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As we know, financial industry plays an essential role in the history of economicdevelopment of the U.S.. It is also one of the pillars of U.S. dominancy on the world. U.S. securitymarket remains the world’s largest and deepest security market. Undoubtedly, the U.S. Securitiesand Exchange Commission (SEC) is indispensable to the success of the U.S. securities market forits independent and efficient enforcement.
     This paper tries to analyze the change pattern of regulatory policies of SEC during and aftermajor security market crisis since1934. Also, the paper tries to find out the factors behinding thechange of regulatory policies. The main topics the paper tries to resolve are as follows:
     The first chapter reviews the related concepts and theories. First, the major theories ofregulatory economics are summarized. Second, the essence and characteristics of the regulatorypolicies of SEC are discussed.
     The second chapter provides in-depth analysis on the characteristics and variation ofregulatory policies of SEC during and after major security market crisis since1930s. In the end,the “crisis-driven” characteristic of the regulatory policies of SEC is given out.
     The third chapter analyses the influential factors of regulatory policies of SEC in depth.According to preceding analysis, the chapter chooses the Congress, the Presedent, and interestgroup of financial industry as the major influential factors, and analyses the effect mechanism ofthese factors.
     The forth chapter studies the SEC’s responsing measures to the2008financial crisis and thefinancial reform after crisis. The main purpose by doing so is to examine the conclusion of thepresiding chapters.
     The fifth chapter is the conclusion and overview. In this part, the chapter analized the“crisis-driven” characteristic of the regulatory policies of SEC, and provides possible causes.
①U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission:“Select SEC and Market Data Fiscal2012”,2012, available athttp://www.sec.gov/about/secreports.shtml
    ②Wagner A, Three Extracts on Public Finance, Musgrave and Peacock(eds): Classics in the Theory of PublicFinance, New York, Macmillan Co.,1958.
    ②Viscusi W.K., J.M Vernon, J.E. Harrington, Jr., Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, p.295, The MIT Press,1995.
    ⑥Richard A. Posner,”Theories of Economics Regulation”, Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science5(Autumn1974):335-58.
    ⑦George J. Stigler and Claire Friedland,“What Can Regulators Regulate? The Case of Electricity.” Journal ofLaw and Economics5(October1962):1-16.
    ①William A. Jordan:”Producer Protection, Prior Market Structure and the Effects of Government Regulation”,Journal of Law and Economics15(April1972):151-76.
    ②Marver H. Bernstein: Regulating Business by Independent Commission, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University,1955.
    ⑥Sam Peltzman,”Toward a More General Theory of Regulation”, Journal of Law and Economics19(August1976):211-40.
    ⑦Gary S.Becker:”A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence”, Quarterly Journal ofEconomics98(August1983):371-400.
    ②Levy&Pablo T. Spiller,‘The Institutional Foundations of Regulatory Commitment; A Comparative Analysis ofTelecommunications Regulation”, Journal of Law, Economics,&Organization, Vol.10,No.2,1994.
    ③Meier, K. J., Regulation: Politics, Bureaucracy, and Economics, New York: St. Martin’s Press,1985.
    ④Warrick Smith,”Utility Regulators—The independence Debate” Public Policy for the Private Sector NoteNo.127, The World Bank,1997.
    ①Flintoff&Anthony: Utility Price Regulation: A Credit Perspective, Infrastructure Finance; Commentary,Standard&Poork. New York: McGraw-Hill.
    ②Zohar Goshen, Gideon Parchomovsky:“The Essential Role of Securities Regulation”, Duke Law Journal,Volume55, February2006.
    ④Eugene Fama:“Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory Empirical Work,” Journal of Finance, May,1970. P383-417.
    ④Zohar Goshen, Gideon Parchomovsky:“The Essential Role of Securities Regulation”, Duke Law Journal,
    Volume55, February2006.
    ②Stephen Choi, Adam C. Pritchard:”Behavioral Economics and the SEC,” Stanford Law Review, Vol.56, No.1(Oct.,2003), pp.1-73..
    ①Walter Werner,“The SEC as a Market regulator,” Virginia Law Review, Vol.70, No.4, pp.755-784.
    ①Barry R. Weingast,“The Congressional-Bureaucratic System: A Principal Agent Perspective (with applicationsto the SEC),” Public Choice, Vol.44, No.1, Carnegie Papers on Political Economy, Volume4: Proceedings of theCarnegie Conference on Political Economy (1984), pp.147-191.
    ②James D. Cox, Randall S. Thomas, Dana Kiku,“SEC Enforcement Heuristics: An Empirical Inquiry,” Duke LawJournal, Vol.53, No.2, Thirty-Third Annual Administrative Law Issue (Nov.,2003), pp.737-779.
    ③Fredric Firestone, Eugene Goldman and Michael A. Ungar,“SEC Enforcement Given New Tools UnderDodd-Frank Bill,” Mondaq Business Briefing, July23,2010.
    ①在罗斯福总统签署《1934年证券交易法》当天,佩科拉向总统强调“这部法律是好是坏,将取决于执行它的人们”,见乔尔·塞利格曼著《华尔街的变迁:证券交易委员会及现代公司融资制度演进》。2005年10月15日,美国SEC新任主席考克斯(Christopher Cox)在北京接受记者采访时表示,中国证券法的重点不在于法律有多正确,而在于执行法律的力度,见《美证交会主席考克斯表示:证券法重在执行》,《国际金融报》2005年10月17日第2版。
    ①U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission:“Fiscal Year2012Agency Financial Report”,2012.
    ①Senate Banking Committee,73rdCongress,“Stock Exchange Practice Report”, Senate Report No.1455, pp.5-6,1934.
    ②U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,“SEC Press Release,” Nov.23,1937.
    ④SEC:“Report on the Government of Securities Exchanges,” House of Representatives Document No.85,74thCongress, First Session.(1935).
    ①Federal Trade Commission:“Utility Corporations,” Summary Report of the Federal Trade Commission to theSenate of the United States,70th Cong.,1st Sess., Doc. No.92., part72-A, pp.38-39,46-49, and part73-A, pp.32-33,57.
    ②Federal Trade Commission:“Utility Corporations,” Summary Report of the Federal Trade Commission to theSenate of the United States, pp.136-154.
    ③SEC:“SEC Twenty-fifth Annual Report”, pp. XVⅡ-XVⅢ.
    ①SEC:“SEC Third Annual Report”, p.49;“SEC Second Annual Report”, pp.37,52.
    ①SEC:“Report on Trading in Unlisted Securities Upon Exchanges,” pp.4-6;“SEC Second Annual Report,” p.116.
    ①SEC:”Report on the Feasibility and Advisability of the Complete Segregation of the Functions of Dealer andBroker,” pp.16-17,101-102,108-113.
    ②Kennedy’s Address, New York Times, July26,1934, p.13.
    ③SEC:“SEC First Annual Report”, pp.20-21.
    ④SEC:“SEC First Annual Report”, pp.17,24.
    ①SEC:“1933Securities Act Release No.224”(1934), and” Release No.299”(1935).
    ②SEC:“SEC Minutes”, Feb.28,1935.
    ①U.S. Securities and Exhange Commission,“Second Annual Report”, pp.116, and “Seventh Annual Report”, pp.288-295.
    ②U.S. Securities and Exhange Commission,“27thAnnual Report”, pp.5-6,27,201.
    ③U.S. Securities and Exhange Commission,“Staff Report on Organization, Management, and Regulation ofConduct of Members of the American Stock Exchange”, pp.55, Jan.3,1962.
    ④Senate Banking Committee,“Stock Market Study Report”, Senate Report No.376,1955.
    ②SEC:”Investment Trusts and Investment Companies,” the3rdedition, pp.40-43.
    ③SEC:”Final Report on Multiple Trading,” pp.13,63.
    ③SEC Trading and Exchanges Division:“Report on Floor Trading”, Jan.15,1945.
    ①Emery Troxel:“Economics of Public Utilities”, Rinehart Press, New York,1947, pp.172and187-188.
    ②SEC:“19thAnnual Report”, pp.136.
    ②Gale Eugene Peterson:“President Harry S. Truman and the Independent Regulatory Commissions,” Universityof Maryland,1973, pp.221,226-227.
    ③The Committee on Independent Regulatory Commissions:“Staff Report on the Securities and ExchangeCommission,” i.e. Hoover Staff Report on the SEC, Sept.1948.
    ③SEC:“27thAnnual Report”, p.197.
    ④SEC:“22th Annual Report”, p145.
    ①SEC:“Report of Special Study of Securities Markets of the Securities and Exchange Commission to the HouseCommerce Committee,”1963
    ①The Committee on Independent Regulatory Commissions:“Staff Report on the Securities and ExchangeCommission,” i.e. Hoover Staff Report on the SEC, Sept.1948.
    ①SEC,“35th Annual Report of the Securities and Exchange Commission,” p.1, available athttp://www.sechistorical.org.
    ③SEC:“Study of Unsafe and Unsound Practices of Brokers and Dealers,” pp.95-122, available athttp://www.sechistorical.org.
    ③SEC:“Staff Report on Organization, Management and Regulation of Conduct of Members of the American StockExchange,” pp.47-52, Jan.3,1962, available at http://www.sechistorical.org.
    ①SEC,“Report of Special Study of Securities Markets of the Securities and Exchange Commission”, pp.504-577,1963, available at http://www.sechistorical.org.
    ①SEC:”Fifth Report to Congress on the Effect of the Absence of Fixed Rates of Commissions”, pp. iii, May26,1977.
    ②SEC staff report,“The Securities Industry in1980,” Appendix A-2.
    ①NASD Fact Book(1979), pp.29and32; New York Stock Exchange, Fact Book (1980), p.63; New York Times,June14,1981, pp. F11, F16, and F17.
    ①SEC,“A Monitoring Report on the Operation of the Intermarket Trading System,” pp.5-6,10-12,15,38, and45; and Wall Street Journal, May5,1980, pp.1and30.
    ①Federal Trade Commission,“Staff Report on Conglomerate Merger Performance”(1972)
    ②Joel Davidow,“Conglomerate Concentration and Section Seven: The Limitations of the Anti-Merger Act,”Columbia Law Review, p1234(1968)
    ②FTC,1969“Economic Report on Corporate Mergers,” pp.20-22and139-141.
    ①James Landis, The Administrative Process, p.24, New Haven: Yale University Press,1938.
    ①Economics Report of the President, Feb.,1985.
    ②Economics Report of the President, Feb.,1985.
    ③双重发股(dual class capitalization):在一种典型的双重发股方案中,内部人获得的股票具有多票表决权,而公众股票持有人则是每股一票表决权。这样,公司内部人只要拥有少量公司股票就可以掌握公司大部分表决权,从而很难被收购。这种资本结构调整方式一直受到纽交所的强烈反对。
    ①U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission:“Securities Exchange Act Release25”,1988.
    ②Business Roundtable v. SEC, D.C. Cir.,1990.
    ①Special Purpose Entity,简称“SPE”,一种金融工具,企业可借此在不增加资产负债表中负债的情况下进行融资。美国会计准则规定,只要非关联方持有权益价值不低于SPE资产公允价值的3%,企业就可以不将其纳入合并报表。
    ①PCAOB,”Securities Exchange Act Release No.49884”,(Order Approving Auditing Standard No.2, An Audit ofInternal Control Over Financial Reporting Performed in Conjunction With an Audit of Financial Statements),June23,2004.
    ②U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,“Securities Act Release No.8666”, March3,2006.
    ③PCAOB,“Securities Exchange Act Release No.34-56152”, July27,2007.
    ④U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,“Regulation S-K”, Item308and308T.
    ③Alan B. Morrison:“How Independent are Independent Regulatory Agencies,” Duke L. J., Apr,1988.
    ④U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission:“FY2011Performance and Accountability Report”. Available onthe web at http://www.sec.gov/about/secpar2011.shtml
    ①1972Senate,“Securities Industry Study,” pp.53-60.
    ③J. Sinclair Armstrong, Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission, Virginia Law Review, Vol.45,No.6, Contemporary Problems in Securities’ Regulation(Oct.,1959), pp.805.
    ①J. Sinclair Armstrong, Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission, Virginia Law Review, Vol.45,No.6, Contemporary Problems in Securities’ Regulation(Oct.,1959), pp.800.
    ①房利美(Fannie Mae)、房地美(Freddie Mac)均属于国有投资企业,即GSEs(Government SponsoredEnterprises)。
    ②Stan Liebowitz, New evidence on the foreclosure crisis, available at:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124657539489189043.html
    ③Source: Ameriquest closes229offices, lays off3,800, Business Times, available at:http://www.bizjournals.com/eastbay/stories/2006/05/01/daily26.html
    ①David Lereah, NAR’s chief economist, available at:http://money.cnn.com/2007/04/30/real_estate/speculators_fleeing_housing_markets/index.htm
    ②Source: National Association of Realtors,2005Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers.
    ①Michael Simkovic, Competition and Crisis in Mortgage Securitization, Indiana Law Journal, Vol.88,2013.
    ②US House of Representatives Committee on Government Oversight and Reform,22October2008,“CommitteeHolds Hearing on the Credit Rating Agencies and the Financial Crisis”.
    ③SEC Proposes Comprehensive Reforms to Bring Increased Transparency to Credit Rating Process, available at:http://www.sec.gov/news/press/2008/2008-110.htm
    ④SEC approves Measures to Strengthen Oversight of Credit Rating Agencies, available at:http://www.sec.gov/news/press/2008/2008-284.htm
    ⑤金融危机调查委员会:2009年5月20日根据《2009年反欺诈与经济复苏法案(》the Fraud Enforcement andRecovery Act of2009)成立的由两党组成的十人调查委员会,负责调查美国当前金融和经济危机的国内、国际原因。类似于调查30年代大萧条的佩科拉委员会和调查911恐怖袭击的911委员会。
    ⑥Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report: Final Report of the NationalCommission on the Causes of the Financial and Economic Crisis in the United States, official government edition.
    ①Michael Simkovic, Secret Liens and the Financial Crisis of2008, American Bankruptcy Law Journal, Vol.83, p.253,2009.
    ①US Department of Housing and Urban Development: the National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in theAmerican Dream. May1995.
    ②联邦存款保险公司改进法案(the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act, FDICIA)要求银行使用基于风险的资本要求衡量资本充足率,从而排除了巴塞尔协议框架Ⅱ的适用。
    ①SEC,2008Performance and Accountability Report, page12
    ②SEC,2008Performance and Accountability Report, page3
    ③SEC: Annual Report2008.
    ①SEC经济分析办公室(Office of Economic Analysis)进行的一项研究表明,SEC的紧急措施使股票市场无法交易股票的数量下降了57%。
    ①黑池交易(Dark Pools),又称暗池交易或暗盘交易,指专供少数机构投资者进行巨额交易的系统,具有准入门槛高、交易量大的特点。
    ①金色降落伞:Golden Parachute,指按照聘用合同若公司控制权发生变动时对高层管理人员进行丰厚补偿的规定。属于反收购的“毒丸计划”之一。
    ①Financial restatement:财务重述,指上市公司在发现并纠正前期财务报告的差错时,重新表述以前公布的财务报告的行为。财务重述作为企业盈余操纵行为的表征,其发生反映了公司治理机制的缺陷和治理效率的低下。
    ②Main Street:相对于华尔街(Wall Street,指代大资本家),原指中产阶级,现也可指代普通民众。
    ①Rolling Stone magazine:原文为“a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlesslyjamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”
    ②David A. Skeel, Jr.:“The New Financial Deal: Understanding the Dodd-Frank Act and its (Unintended)Consequences”, research paper No.10-21, Institute for Law and Economics, University of Pennsylvania LawSchool, October,2010.
    ①The Wages of Failure: Executive Compensation at Bear Stearn and Lehman2000-2008, Lucian Bebchuk et.al.,Yale Journal on Regulation,257(2010).
    ③具体而言,就是由SEC监管证券类掉期(security-based swaps),而由CFTC监管其它掉期交易。
    ①Melanie L. Fein:”Dodd-Frank Act: Implications for Securities Activities of Banks and Their Affiliates”, July2010, available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1657637.
    ④SEC曾进行过“统一监管实体”(consolidated supervised entity)计划,这一计划由于2008年大批华尔街非银行附属的证券经纪自营商的崩溃而被迫中止。
    ⑤Melanie L. Fein:”Dodd-Frank Act: Implications for Securities Activities of Banks and Their Affiliates”, July2010, available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1657637.
    ③Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr.:“the Dodd-Frank Act: a Flawed and Inadequate Response to the Too-Big-to-FailProblem,” Oregon Law Review, Vol.89,951,2011.
    ④Joseph E. Stiglitz:“Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy,”164-65,2010.
    ①这并不是说美国金融监管框架70年一成不变,事实上国会通过大量立法对其进行了多方面修订。显著的例子是1999年金融服务现代化法案(通称Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act),它废除了1933年银行法(Glass-SteagallAct)对商业银行和投资银行混业经营的禁止规定。
    ②Cheyenne Hopkins:“Despite Claims, Reform Law Provides Plenty of Exemptions”, AM. BANKER, Aug.10,2010.
    ③Saule T. Omarova:“The Dodd-Frank Act: A New Deal For A New Age?” North Carolina Banking Institute,Vol.15. Feb.2011.
    ④David A. Skeel, Jr.:“The New Financial Deal: Understanding the Dodd-Frank Act and its (Unintended)Consequences”. Institute for Law and Economics, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Research Paper No.10-21, October2010.
    ①Securities Act Release No.9178, Exchange Act Release No.63,768, SEC, Jan.25,2011.
    ②Exchange Act Rule14a-21(a), SEC,2011.
    ③The First Year of “Say on Pay” under Dodd-Frank: An Empirical Analysis and Look Forward, James F. Cotter,Alan R. Palmiter, Randall S. Thomas, Vanderbilt University Law School, Working Paper No.12-32, Oct.15,2012.
    ⑤Business Roundtable v. S.E.C.,647F.3d110(D.C. Cir.2011)
    ①Release No.34-65545, File No. S7-41-11, SEC, Nov.7,2011.
    ②Press Release, Federal Reserve, Aug.27,2012.
    ③The Dodd-Frank Act and Basel Ⅲ: Intentions, Unintended Consequences, and Lessons for Emerging Markets,Viral V. Acharya, Asian Development Bank Institute, Oct.,2012.
    ④Darrell Duffie&Haoxiang Zhu,“Does A Central Clearing Counterparty Reduce Counterparty Risk?”, RockCenter for Corporate Governance at Stanford University, Working Paper No.46-2011, available at SSRN:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1348343,April,2011.
    ⑥SEC Release No.34-63451, Dec.7,2010.
    ②IPO Task Force Report, IPO Task Force, Oct.20,2011.
    ③SEC:”The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Fiscal Year2012Agency Financial Report”, page6,available at http://www.sec.gov/about/secafr2012.shtml.
    ①自生自发秩序(spontaneous order)的含义请参见[英]弗里德里希·冯·哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,生活读书新知三联书店,1997年版,第7页。
    1. Wagner A, Three Extracts on Public Finance, Musgrave and Peacock (eds): Classics in theTheory of Public Finance, New York, Macmillan Co.,1958.
    2. Viscusi W.K., J.M Vernon, J.E. Harrington, Jr., Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, TheMIT Press,1995.
    3. Richard A. Posner,“Theories of Economics Regulation”, Bell Journal of Economics andManagement Science, Autumn,1974.
    4. George J. Stigler and Claire Friedland,“What Can Regulators Regulate? The Case ofElectricity.“Journal of Law and Economics, October,1962.
    5. William A. Jordan,“Producer Protection, Prior Market Structure and the Effects ofGovernment Regulation”, Journal of Law and Economics, April,1972.
    6. Marver H. Bernstein: Regulating Business by Independent Commission, Princeton UniversityPress,1955.
    7. Sam Peltzman,“Toward a More General Theory of Regulation”, Journal of Law andEconomics, August,1976.
    8. Gary S.Becker,“A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence”,Quarterly Journal of Economics, August,1983.
    9. Levy&Pablo T. Spiller,“The Institutional Foundations of Regulatory Commitment; AComparative Analysis of Telecommunications Regulation”, Journal of Law, Economics,&Organization, Vol.10,No.2,1994.
    10. Meier, K. J., Regulation, Politics, Bureaucracy, and Economics, New York: St. Martin’s Press,1985.
    11. Warrick Smith,”Utility Regulators—The independence Debate”, Public Policy for thePrivate Sector Note No.127, The World Bank.1997.
    12. Flintoff&Anthony, Utility Price Regulation: A Credit Perspective, Infrastructure Finance;Commentary, Standard&Poork. New York: McGraw-Hill.
    13. Stephen Choi, Adam C. Pritchard,“Behavioral Economics and the SEC,” Stanford LawReview, Vol.56, No.1, Oct.,2003.
    14. Barry R. Weingast,“The Congressional-Bureaucratic System: A Principal Agent Perspective(with applications to the SEC),” Public Choice, Vol.44, No.1, Carnegie Papers on PoliticalEconomy, Volume4: Proceedings of the Carnegie Conference on Political Economy,1984.
    15. James D. Cox, Randall S. Thomas, Dana Kiku,“SEC Enforcement Heuristics: An EmpiricalInquiry,” Duke Law Journal, Vol.53, No.2, Thirty-Third Annual Administrative Law Issue,Nov.,2003.
    16. Fredric Firestone, Eugene Goldman and Michael A. Ungar,“SEC Enforcement Given NewTools Under Dodd-Frank Bill,” Mondaq Business Briefing, July23,2010.
    17. Zohar Goshen, Gideon Parchomovsky,“The Essential Role of Securities Regulation”, DukeLaw Journal, Volume55, February2006.
    18. Eugene Fama:“Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory Empirical Work,” Journal ofFinance, May,1970.
    19. Alan B. Morrison:“How Independent are Independent Regulatory Agencies,” Duke LawJournal, Apr.,1988.
    20. J. Sinclair Armstrong,“Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission”, VirginiaLaw Review, Vol.45, No.6, Contemporary Problems in Securities’ Regulation, Oct.,1959.
    21. Michael Simkovic,“Competition and Crisis in Mortgage Securitization”, Indiana LawJournal, Vol.88,2013.
    22. David A. Skeel, Jr.:“The New Financial Deal: Understanding the Dodd-Frank Act and its(Unintended) Consequences”, research paper No.10-21, Institute for Law and Economics,University of Pennsylvania Law School, October,2010.
    23. Melanie L. Fein,”Dodd-Frank Act: Implications for Securities Activities of Banks and TheirAffiliates”, July,2010, available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1657637.
    24. Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr.:“the Dodd-Frank Act: a Flawed and Inadequate Response to theToo-Big-to-Fail Problem,” Oregon Law Review, Vol.89,951,2011.
    25. Cheyenne Hopkins:“Despite Claims, Reform Law Provides Plenty of Exemptions”, AM.BANKER, Aug.10,2010.
    26. Saule T. Omarova:“The Dodd-Frank Act: A New Deal For A New Age?” North CarolinaBanking Institute, Vol.15. Feb.2011.
    27. David A. Skeel, Jr.:“The New Financial Deal: Understanding the Dodd-Frank Act and its(Unintended) Consequences”. Institute for Law and Economics, University of PennsylvaniaLaw School, Research Paper No.10-21, October2010.
    28. Darrell Duffie&Haoxiang Zhu,“Does A Central Clearing Counterparty ReduceCounterparty Risk?”, Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University, WorkingPaper No.46-2011, available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1348343, April,2011.
    29. John C. Coffee, Jr.,“The Political Economy of Dodd-Frank: Why Financial Reform Tends tobe Frustrated and Systemic Risk Perpetuated”, the Center for Law and Economic Studies,Columbia University School of Law, Working Paper No.414, Jan.9,2012.
    30. Senate Banking Committee,73rd Congress, Stock Exchange Practice Report, Senate ReportNo.1455,1934.
    31. Federal Trade Commission,“Utility Corporations,” Summary Report of the Federal TradeCommission to the Senate of the United States,70th Cong.,1st Sess., Doc. No.92.
    32. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Select SEC and Market Data Fiscal2012,2012,available at http://www.sec.gov/.
    33. SEC, The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Fiscal Year2012Agency FinancialReport, available at http://www.sec.gov/about/secafr2012.shtml.
    34. SEC, FY2011Performance and Accountability Report. Available on the webat http://www.sec.gov/about/secpar2011.shtml.
    35. SEC, Annual Reports, or Performance and Accountability Report, availableathttp://www.sec.gov/and www.sechistorical.org/.
    36. SEC, Report of Special Study of Securities Markets of the Securities and ExchangeCommission,1963, available at http://www.sechistorical.org.
    37. SEC, Staff Report on Organization, Management and Regulation of Conduct of Members ofthe American Stock Exchange, Jan.3,1962, available at http://www.sechistorical.org.
    38. SEC:“Study of Unsafe and Unsound Practices of Brokers and Dealers,”availableat http://www.sechistorical.org.
    39. SEC,“A Monitoring Report on the Operation of the Intermarket Trading System,” availableat http://www.sechistorical.org.
    40. SEC, Report on Questionable and Illegal Corporate Payments and Practices, availableat http://www.sechistorical.org.
    41. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC Press Release, Nov.23,1937.
    42. SEC, Report on the Government of Securities Exchanges, House of RepresentativesDocument No.85,74th Congress, First Session,1935.
    43. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,“Securities Act Release No.8666”, March3,2006.
    44. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,“Regulation S-K”, Item308and308T.
    45. PCAOB,”Securities Exchange Act Release No.49884”,(Order Approving AuditingStandard No.2, An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Performed inConjunction With an Audit of Financial Statements), June23,2004.
    46. PCAOB,“Securities Exchange Act Release No.34-56152”, July27,2007.
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    89. The World Bank:http://www.worldbank.org/
    90. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission:http://www.sec.gov/
    91. Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society:http://www.sechistorical.org/
    92. Social Science Research Network: http://www.ssrn.com.

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