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From 1986 Bei Cun began publishing his works. As one pioneer writer, he didn’t have distinctive feature among so many peculiar and colorful creating styles. At 1993 earlier or later he converted to Christianity and set up style of“divinity writing”in novel field, which caused attention of literary world, however aroused no too much enthusiasm of critics. In nearly 10 years after 1994 merely 20 research papers on Bei Cun or so were issued; but from 2003 the critical papers emerged increasingly year by year, even reached almost 100 articles in three years.
     Among these almost 100 commentaries on Bei Cun, most commentaries focus on his religion sentiment after his convertion, mainly centralizing on follows: one is his religion salvation mind, the other is the description on love tragedy throughout his works. The shattering of love makes the characters sober up and pursue mental sustenance in religion instead of facing to ridiculous life.
     This article discusses the extension and link of above two expositions. In one way, relying on art as supporting point of life, Bei Cun creates a group of young people devoted fully to poem and music. They are persistent to love also persistent to poem writing. After receiving failures in the pursuing course of poem and love, facing to tragedies of love and beauty they gradually show fatigue and ugliness of life. While in the other way, when they are pursuing art and love, they are also creating their ideal personality. They deeply exploit the divinity in individual humanness so as to be entirely pure when facing love and poem and fight with miserable life based on the inner power. Bei Cun’s works illustrate people’s nicest dream and hope and create ideal personality loyal to love and art; also show a kind of desperation to life whenever and wherever under desperate and extreme situations.
     Destroyed art and discarded love are linked together in Bei Cun’s works. While the characters’incisiveness determines that they are unable to survive in space without love and art. If they have no ability to find the solution in secular world, they are destined to choose death. Although people may place hope on otherworldly salvation, they can’t obtain any help from realistic difficulties, therefore they may sink into larger tragedies. In the strong endurance match of love and marriage, art and earthliness, love and art are weak and collapsed, so mind paradox and helplessness occur. People are always immersing in major sorrow, hard to relieve themselves and gain happiness.
     In this article the first part analyzes two representative aspects Bei Cun created on perfect personality, referring to quest of art charm and pursuit of divinity in human nature. It displays the writer’s mental temperament of idealism, and the resolution and will fighting against the earthliness. Through dissolution of characters and story in literary world, from failure of art pursuit and love pursuit the second part concludes the hard progressing of poem and love in realistic secular life and money world, and makes people regret the tragedy ending of love and beauty falling into material world. In third part the author does discussion on several important benchmark factors in Bei Cun’s world of letters. Putting three factors as accidentalism, extremity and desperation together, the writer does comparison and analysis and discloses the follow points: one is the great role accidentalism plays in fate turning, and the hidden great inevitability; which indicates the randomness, blindness and unpredictability of fate. Meanwhile, we may clearly find that in Bei Cun’s works the holding of dream always implicates tremendous desperation. Poem and lover are regarded as supporting point and hope of life, but the tragedy of love and beauty are also destined to hopeless life; people immersing in so miserable life are full of bitterness in the hearts. In the last part the article illustrates the salvation and harm of religion on Bei Cun. On one hand, Bei Cun’s basic point“divinity writing”makes people see his unique style and sentiment of saving the world and human beings, and encourages people to look for eternality of love and beauty. On the other hand, following with the deepening of religion sense, the sermon feelings are more obvious, which continuously disturbs readers’reading consistency, badly affects truthfulness and damages the art characteristics of works.
     In Bei Cun’s writing world, two kinds of extreme confrontation always exist. He values and praises the persistent upholding on love and art, describes the dreams of ceaseless pursuit for art and ideal personality and passions for love; he also attacks and crashes the dreams, and pushes these people living for art and love to abyss of desperation again and again. Even the hope is gradually obvious, the depression and desperation of human beings are hard to be hidden.
     Therefore his works’thought, value and sense don’t lie in the introduction of religion salvation, but lie in the viewing of difficulties and miseries human beings have, and problems of how to keep the dream on art and love and how to establish the personality of individual idealism, etc in the painful earthliness.
     I don’t agree with the common view that after the convertion Bei Cun holds apparent religion salvation sense in the works. Actually religion sense is born for a serious and sympathetic writer. A numb heart will never produce the tiny pain in human minds. Speaking of Bei Cun, the imposed religion salvation sense at end of some works sometimes destroys the whole coherence and coordination. The involved content can’t replace the whole creation. If we say Bei Cun has pointed out a salvation way, this way is never salvation of religion, but a way of desperate life and depressed reality destructing together. I always think that God City created by Bei Cun may never solve miseries of human beings, while the divinity light always reminds people of the wreath on Xia Yu’s grave, which reflects some sadness instead of increasing promising.
     Bei Cun’s literary world always has nicest expectation of human beings on love and dream; also has deepest sadness, destruction of love legend, failure of poem dream, pity and desperation God unable to solve. All characters in the stories break through in this imaginary world with the result of sinking into another difficulty.
     Even so as a pioneer writer of 1980s, Bei Cun is still worth appreciating and praising because he may withstand the collapse of pioneer writers, and hold pioneer writers’camp, gesture and words, and care for minds, fates and miseries of human beings after 1990s.
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    [41]毛鸽,《激荡在诗意现实之间的存在冲突——读北村<玛卓的爱情>》,《宜宾学院学报》,2005 年 05 期
    [42]阳蓉、吴泓,《“混乱”中凸现真爱——评北村小说<周渔的喊叫>》,《中山大学学报论丛》,2005 年 02 期
    [43]于京一,《从“存在”到“解构”的艰难跋涉——试论北村小说的悲剧性品格》,《辽宁教育行政学院学报》,2005 年 05 期
    [44]杨俊国,《从苦难走向救赎——北村小说<愤怒>中的三个意象阐释》,《山西广播电视大学学报》。2005 年 02 期
    [45]夏小娟,《绝望的爱情——读<张生的婚姻><玛卓的爱情>》,《湖南税务高等专科学校学报》,2005 年 04 期
    [46]施红玲,《谈北村<玛卓的爱情>的多声部叙事》,《西安文理学院学报》(社会科学版),2005 年 03 期
    [47]杨泽文,《为弱势人群代言呐喊》,《阅读写作》,2005 年 07 期
    [48]万孝献,《从旧约到新约——北村的皈依之路》,《湖南科技学院学报》,2005 年 09 年
    [49]杨文忠,《性恶的探险——读北村的<强暴>》,《河南机电高等专科学校学报》,2005 年 06 期
    [50]宋彦,《爱情的另一种言说——北村<周渔的喊叫>解读》,《齐鲁学刊》,2005 年 05 期
    [51]张建秒,《无法栖居的失乐园——北村的爱情救赎》,《河南广播电视大学学报》,2005 年 04 期
    [52]潘璐,《北村:价值向度重构的尴尬》,《成都理工大学学报》(社会科学版),2005 年 04 期
    [53]张萍,《论北村小说中的精神寻求》,《泰安教育学院学报岱宗学刊》,2005 年 04 期
    [54]王秀礼,《北村的复仇方式》,《时代文艺》,2005 年 06 期
    [55]张恒学,《拿什么来拯救悲剧?——读北村的<愤怒>》,《云梦学刊》,2006 年 01 期
    [56]王昌忠,《<伤逝>:鲁迅、北村同名小说艺术效果探析》,《山东理工大学学报》(社会科学版)2006 年 02 期
    [57]唐小林,《论北村的基督宗教诗学》,《社会科学研究》,2006 年 03 期

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