Pesantubbee, Choctaw Women in a Chaotic World: The Clash of Cultures in the ColonialSoutheast (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,2005)117-8.
    ②Theda Perdue, Cherokee Women: Gender and Culture Change,1700-1835(Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1998)85.
    ①Theda Perdue, Cherokee Women: Gender and Culture Change,1700-1835(Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1998)85.
    ②Michelene E. Pesantubbee, Choctaw Women in a Chaotic World: The Clash of Cultures in the ColonialSoutheast (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,2005)133.
    ③Gloria Feman Orenstein,“Toward an Ecofeminist Ethic of Shamanism and the Sacred” in Carol J. Adams, ed.,Ecofeminism and the Sacred (New York: Continuum Publishing Company,1993)176.
    ②Paula Gunn Allen, ed., Spider Woman’s Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing byNative American Women (Boston: Beacon Press,1989)25.
    ③E. Pauline Johnson,“As It Was in the Beginning” in Paula Gunn Allen ed., Spider Woman’s Granddaughters:Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women (Boston: Beacon Press,1989)60.
    ①E. Pauline Johnson,“As It Was in the Beginning” in Paula Gunn Allen ed., Spider Woman’s Granddaughters:Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women (Boston: Beacon Press,1989)61.
    ⑤Theda Perdue, Cherokee Women: Gender and Culture Change,1700-1835(Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1998)194.
    ①Carol J. Adams, ed. Ecofeminism and the Sacred (New York: Continuum Publishing Company,1993) xi.
    ③Greta Gaard and Patrick D. Murphy, eds.,“Introduction” in Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Theory,Interpretation, Pedagogy (Urbana: University of Illinois Press,1998)2.
    ①Greta Gaard and Patrick D. Murphy, eds.,“Introduction” in Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Theory,Interpretation, Pedagogy (Urbana: University of Illinois Press,1998)3.
    ②Barbara T. Gates,“A Root of Ecofeminism: Ecoféminisme” in Greta Gaard and Patrick D. Murphy, eds.,Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Theory, Interpretation, Pedagogy (Urbana: University of Illinois Press,1998)20.
    ③Karen J. Warren,“The Power and Promise of Ecological Feminism”, Environmental Ethics, Vol.12No.2(1990)132.
    ①Patrick D. Murphy,“Voicing Another Nature” in Karen Hohne and Helen Wussow, eds., A Dialogue of Voices:Feminist Theory and Bakhtin (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1994)63.
    ②Elizabeth S. D. Engelhardt, The Tangled Roots of Feminism, Environmentalism, and Appalachian Literature(Athens: Ohio University Press,2003)3.
    ③Gary Snyder, The Practice of the Wild (New York: North Point Press,1990)20.
    ④Patrick D. Murphy, Literature, Nature and Other: Ecofeminist Critiques (Albany: State University of NewYork Press,1995)35.
    ⑤Elizabeth S. D. Engelhardt, The Tangled Roots of Feminism, Environmentalism, and Appalachian Literature(Athens: Ohio University Press,2003)4.
    ①Elizabeth S. D. Engelhardt, The Tangled Roots of Feminism, Environmentalism, and Appalachian Literature(Athens: Ohio University Press,2003)25.
    ②Andy Smith,“Ecofeminism through an Anticolonial Framework” in Karen J. Warren, eds., Ecofeminism:Women, Culture, Nature (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1997)22.
    ③Paula Gunn Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions (Boston: BeaconPress,1992)44.
    ④Andy Smith,“Ecofeminism through an Anticolonial Framework” in Karen J. Warren, eds., Ecofeminism:Women, Culture, Nature (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1997)24.
    ①Judith Plant, ed. Healing the Wounds: The Promise of Ecofeminism (Philadelphia: New Society Publishers,1989)113.
    ②No l Sturgeon,“The Nature of Race: Discourses of Racial Difference in Ecofeminism” in Karen J. Warren,eds., Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1997)270.
    ④Carol Lee Sanchez,“Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: The Sacred Connection” in Carol J. Adams, ed.,Ecofeminism and the Sacred (New York: The Continuum Publishing Company,1993)222.
    ⑥Paula Gunn Allen, Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Busting, Border-Crossing Loose Canons(Boston: Beacon Press,1998)231.
    ①Paula Gunn Allen, Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Busting, Border-Crossing Loose Canons(Boston: Beacon Press,1998)183.
    ②Paula Gunn Allen, The Woman Who Owned the Shadows (San Francisco: Spinsters Ink,1983)3.下文中所有来自此小说文本的引文均出自此版本,不再赘述,只在括号中标明页码。
    ①Paula Gunn Allen,“A Stranger in My Own Life: Alienation in American Indian Prose and Poetry” in MELUS,Vol.7, No.2(Summer,1980)3.
    ①参阅James Welch, Winter in the Blood (New York: Penguin Books,1986)封底。下文中所有来自此小说文本的引文均出自此版本,不再赘述,只在括号中标明页码。
    ①Nora Naranjo-Morse, Mud Woman: Poems from the Clay (Tucson: University of Arizona Press,1992)10.
    ③Mary Jane Lupton, James Welch: A Critical Companion (Westpot: Greenwood Press,2004)60.
    ④Paula Gunn Allen, ed., Spider Woman’s Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing byNative American Women (Boston: Beacon Press,1989)25.
    ①Joni Adamson, American Indian Literature, Environmental Justice, and Ecocriticism: The Middle Place(Tucson: The University of Arizona Press,2001)90.
    ①Frederick Turner, Spirit of Place: The Making of an American Literary Landscape,(Washington, D.C.: IslandPress,1992)12.
    ①Michael E. Harkin and David Rich Lewis, eds., Native Americans and the Environment: Perspectives on theEcological Indian (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,2006)40.
    ②Frederick Turner, Spirit of Place: The Making of an American Literary Landscape (Washington, D.C.: IslandPress,1992)13.
    ③Jace Weaver, That the People Might Live: Native American Literatures and Native American Community (NewYork: Oxford University Press,1997)28.
    ②William Faulkner,“Sherwood Anderson: An Appreciation”, in Walter Rideout ed., Sherwood Anderson: ACollection of Critical Essays (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Inc.,1974)169.
    ③Michael Kowalewski,“Writing in Place: The New American Regionalism”, American Literary History, Vol.6,No.1(1994)180.
    ④Frederick Turner, Spirit of Place: The Making of an American Literary Landscape (Washington, D.C.: IslandPress,1992)9.
    ①Gary Snyder,“The Incredible Survival of Coyote” in William Bright, A Coyote Reader (Berkeley: Universityof California Press,1993)164.
    ③Gary Snyder,“The Incredible Survival of Coyote” in William Bright, A Coyote Reader (Berkeley: Universityof California Press,1993)167.
    ③Paula Gunn Allen, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Tradition (Boston: Beacon,1986)70.
    ④Donelle N. Dreese, Ecoriticism: Creating Self and Place in Environmental and American Indian Literature(New York: Peter Lang,2002)7.
    ⑤Geary Hobson, The Remembered Earth (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,1979)14.
    ①Jace Weaver, That the People Might Live: Native American Literatures and Native American Community (NewYork: Oxford University Press,1997)38.
    ②Leslie Marmon Silko,“Landscape, History and the Pueblo Imagination”, in John and Hertha D. Wong, eds.,Family of Earth and Sky (Boston: Beacon Press,1996)249.
    ③Dennis Tedlock and Barbara Tedlock, eds., Teachings from the American Earth: Indian Religion andPhilosophy (New York: Liveright Publishing Co.,1975) xxi.
    ④Leslie Marmon Silko,“The Storyteller’s Escape” in Storyteller (New York: Arcade Publishing Inc.,1981)247.
    ①Frederick Turner, Spirit of Place: The Making of an American Literary Landscape (Washington, D.C.: IslandPress,1992)330.
    ①Frederick Turner, Spirit of Place: The Making of an American Literary Landscape (Washington, D.C.: IslandPress,1992)349.
    ②Vine Deloria Jr., God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (Golden: Fulcrum Publishing,2003)282.
    ④N. Scott Momaday,“Sacred Places” in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages (New York: St.Martin’s Press,1997)114.
    ①这是生活于北方平原的“卢瑟立熊”所说,参阅N. Scott Momaday,“Sacred Places” in The Man Made ofWords: Essays, Stories, Passages (New York: St. Martin’s Press,1997)115.
    ②N. Scott Momaday,“Sacred Places” in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages (New York: St.Martin’s Press,1997)12.
    ①Louise Erdrich,“Where I Ought to Be: A Writer’s Sense of Place”, in Hertha D. Sweet Wong, ed., LouiseErdrich’s Love Medicine: A Casebook (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000)49.
    ③Louise Erdrich,“Where I Ought to Be: A Writer’s Sense of Place”, in Hertha D. Sweet Wong, ed., LouiseErdrich’s Love Medicine: A Casebook (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000)48.
    ①A. Irving Hallowell,“Ojibwa Ontology, Behavior, and World View” in Dennis Tedlock and Barbara Tedlock,eds., Teachings from the American Earth: Indian Religion and Philosophy (New York: Liveright,1975)172.
    ②Dan Flores,“Wars over Buffalo: Stories versus Stories on the Northern Plains” in Michael E. Harkin and DavidRich Lewis, eds., Native Americans and the Environment: Perspectives on the Ecological Indian (Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press,2006)156.
    ①Kenneth Lincoln, Native American Renaissance (Berkeley: University of California Press,1983)8.
    ①Robert M. Nelson, Place and Vision: The Function of Landscape in Native American Fiction (New York: PeterLang Publishing, Inc.,1993)7.
    ①Stacy Kowtko, Nature and the Environment in Pre-Columbian American Life (Westport: Greenwood Press,2006)130.
    ②Louise Erdrich,“Where I Ought to Be: A Writer’s Sense of Place”, in Hertha D. Sweet Wong, ed., LouiseErdrich’s Love Medicine: A Casebook (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000)50.
    ①Lawrence Buell, The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination(Malden: Blackwell Publishing,2005)21.
    ②Sidney I. Dobrin and Christopher J. Keller,“Why Writing Environments: An Introduction”, in eds., WritingEnvironments (Albany: State University of New York Press,2005)2.
    ③Sidney I. Dobrin and Christopher J. Keller,“Writing the Native American Life: An Interview with SimonOrtiz”, in eds., Writing Environments (Albany: State University of New York Press,2005)203.
    ④N. Scott Momaday,“The Native Voice” in Emory Elliott, ed., Columbia Literary History of the United States(New York: Columbia University Press,1988)7.
    ⑥N. Scott Momaday,“A First American Views His Land” in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages(New York: St. Martin’s Press,1997)32.
    ①N. Scott Momaday,“A First American Views His Land” in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages(New York: St. Martin’s Press,1997)33.
    ③N. Scott Momaday,“The Native Voice” in Emory Elliott, ed., Columbia Literary History of the United States(New York: Columbia University Press,1988)13.
    ①Kenneth M. Roemer,“Preface to the Volume”, ed., Approaches to Teaching Momaday’s The Way to RainyMountain (New York: MLA,1988) ix.
    ③Kenneth M. Roemer ed., Approaches to Teaching Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain (New York: MLA,1988)4.
    ①Kenneth M. Roemer ed., Approaches to Teaching Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain (New York: MLA,1988)4.
    ②Laura Coltelli, Winged Words: American Indian Writers Speak (Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press,1990)91.
    ③Kenneth Lincoln,“Reviewed Work: N. Scott Momaday: The Cultural and Literary Background by MatthiasSchubnell”, American Indian Quarterly, Vol.11, No.1(1987)73.
    ①Laura Coltelli, Winged Words: American Indian Writers Speak (Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press,1990)95.
    ②Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)141.
    ③N. Scott Momaday,“Notes and Fragments [The Way to Rainy Mountain]”, Bancroft Library, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley.
    ④Martha Scott Trimble, N. Scott Momaday (Boise: Boise State Coll.,1973)27-35.
    ①N. Scott Momaday,“Native American Attitudes to the Environment” in Walter Holden Capps, ed., Seeing witha Native Eye: Essays on Native American Religion (New York: Harper,1976)85.
    ①N. Scott Momaday,“I Am Alive….” In Jules B. Billard, ed., The World of the American Indian (Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society,1974)14.
    ①N. Scott Momaday,“An American Land Ethic”, in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages (NewYork: St. Martin’s Press,1997)49.
    ②N. Scott Momaday,“A First American Views His Land”, in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages(New York: St. Martin’s Press,1997)37.
    ③Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)3.
    ①Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)4.
    ②J. Frank Papvich,“Journey into the Wilderness: American Literature and The Way to Raining Mountain” inKenneth M. Roemer, ed., Approaches to Teaching Momaday’s The Way to Raining Mountain (New York:MLA,1988)120.
    ③Barry Lopez,“Story at Anaktuvuk Pass: At the Junction of Landscape and Narrative”, Harper’s (December1984)51.
    ①Susan Scarberry-Garcia, Landmarks of Healing: A Study of House Made of Dawn (Albuquerque: University ofNew Mexico Press,1990)2.
    ③Floyd C. Watkins, In Time and Space: Some Origins of American Fiction (Athens: University of Georgia Press,1977)169.
    ①Donald Sandner, Navaho Symbols of Healing (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1979)202.
    ②N. Scott Momaday, House Made of Dawn (New York: HarperCollins Publishers,1999)10.
    ④Joseph Epes Brown, The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian (New York: The Crossroad PublishingCompany, Inc.,1984)12.
    ①N. Scott Momaday, House Made of Dawn (New York: HarperCollins Publishers,1999)27.
    ④J. Frank Papvich,“Journey into the Wilderness: American Literature and The Way to Raining Mountain” inKenneth M. Roemer, ed., Approaches to Teaching Momaday’s The Way to Raining Mountain (New York:MLA,1988)117.
    ⑤N. Scott Momaday,“Native American Attitudes to the Environment”, in Walter Holden Capps, ed., Seeing witha Native Eye: Essays on Native American Religion (New York: Harper,1976)80.
    ①Joseph W. Meeker,“Preface to the Second Edition” in The Comedy of Survival: In Search of an EnvironmentalEthis (Los Angeles: Guild of Tutors Press,1972,1980)10.
    ③Konrad Lorenz,“Foreword” in Joseph W. Meeker, The Comedy of Survival: In Search of an EnvironmentalEthis (Los Angeles: Guild of Tutors Press,1972,1980)17.
    ①Joseph W. Meeker,“Preface to the Second Edition” in The Comedy of Survival: In Search of an EnvironmentalEthis (Los Angeles: Guild of Tutors Press,1972,1980)11.
    ②Kenneth Lincoln, Indi’n Humor: Bicultural Play in Native America (New York: Oxford University Press,1993)5.
    ①Dennis McPherson and J. Douglas Rabb, Indian from the Inside: A Study in Ethno-Metaphysics,(Thunder Bay:Lakehead University, Center for Northern Studies,1993)90.
    ①Calvin Martin, Keepers of the Game: Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,1978)116.
    ②N. Scott Momaday,“The Centaur Complex” in The Man Made of Words: Essays, Stories, Passages (New York:St. Martin’s Press,1997)77.
    ①Stacy Kowtko, Nature and the Environment in Pre-Columbian American Life (Westport: Greenwood Press,2006)32.
    ①Stacy Kowtko, Nature and the Environment in Pre-Columbian American Life (Westport: Greenwood Press,2006)19.
    ②Leslie Marmon Silko,“Deer Song” in Storyteller (New York: Arcade Publishing Inc.,1981)201-202.
    ①Vine Deloria Jr., God Is Red: A Native View of Religion (Golden: Fulcrum Publishing,2003)278.
    ②Jarold Ramsey,“‘The Hunter Who Had an Elk for a Guardian Spirit,’ and the Ecological Imagination” in BrianSwann, ed., Smoothing the Ground: Essays on Native American Oral Literature (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,1983)311.
    ①Jarold Ramsey,“‘The Hunter Who Had an Elk for a Guardian Spirit,’ and the Ecological Imagination” in BrianSwann, ed., Smoothing the Ground: Essays on Native American Oral Literature (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,1983)315.
    ②Susan Scarberry-Garcia, Landmarks of Healing: A Study of House Made of Dawn (Albuquerque: University ofNew Mexico Press,1990)40.
    ③Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)13.
    ①Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)13.
    ④Susan Scarberry-Garcia, Landmarks of Healing: A Study of House Made of Dawn (Albuquerque: University ofNew Mexico Press,1990)41.
    ①Kenneth Lincoln, Indi’n Humor: Bicultural Play in Native America (New York: Oxford University Press,1993)25.
    ③Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)30.
    ⑤Robert D. Pelton, The Trickster in West Africa: A Study of Mythic Irony and Sacred Delight (Berkeley:University of California Press,1980)5.
    ①Robert D. Pelton, The Trickster in West Africa: A Study of Mythic Irony and Sacred Delight (Berkeley:University of California Press,1980)3.
    ②Jay Edwards,“Structural Analysis of the Afro-American Trickster Tale”, in Henry Louis Gates, Jr. ed. BlackLiterature and Literary Theory (New York: Routledge,1990)84.
    ②Jeanne Rosier Smith, Writing Tricksters: Mythic Gambols in American Ethnic Literature (Berkeley: Universityof California Press,1997)7.
    ①Paul Radin, The Trickster: A Study in American Indian Mythology (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,1956)115.
    ①Paul Radin, The Trickster: A Study in American Indian Mythology (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,1956)133.
    ⑤Warwick Wadlington,“Preface” in The Confidence Game in American Literature (Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press,1975) x.
    ①Warwick Wadlington,“Preface” in The Confidence Game in American Literature (Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press,1975)6.
    ②Karl Kerényi,“The Trickster in Relation to Greek Mythology” in Paul Radin, The Trickster: A Study inAmerican Indian Mythology (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,1956)181.
    ③Warwick Wadlington, The Confidence Game in American Literature (Princeton: Princeton University Press,1975)15.
    ⑤Kenneth Lincoln, Indi’n Humor: Bicultural Play in Native America (New York: Oxford University Press,1993)5.
    ①Katrina Schimmoeller Peiffer, Coyote At Large: Humor in American Nature Writing (Salt Lake City: TheUniversity of Utah Press,2000)14.
    ③Chris LaLonde, Grave Concerns, Trickster Turns: The Novels of Louis Owens (Norman: University ofOklahoma Press,2002)19.
    ①Chris LaLonde, Grave Concerns, Trickster Turns: The Novels of Louis Owens (Norman: University ofOklahoma Press,2002)42.
    ②Gerald Vizenor,“Trickster Discourse” in American Indian Quarterly, Vo.14, No.3(Summer,1990)285.
    ③Chris LaLonde, Grave Concerns, Trickster Turns: The Novels of Louis Owens (Norman: University ofOklahoma Press,2002)41.
    ①Katrina Schimmoeller Peiffer, Coyote At Large: Humor in American Nature Writing (Salt Lake City: TheUniversity of Utah Press,2000)196.
    ①Katrina Schimmoeller Peiffer, Coyote At Large: Humor in American Nature Writing (Salt Lake City: TheUniversity of Utah Press,2000)196.
    ②Kenneth Lincoln, Indi’n Humor: Bicultural Play in Native America (New York: Oxford University Press,1993)51.
    ③Gerald Vizenor,“Trickster Discourse” in American Indian Quarterly, Vo.14, No.3(Summer,1990).286.
    ④William Bright, A Coyote Reader (Berkeley: University of California Press,1993) XI.
    ⑥Mac Linscott Ricketts,“The North American Indian Trickster” in Mircea Eliade and Joseph M. Kitagawa, eds.,The History of Religion: Essays in Methodology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1959)327.
    ①Mac Linscott Ricketts,“The North American Indian Trickster” in Mircea Eliade and Joseph M. Kitagawa, eds.,The History of Religion: Essays in Methodology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1959)348.
    ②Mac Linscott Ricketts,“The North American Indian Trickster” in History of Religions, Vo.5, No.2(Winter,1966)328.
    ③Katrina Schimmoeller Peiffer, Coyote At Large: Humor in American Nature Writing (Salt Lake City: TheUniversity of Utah Press,2000)195.
    ④Mac Linscott Ricketts,“The North American Indian Trickster” in History of Religions, Vo.5, No.2(Winter,1966)327.
    ⑤Gary Snyder,“The Incredible Survival of Coyote” in William Bright, A Coyote Reader (Berkeley: Universityof California Press,1993)154-55.
    ①Thomas King, Green Grass, Running Water (New York: Bantam Books,1994)3.下文中所有来自此小说文本的引文均出自此版本,不再赘述,只在括号中标明页码。
    ①William Bright, A Coyote Reader (Berkeley: University of California Press,1993)120.
    ①William Bright, A Coyote Reader (Berkeley: University of California Press,1993)119.
    ②Thomas King,“Godzilla vs. Post-Colonial”, World Literature Written in English, Vol.30, No.2(1990)11-12.
    ①N. Scott Momaday,“The Man Made of Words” in Geary Hobson, ed., The Remembered Earth: An Anthologyof Contemporary Native American Literature (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,1979)162.
    ②Paul Radin, The Trickster: A Study in American Indian Mythology (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,1956)168.
    ④Gerald Vizenor, Manifest Manners: Postindian Warriors of Survivance (Hanover: University Press of NewEngland,1994)15.
    ③Calvin Martin, Keepers of the Game: Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,1978)158.
    ⑤Calvin Martin, Keepers of the Game: Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,1978)161.
    ①Vine Deloria, Jr., We Talk, You Listen: New Tribes, New Turf (New York: Macmillan Company,1970)186.
    ③Djelal Kadir, Columbus and the Ends of the Earth: Europe’s Prophetic Rhetoric as Conquering Ideology(Berkeley: University of California Press,1992)137.
    ①Djelal Kadir, Columbus and the Ends of the Earth: Europe’s Prophetic Rhetoric as Conquering Ideology(Berkeley: University of California Press,1992)175.
    ④Mircea Eliade, The Myth of the Eternal Return (Princeton: Princeton University Press,1971) xiii-xiv.
    ①Rigoberto Queme Chay,“The Corn Men Have Not Forgotten Their Ancient Gods” in Inter Press Service,comp., Story Earth: Native Voices on the Environment (San Francisco: Mercury House,1993)20.
    ②Jace Weaver,“Introduction” in ed., Defending Mother Earth: Native American Perspectives on EnvironmentalJustice (New York: Orbis Books,1996)12.
    ④Paula Gunn Allen, Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook (Boston: Beacon Press,1991)169-170.
    ①Donald L. Fixico,“The Struggle for Our Homes: Indian and White Values and Tribal Lands” in Jace Weaver,ed., Defending Mother Earth: Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice (New York: OrbisBooks,1996)31.
    ②George E. Tinker,“An American Indian Theological Response to Ecojustice” in Jace Weaver, ed.,Defending Mother Earth: Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice (New York: Orbis Books,1996)167.
    ④George E. Tinker,“An American Indian Theological Response to Ecojustice” in Jace Weaver, ed.,Defending Mother Earth: Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice (New York: Orbis Books,1996)156.
    ①George E. Tinker,“An American Indian Theological Response to Ecojustice” in Jace Weaver, ed.,Defending Mother Earth: Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice (New York: Orbis Books,1996)160.
    ③Paula Gunn Allen, ed., Spider Woman’s Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing byNative American Women (Boston: Beacon Press,1989)4.
    ④Paula Gunn Allen, Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Busting, Border-Crossing Loose Canons(Boston: Beacon Press,1998)118.
    ①Werner Müler,“North America in1600” in Walter Krickeberg et al. eds., Pre-Columbian American Religions(New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1968)160.
    ②Calvin Martin, Keepers of the Game: Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,1978)34.
    ①Calvin Martin, Keepers of the Game: Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,1978)65.
    ②Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)6.
    ①Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday (Lincoln: University of NebraskaPress,1989)67.
    ②黑麋鹿曾称约翰·奈哈特为word sender,肯尼斯·林肯也这样赞扬莫马迪,而莫马迪更愿意将自己看作是一个wordwalker。参阅Charles L. Woodard, Ancestral Voice: Conversations with N. Scott Momaday(Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,1989)149.
    ③Gerald Vizenor, Manifest Manners: Postindian Warriors of Survivance (Hanover: University Press of NewEngland,1994)6.
    ⑤Jace Weaver,“Preface” in That the People Might Live: Native American Literature and Native AmericanCommunity (New York: Oxford University Press,1997) viii.
    Allen, Paula Gunn. The Woman Who Owned the Shadows. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink,1983.Erdrich, Louise. Love Medicine. New York: Holt,1984,1993.
    King, Thomas. Green Grass, Running Water. New York: Bantam Books,1994.
    Momaday, N. Scott. House Made of Dawn. New York: HarperCollins Publishers,1966,1999.
    —The Way to Rainy Mountain. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,1969,2003.
    Silko, Leslie Marmon. Ceremony. New York: Penguin Books,1977,1988.
    —The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir. New York: Viking,2010.
    Welch, James. Winter in the Blood. New York: Penguin Books,1986.
    Achterberg, Jeanne. Woman as Healer. Boston: Shambhala,1991.
    Adams, Carol J.. ed. Ecofeminism and the Sacred. New York: Continuum Publishing Company,1993.
    Adamson, Joni. American Indian Literature, Environmental Justice, and Ecocriticism: TheMiddle Place. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press,2001.
    Allen, Paula Gunn. ed. Studies in American Indian Literature: Critical Essays and CourseDesigns. New York: MLA,1983,1995.
    —The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions. Boston: BeaconPress,1986,1992.
    —Spider Woman’s Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by NativeAmerican Women. New York: Ballantine Books,1989.
    —Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook. Boston: Beacon Press,1991.
    —Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Busting, Border-Crossing Loose Canons. Boston:Beacon Press,1998.
    Ammons, Elizabeth&White-Parks, Annette. eds. Tricksterism in Turn-of-the-Century AmericanLiterature: A Multicultural Perspective. Hanover: University Press of New England,1994.
    Armbruster, Karla&Kathleen R. Wallace. eds. Beyond Nature Writing: Expanding theBoundaries of Ecocriticism. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,2001.
    Armstrong, Virginia. I Have Spoken. Chicago: Swallow Press,1971.
    Ballinger, Franchot. Living Sideways: Tricksters in American Indian Oral Traditions. Norman:University of Oklahoma Press,2004.
    Benton, Lisa M.&John Rennie. Short. eds. Environmental Discourse and Practice. Malden:Blackwell Publishing,1999,2004.
    Billard, Jules B.. ed. The World of the American Indian. Washington, D. C.: National GeographicSociety,1975.
    Brady, Emily. Aesthetics of the Natural Environment. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,2003.
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    Bross, Kristina. Dry Bones and Indian Sermons: Praying Indians in Colonial America. Ithaca:Cornell University Press,2004.
    Brown, Joseph Epes. The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian. New York: Crossroad,1982.
    Buell, Lawrence. The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and LiteraryImagination. Malden: Blackwell Publishing,2005.
    Capps, Walter Holden. ed. Seeing with a Native Eye: Essays on Native American Religion. NewYork: Harper,1976.
    Chavkin, Allan. ed. Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: A Casebook. New York: Oxford UniversityPress,2002.
    Cheyfitz, Eric. ed. The Columbia Guide to Native American Literature Since1945. New York:Columbia University Press,2004.
    Clifford, James. The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, andArt. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1988.
    Coltelli, Laura. Winged Words: American Indian Writers Speak. Lincoln: The University ofNebraska Press,1990.
    Deloria, Vine Jr. We Talk, You Listen: New Tribes, New Turf, New York: Macmillan Company,1970.
    —God is Read: A Native View of Religion. Golden: North American Press,1973,1992,2003.
    Dobrin, Sidney I.&Christopher J. Keller. eds. Writing Environments. New York: StateUniversity of New York Press,2005.
    Doty, William&Hynes, William. eds. Mythical Trickster Figures. Tuscaloosa: University ofAlabama Press,1993.
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