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鉴于易腐品的特性,对其储存、运输等物流环节进行优化管理,可有效减少变质损耗,实现易腐品的及时配送,具有重要的理论和实际意义。在易腐品配送系统中,库存成本和运输成本占有很大的比重,且相互间具有密切的联系,因而有必要对两者进行集成优化研究,以便提高易腐品配送系统的整体绩效,即研究易腐品配送的库存—路径问题(Inventory-Routing Problem, IRP)。为此,本文从以下两个方面对易腐品配送系统的IRP进行了研究。
In view of the characteristics of perishable items, optimizing the management of logistics links like storage and transportation would reduce deterioration effectively and distribute perishable items in time, so the optimal management has significant theoretical and practical meaning.In perishable items distribution system, inventory costs and transportation costs account for a large proportion, and there is a close relationship between inventory and transportation. In order to improve the overall performance, it is necessary to study inventory and transportation from the perspective of integration, that is to study on (Inventory-Routing Problem, IRP) in perishable items distribution system. Then, this paper study on IRP in perishable items distribution system from two aspects as follows.
     Firstly, this paper study on IRP in a two-level distribution system which is composed of distribution centers and demand points, and IRP is divided into two sub-problems: inventory-controlling problem and vehicle routing problem. Then a advanced distribution approach is proposed to iterate adjusting on the solution, aimed to coordinate the relationships among inventory holding cost, ordering cost, purchasing cost and shipment cost, then the approximate optimal solution can be obtained by iterating on the solution under different distribution strategy and order policy. In making inventory policy, considering the deterioration rate of perishable items under deterministic demand environment, a inventory model is established, in which the total cost is composed of ordering cost, purchasing cost and inventory holding cost. Based on the model we can get the optimal delivery cycle and quantity for each demand point. The example shows that the shorter delivery cycle, the customers are more likely to make cost saving through advanced delivery, while the cost saving by global adjustment is achieved by meetting the vehicle's maximum load capacity as much as possible.
     Secondly, for transportation problem in perishable items distribution system, vehicle speed on different subsections in urban transportation network is varied according to different period of time, which will affect the travelling time and led to different arrival time. So, considering distribution strategy in each day, it is necessary to consider time-varying parameter. In this paper, a time-cross processing model incorporating time-dependent parameter is proposed and a satisfying solution is found for time dependent VRP by using genetic algorithm.
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