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“垮掉的一代”是二十世纪50年代兴起于美国的一场文学运动,对二十世纪中后期美国社会产生了广泛而深远的影响。作家杰克·凯鲁雅克(Jack Kerouac,1922—1969)被称为“垮掉的一代之王”,代表作《在路上》被认为是“垮掉的一代圣经”,但实际上凯鲁雅克长期以来为中国乃至美国读者、评论者所误读,他被树为了一个自己不愿也无力推动的运动的化身。我们无论是将凯鲁雅克看作“流氓”、“阿飞”、“吸毒犯”、“资产阶级腐朽堕落的颓废青年”,还是看作“艾森豪威尔时代的前嬉皮士”、“反麦卡锡主义的斗士”,这些都不是凯鲁雅克的真实形象。
The Beat Generation was a literary movement of the 1950s in the United States, which had a broad and far-reaching impact on the late 20th American society. Among the writers in this period, Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) was known as the "King of the Beat Generation". his representative work On the Road was considered as "the Bible of Beat Generation". However, Kerouac’s works have being misread by readers and commentators both in China and the United States for a long time. Kerouac was regarded as the decadent youth of the degenerated bourgeois class, or as the former hippies of Eisenhower era, anti-McCarthyism fighter, but these were not the true image of Kerouac. Kerouac was actually regarded as a model in the social movement, although he was reluctant and incapable to promote this movement.
     This paper associates Kerouac’s life and discusses two intertwining and confrontational kinds of culture, which were the religious abstinence and the consumer hedonism in the 1950s and 1960s of the United States, so as to reveal a real Kerouac to readers. The first part of this paper discusses from the following aspects: the small town life of Jack Kerouac, the urbanism in New York then moved to west, the fame and shame after Kerouac’s succession. In fact, Kerouac was a "strange, lonely, crazy Christian mysticism", who was a representative of the strong conservative force from a small town. This conservative force was the local basis and the mass basis of McCarthyism in the 1950s.
     The second and third part respectively expatiate how Kerouac’s thought agreed with the main culture stream of conservatism in the 1950s from the points of spontaneous writing and rereading of the novel On the Road. Spontaneous writing can be purely attributed to Kerouac’s attempt to explore new literary writing techniques, and it was born with a paradox of revolutionary and vanguard characters. The theme of On the Road is not the condemnation and dissatisfaction of the 1950s and 1960s American society. As the representative of the lower class, Deans were completely immersed in the optimistic mood of the victory of World War II at that time and enjoyed the highly prosperous American economy. They enjoyed the various facilities brought by social progress, and kept in line with the mainstream ideology.so that, the so-called rebellion was largely imposed by the later generation to a large extend.
     The fourth part probes into the reason why Kerouac became the Beat campaign incarnation, which he was unable to take on and tried to shake off. His value as a writer was replaced by Dean’s cultural value as a crazy prophet. This part concludes the operation of Ginsberg on the Beat Generation, leftist movement, sub-culture and popular consumption culture,the middle class student movement in the 1960s,from hippies to yuppies, the commercialization of American publishing industry, and so on.
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    [2][6][7][8][9][17][18][29][35][40][45][46][47][68] [美]巴里·吉福德、劳伦斯·李:《垮掉的行路者——回忆杰克·凯鲁雅克》,华明、韩曦、周晓阳译,上海:译文出版社,2000 年 9 月第 1 版,第 1 页,第 81 页,第 9 页,第200 页,第 10 页,第 50 页,第 50 页,第 232 页,第 255 页,第 5 页,第 28 页,第 95 页,第 96 页,第 203 页。
    [3][54][62][73][74][75][76][78] 程巍:《中产阶级的孩子们——60 年代与文化领导权》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2006 年 6 月第 1 版,第 57页,第 169 页,第 98 页,第 398 页,第 9 页,第 399 页,第 34 页,第 6 页。
    [4][54]引自程巍《中产阶级的孩子们——60 年代与文化领导权》第 59、60 页,原文参见 Irving Howe,A Margin of Hope,pp.219-220,p.225.
    [10][11][12][16][32][33][34][41] [美]杰克·凯鲁雅克:《荒凉天使》(Desolation Angels),娅子译,重庆:重庆出版社,2006 年 7 月第 1 版, 第 314 页,第 318 页,第 312 页,第 235 页,第 6 页,第 5 页,第 9 页,第 3 页。
    [13]引自程巍《中产阶级的孩子们——60 年代与文化领导权》第 367 页,原文参见 Mikhail Bakhtin,Rabelais and His World,Bloomington,Indiana University Press,1984:P.5。
    [14][15][19][20][22][39][48][67] [美]杰克·凯鲁雅克:《在路上》,王永年译,上海:译文出版社,2005 年第 1 版,第 11 页,第 VI 页,第 25 页,第 XXVII页,第 321 页,第 III 页,第 XIV 页,第 XXVI 页。
    [21][30][31] [美]杰克·凯鲁雅克:《孤独旅者》(Lonesome Traveler),赵元译,重庆:重庆出版社,2007 年 6 月第 1 版,第 15 页,第 6 页,第 199 页。
    [23][24][25][26][55][57][58][59][77] [美]杰克·凯鲁雅克:《在路上》,文楚安译,桂林:漓江出版社,1998 年第 1 版,第 12 页,第 68 页,第 169 页,第 236 页,第 177 页,第 7 页,第 11 页,第 252 页,第 192 页。
    [27]引自廖炳惠《文学与批评研究的通用词汇编》,南京:江苏教育出版社,2006年 8 月第 1 版,第 254 页,原文参见 James Clifford,Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Century ,Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1997。
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    [36][49] 文楚安:《“垮掉一代”及其他》,成都:四川大学出版社,2002 年 8月第 1 版,第 16 页,第 18 页。
    [37][69]吉尔伯特·米尔斯坦《评<在路上>》(Review of On the Road),《纽约时报》1957 年 9 月 15 日,引自文楚安《“垮掉一代”及其他》第 357 页。
    [38] [捷]米兰·昆德拉(Milan Kundera):《小说的艺术》,董强译,上海:译文出版社,2004 年 8 月第 1 版,第 155 页。
    [42][美]爱默生:《论自然》,见《爱默生集》上册,赵一凡等译,北京:三联出版社,1993 年版,第 24 页。
    [43]引自文楚安:《“垮掉一代”及其他》第 58 页,原文参见马库斯·坎利夫《美国的文学》,企鹅出版社,1954 年英文版,第 334 页。
    [44]Harold Bloom,The Anxiety of Influence,in Raman Selden,ed.,The Theory of Criticism:From Plato to the Present:A Reader,Longman,1988,pp.415-416 .
    [50] [52]引自程巍《中产阶级的孩子们——60 年代与文化领导权》第 342 页,原文参见 Roland Barthes,Le Degré Zéro de L’écriture,Paris,Seuil,1972,pp.20-21。
    [51]《萨特文论选》,施康强选译,人民文学出版社,1991 年,第 266 页。
    [53][56][70][71][72] [美]迪克斯坦:《伊甸园之门》,方晓光译,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1985 年 8 月第 1 版,第 27 页,第 27 页,第 77 页,第 30 页,第 53 页。
    [60][64][美]威廉·曼彻斯特:《光荣与梦想》,北京:商务印书馆,1979 年,第687 页,第 714 页。
    [61] 引自程巍《中产阶级的孩子们——60 年代与文化领导权》第 53 页,原文参见 Seymour Martin Lipset,eds.,The Berkeley Student Revolt,p.3.
    [63][65]Todd Gitlin,The Sixties:Years of Hope,Day of Rage,New York:Bantam Books,1989,p.12,p.53.
    [66][美]约翰·霍尔姆斯:《这就是“垮掉一代”》,原文载于《纽约时报》1952年 11 月 16 日,引自文楚安《“垮掉一代”及其他》第 361 页。
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    [2] 廖炳惠:《文学与批评研究的通用词汇编》,南京:江苏教育出版社,2006年 8 月第 1 版。
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    [5] 程巍:《霍尔顿与脏话的政治学》
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    [24] Barry Miles,Jack Kerouac:King of the Beats,London:Virgin Publishing Ltd, 1998.
    [25] David V Leer,The Columbia History of the American Novel,New York:Columbia University Press,1991.
    [26] Edward Halsey Foster,Understanding the Beats,Columbia:University of South Carolina Press,1992.
    [27]Jack Kerouac,selected letters:1957—1969,ed,Ann Clarters,New York:Viking Press,1999.
    [28] James T Jones,Jack Kerouac’s Duluoz Legend,Carbondale:Southern Illinois University Press,1999.
    [29] Jim Christy,The Long Slow Death of Jack Kerouac,Toronto:ECW Press,1998.
    [30] Kostas Myrsiades,The Beat Generation:Critical Essays,New York:Peter Lang Publishing,2002.
    [31] Mike Evans,Jack Kerouac-An Illustrated Biography,London:Octopus Publishing Group Limited,1999.
    [32] Thomas Newhouse,The Beat Generation and the Popular Novel in the United States,1945-1970,Jefferson:McFarland&Company,Inc,Publishers,2000.
    [33] Tom Clark,Jack Kerouac:A Biography,New York:Paragon House,1990 .

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