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     1.大脑皮层 大鼠大脑皮层内均可见IFN-γ样免疫反应产物,但各层分布不均,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ
     2.海马 大鼠海马CA1、CA2、CA3区均存在IFN-γ样免疫反应产物,但各区阳性细胞数量
     3.室管膜 大鼠室管膜侧脑室、第三脑室、中脑导水管和第四脑室壁上均存在IFN-γ样免
     4.下丘脑 大鼠下丘脑室旁核、室周核、视上核、视上交叉核、乳头体后核等部位均存在IFN-γ
     5.小脑 大鼠小脑皮层分子层内存在大量IFN-γ阳性纤维,偶见分散的阳性细胞,而浦肯
     6.延髓内脏带 大鼠延们内脏带的迷走补经背核、孤束核、疑核、腹外恻网状核、旁正中网
    The exPression of IFN- y like immunoreactivity(IFN- Y-li) in rat brain was stUdied and the
    correlation betWeen acuPunCtUre and immuno-neuro-endocrine net was discussed. The rat were
    grouped to contrOl group, Zusanli POint grouP, immunosuppresive group and immunosupPtessive+
    electroacupuntUre grouP. The ZuSanli point of rat was electrOacupuntUre by using acupunctUre
    instrUment (G6805-2A, intensity was 3V frequent was 2HZ, time was 30 minute), and the changes of
    the distribUtion of IFN- Y -li in cerebral corteX, hippocaInPus, ePendyIn4 hyPOthalamus, CerebeIlum,
    medullny viscetal zone were stodied by using the technique of inununohistOchemiStry SR The resultS
    as fOllow;:
    l. Cerebral cortex
    The IFN- Y -li neurons were abundanly distributed in all layer of cerebra cortex, but especially
    were distributed in the lnyers of III. V. Compare with control group, The number of IPN- Y -li
    neurons in electroacuPwte at Zusanli point had no significan difference. The IFN- Y -li neurons
    had significant difference in lagers of llI. V, when compared wun immunosuPpressive grouP. It is
    recreasing in lagers of I 1 II' W' V,bul there is not significant in statiStics. The resultS showed that
    IFN- Y existCd in cerebral cortCx of tat, and IFN- y may play the role of immunomodulation in cerebral
    2. HipPOcampus
    The lFN- Y -li positive neurons extensively distributed in CAl' CA2. CA3 of hippocampus in
    contrOl group, especially in CAl, and more positive neurons were in the pyramidal cell layers of the
    hippocampus .In few positive neurons waS deteCted in CA2. CA3. The effect of EA on IFN- Y -li
    positive productS in hippocampus wasn't obvious when compared with control group. The IPN- Y -li
    positive cells were extensively detected in CAl of hippocampus when compared with
    immunosuppressive group.The resultS suggested that the IFN- y may play the role of
    immunomodulation in hippocampus.
    3. Ependyma
    The IFN- Y -li POsitive cells were distribUted in LV V3, Aq, V4. ComPared with cchl grouP, there
    is no signican in electrOacupunbe group. The change Of IFN- Y -like positive cells were not obvious
    in Zusanli group when comPared with control group. The Iru- Y -li POsihve cells in Aq
    cimmunosuPpressivatEA grOuP much than immunosuPPressive grOup. The resultS suggsted that the IFN-
    y can Synthnhe or absorb in ependyIna and the immunsuPPressive +EA grouP can lead tO occur IFN-
    ?IFN- y may be a novel neuopeptide in epen dyma and modulate brain-CSF circuit.
     4. Hypothalamus
     The IFN- i -ii positive cell were detected in nucleus paraventricularis, nucleus periventricularis, nucleus supra-opticus, nucleus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus mamillaris posterior Compared with control group, electroacupunture group bad no signicant difference in the number of the IFN- Y -Ii positive cells in hypothalanus. The effect of inimunosuppressive+EA group on IFN- y -Ii positive cells were obvious in nucleus paraventricularis, nucleus periventricularis when compared with cimmunosuppressive group. The result showed that the hypothalamus have inmunomodulation and the immunosuppressive+EA group can lead to occur IFN- Y.
     5. Cerebellum
     The IFN- 慳?positive fibers were widely distributed in stratum moleculare of cerebellum , The IFN慳?-ii positive cell were weekly occasionally detected in those. The IFN- 慳?-li positive cell were widely detected in layers of Purkinje and weeklyin the stratum graulosum. Electroacupunture group had no signicant difference in the number of the IFN- 慳?-ii positive cells when compared with control group.The IFN- 慳 -Ii positive cells were obvious in stratum Purkinje, when compared with cimmunosuppressive group. The result suggested that IFN- 慳?could have imniun抋o modulate action in cerebellum.
     The IFN- 慳 -Ii positive neurons extensively distributed in nucleus fastigi, nucleus interpostitus, nucleus dentatus of cerebellum. The effect of EA on IFN- 慳?-Ii posi
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