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John Donne is a typical metaphysical poet of Britain in the 17~(th) Century. His poems are strange in speculation and picturesque in the use of images like dark memories against a white background, causing emotional rise and fall among the readers. John Donne's works led the ideological trend of the metaphysical poems and touched upon category of Baroque Art. The study of John Donne's poems reveals his rebellion against tradition and his pre-consciousness in the embodiment of "evil". In a certain sense, this pre-consciousness is viewed as manifestation of modernity. Whether in Donne's or in the modern times, Donne's art is something like an under current that keeps people aware of the construction and deconstruction of their personal beings, of their perspectives and introspection of the times, the demonstration of the modernistic features in both of which are just the hardly noticeable characteristics of Donne's art.
     This dissertation attempts to discuss the five modernistic features of "intermediacy", spatiality, tension, alienation effect and mirror image from the aesthetic perspective, aiming to point out that the prevalence of classicism in the 17~(th) Century implies an under current of modernity. This not only enriches the studies of John Donne, but also makes it possible to study the modernity of the 17~(th) Century in an individual case, thus promoting the studies of modernity. Besides, science and poetry are attempted to be unitied in the dissertation in order to show the molecule-like movement of language symbols. For example, the relation between metaphor's referring and the referred is explained into facial tension with physics theory, modernity is elaborated with Self-Orgnization Theory of science and etc.
     This dissertation is divided into parts in discussing the modernistic features of John Donne. Part one mainly points out the connection between John Donne and modernity. Chapter One firstly focuses on the definition of modernity and then generalizes the nature of modernity in light of Jameson's four basic tenets in interpreting modernity, which serves as an unseen thread through out the dissertation. Chapter Two explores the feasibility of associating John Donne with modernity. It reveals how John Donne gives expression to modernity within the scope of poetic metaphors through the medium of language and with the modernistic factors of "distance". Chapter Three illustrates the five conceptions and the superficial forms of modernistic poetics, i.e. the "intermediacy", spatiality, tension, alienation effect and mirror image.
     Part two expounds the multi-features of Donne's modernity. In other words, the modernistic features of John Donne's poems are specifically illustrated from the multi aspects of Donne's modernity. Chapter Four emphasizes the features of "intermediacy" in Donne's poems. Due to the chaos of "null distance" in Donne's cognition, a dynamic movement has been produced between the two poles on a horizontal axis in his texts, which led to the occurrence of subjective and textual "intermediacies". And this is the characteristic of Donne's intermediateness. In comparison to the poems of different styles, the drop of Donne's texts is great, which makes the "intermediacy" stronger. Chapter Five is centered on the spatiality of Donne and his poems. It is obvious that with the survival of Donne's awareness of distance, his cognition of the society gradually diverges from confusion to soberness. He turns his vision to the universe and writes by "smashing the cognition genders" and emphasizing on "illusions", having created a spatial system cross-sectioned by the untraditional horizontal composite axis and the vertical polymerized axis. Such a spatial system has neither a center nor a boundary. Chapter Six empathetically relates and analyses the tension in Donne's poems. Tension is an important aspect of the superficial feature of modernity. Because of the "heterogeneity" and "remoteness" in the quality of language's referring and the referred, poems may bring strong mental shocking and visual impact caused by the drop, producing an unusual sense of beauty. Through the analysis of the shifting process of homo-body and metaphoric body, this chapter aims to cultivate the different aspects of the emotions, themes and tension of the time in the texts of Donne's poems. Chapter Seven discusses the "intermediacy" effects. In Donne's eyes, the society is a dream land of utopia in which politics, religion, military affairs and culture can reach a "grand reunion". This belief is completely out of tune with main stream society while is beneficial to constructing Idea of harmony. Chapter Eight chiefly reflects the subversion, the expressivity, the magic nature and the post-modernity of Donne's poems from the different reactions to Donne at different times. Just like the images as reflected in a mirror, they reflect the different aspects of Donne's modernity.
     Donne's modernity has its origins and derivatising conditions in the course of its development. The study of Donne's modernity lies first in the significance as reflected in Donne himself. This historical work of Donne is strongly metaphorical, and the inspiration of the beauty of "evil" has just indicated the development of the age as well as the difficulties and obstacles in the process of development. Next, the foresightedness in Donne's poems may find its correspondence in its age, offering reference for probing into the deeper structure of culture. Last, as a historical work, Donne's poems may also serve as guidance to the modern works; its techniques of collage and intertextuality have become the highly frequent means in literary creation of the industrial and post-industrial societies. John Donne is a poet of the 17~(th) Century and his works have merely presented some modernistic features, but the study of his modernity has deeply come into dynamic description in the sense of aesthetics, which has enriched the studies of the modernity of the 17~(th) Century in general and prompted the development of the researches of modernity as a whole.
1A.L.Clements.ed.John Donne's Poetry:Authoritative Texts Criticism.New York:W.W.Norton&Company,Inc.,1966:123.
    2M.H.Abrams,ed.The Norton Anthology of English literature,Sixth Edition.New York,London:W.W.Norton&Company.1962:1697.
    3M.H.Abrams,ed.The Norton Anthology of English literature,Sixth Edition.New York,London:W.W.Norton&Company.1962:1840.
    4 M.H.Abrams,ed.The Norton Anthology of English literature,Sixth Edition.New York,London:W.W.Norton&Company,1962:2405.
    6A.J.Smith,ed.John Donne:the critical heritage.London,Boston:Routledge&Kegan Paul Ltd,1975:237.
    7A.J.Smith,ed.John Donne:the critical heritage.London,Boston:Routledge&Kegan Paul Ltd,1975:249.
    8Aldrich Larson.John Donne and Twentieth-Century Criticism.Rutherford,Madison,Teaneck:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,London,Toronto:Associated University Presses,1989:93.
    11詹姆逊(Fredric Jamson)从政治和文化角度对现代性和后现代性进行了全方位的研究。
    13注:阿尔库塞的“表现性因果关系”说明了黑格尔认为事物的不同层次并非像机械因果关系那样各由一个原因决定,而是由相似性决定。这与阿尔库塞坚持认为的事物最终是由结构联系在一起的观点相一致;与罗马尼亚籍的理论家吕西安·哥德曼(Lucian Goldman)提出的“同构”(homology)概念有相通之处。与后现代符号学理论家的互文性理论也有某些一致的观点。
    24注:亚里士多德说,在移动中,圆周移动是最初的运动,一切移动都或者是旋转式的,或者直线式的,或者是这两种形式的混合。而且前两种运动必须先于混合运动,因为,混合运动是由前两种合成的。在前两种中,圆周运动又先于直线移动:因为它更单一也更为圆满。因为,直线上的被移动不会是无限的,既然不会有无限的直线。即使有无限的直线,也无物可以通过它;因为不可能的事情是不会发生的,而通过无限直线就是不可能的事情。([古希腊]亚里士多德:《物理学》,徐开来译,中国人民大学出版社 2003年版,第250页。)
    26学术界一般认为朱丽娅·克里斯特瓦(Julia Kristeva)提出了“文本间性”这一概念,即后现代范畴中的互文性理论。翻译界根据“文本间性”概念提出了“主体间性”一说。
    35Matei Calinescu.Five Face of Modernity,Modernism,Avant-garde,Decadence,Kitsch,Postmodernism.Durham:Duke University Press.1987:41-42.
    37Frisby ed.George Simmel:Critical Assessments,Vol,Ⅱ.London:Rouotledge.1994:51.
    44Herbert J C,Grierson M A.The Poems of John Donne.London:Humphrey Milford:Oxford University Press.1912:45.
    47Mark Poster,Jean Baudrillard.Selected Writings.Stanford:Standard University Press.1988.135.
    50Fredric Jamson.The Seeds of Time.Irvine:Columbia University Press.1994:133.
    58Herbert J.G Grierson M.A.The Poems of John Donne:edited from the old editions and numerous manuscripts with introductions&commentary,the text of the poems with appendixes,Vol.1.London:Oxford,The Clarendon Press.1912:32.(注:之后所引该诗歌集中的作品直接在文中标示页码。)
    59 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A hfe.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:22.
    60R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:21-22;26.
    61R.C.Bald.John Donne.A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:37.
    62北方起义后,国会通过c.3法令,命令所有逃亡者六个月内回国,否则没收他们所有的土地和财产。没收之前,财政部把委任书发放到逃亡者们的土地上,其中,发了七份给黑伍德。黑伍德的财产遍布英国各地,有罗姆尼羊湿地(Romney Marsh)、黑人石(Blackmanstone)教区和圣·玛丽(St.Mary)教堂,加上玛丽皇后给他的新教堂(Newchurch),共计300英亩田产和这些田产的40年租期。因黑伍德在逃,音信全无,于是这些土地的租用者们将租金交给了在伦敦的多恩父亲。(R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life Oxford:The Clarendon Press 1970:26)
    63 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:35.
    6415世纪初,族长亨利·顿(Henry Don)和欧文·格兰杜沃尔(Owen Glendower)一起反对亨利四 世。在玫瑰战争中,顿的下一辈又是约克家族(House of York)积极的跟随者。格里菲思·多恩·基德威利(Griffith Donne of Kidwelly)的两个儿子,亨利(Henry)和约翰(John),曾帮助被爱德华四世(Edward Ⅳ)封为彭布罗克爵士(Earl of Pembroke)的威廉·郝伯特阁下(Sir will Jam Herbert)去征服南部威尔士。彭布罗克爵士和亨利·顿在1469年的班布利(Banbury)战争中阵亡,而在涂克布利(Tewkebury)战役之后,约翰·顿被爱德华四世(Edward Ⅳ)授以爵位称号后,和亨利七世和平相处,直至1503年死去。他埋葬在温莎公爵(Windsor即Edward)的圣·乔治的小礼拜堂,躺在他服务过的爱德华四世(Edward Ⅳ)的身边,另一侧是他岳父威廉·黑斯廷斯贵族(William Lord Hastings)。这个约翰阁下有两个儿子,一个是爱德华阁下(Sir Edward),死于1551年,另一个是格里菲思阁下(Sir Griffith)死于1554年,他没有一个儿子留下子嗣,因此,他把财产留给了女儿。在“金谱书”中记载该家族的继续,但似乎只是包括了威尔士贵族们中继续传承他们的社会地位的一些家族分支。(R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:20.)
    65 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:21.
    66 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.I970:39.
    67注:有关多恩父亲的其他种种猜测也都认为多恩父亲是坚定的天主教信徒。例如,有一个名叫约翰·多恩的人因“某些反罗马宗教的言论”于1579年在坎特伯雷被捕,被遣送至伦敦,这个人就是多恩的父亲,他为了旧信念而遭受苦难:另一种说法是,“约翰·多恩被迫参与一些唱反调的人,为伊丽莎白的爱尔兰战争(Elizabeth's Irish war)作出了特别的贡献。最后,亨利·顿(Henry Dunne)和克里斯托夫·顿(Christopher Dunne)在1586年因参加白壁墩(Babington)计划,绑架伊丽莎白,复辟天主教,推苏格兰玛丽女王(Mary Queen of Scots)当选女王而被处死。(R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:22.)
    68 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:23.
    70R.C.Bald.John Donne.A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:24.
    71 R.C.Bald John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:42.
    72 R.C.Bald.John Donne.'A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:39.
    73 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:63.
    75R.C.Bald.John Donne.A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:47.
    76 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:47.
    77互文性”最早是由法国的文学批评家和理论家朱丽娅·克里斯特瓦(Julia Kristeva)提出,后来通过不少西方理论家对其进行了阐释和补充逐渐形成了互文性理论。互文性理论是西方后现代主义思潮中的一个重要理论。国内有学者称“互文性”为“文本间性”,对这组概念的同一性,国内学者有争议,对此,本文不在此作阐述。
    81Abrams M H.The Norton Anthology of English Literature,Sixth Edition,Volume 1.New York,London:W.W.Norton&Company.1993:1219;1697;1840.
    82 Smith A J.John Donne:the Critical Heritage.Routledge&Kegan Paul:London,Boston.1975:237.
    88注:其复印本曾在多恩图书馆里和英国纪念馆中库存,扉页上有小约翰·黑伍德的签名和题词。这极有可能是黑伍德的有关法国文学的代表收藏品,留在妹妹,即多恩的母亲家里。(R.c.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:401)
    89 R.C.Bald.John Donne.A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:42.
    90 R.c.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:42-43.
    92R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:48.
    93R.C.Bald.John Donne.A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:62.
    95R.C.Bald.John Donne.A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:53.
    96R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:66.
    97R.C.Bald.John Donne.A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:54.
    98R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:36.
    99R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:95.
    100P.M.Oliver,ed.John Donne,Selected letters.Manchester:Fyfield Books,Carcanet Press Limited.2002:9.
    106杰纳斯的古罗马门神,被描绘为有分别朝向相反方的两个面孔。(CharlesM.Coffin.The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne.New York:The Modem Library,1952:319)
    111Thomas N.Corns编:English Poetry Donne to Marvell,上海外语教育出版社2001年版,第1页。
    114Charles M.Coffin.The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne.New York:The Modem Library.1952:24.
    118Charles M.Coffin.The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne.New York:The Modem Library.1952:254.
    122Tuve,Rosemond.Elizabethan and Metaphysical Imagery.Uneversity of Chicago Press,1947.
    126M.H.Abrams,ed.The Norton Anthology of English literature,Sixth Edition.New York,London:W.W.Norton&Company.1962.
    131注:诗歌中的Ameircan一词与Ann Cockayn女士的称呼谐音,多恩借诗抒情。根据多恩写给Ann Cockayn女士的信笺中可以看出,多恩晚年与该女士关系亲密和谐。(P.M.OliVer,ed.John Donne,Selected letters.Manchester:Fyfield Books,Carcanet Press Limited.2002:109)
    144Carew Thomas,An Elegie upon the Death of the Dean of Paul's,Dr.John Donne.The Poetry of Donne Bewley.Marius,1990:286.
    163R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:56.
    170乔治阁下不仅仅是一介乡绅。他出生于1553年,在牛津大学获得学位之后,于1574年进入内部教堂(Inner Temple)。他替莱斯特(Leicester)伯爵当差,以亲戚身份随同菲利普·西德尼(Sir Philip Sidney 周游了法国、意大利和德国。伊丽莎白女王于1597年授给他爵位。他的父亲去世后,他继承了地处吉尔弗德(Gui idford)附近的路斯里庄园。他过着贵族的生活,家里有50个侍从,每一个星期吃一头牛和20头羊来招待全家,家里还请了专职牧师。乔治先生非常活跃,他热心地方事务,从1584年开始,他就是议员,国王和伊丽莎白女王经常专程请他参加国事的商讨。乔治先生对文学和学习也很感兴趣。他在1597年出版了一本反对无神论的书,题为《上帝在自己作品中的表白》。书中洋溢中热情,显得乔治先生博学多才,但作品缺乏幽默感,充满了矛盾的心理。(R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:129.)
    171多恩的送信人是亨利·坡西~171,诺森伯兰郡(Northumberland)的第九代伯爵,是多恩能找到的送信人中最合适的一个。这位伯爵热诚于政治,对诗人和科学家也非常看中,经常赞助和保护他们。他最初是Essex的好朋友和他的游击队员,但他们的友谊随着伊瑟克斯的反叛而随之冲淡。他涉足科学和炼金术,被成为“有魔力的伯爵”,他和乔治·莫尔的关系不错。(R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:129.)
    172转引R.C.Bald.John Donne.A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:129.
    173R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:129.399.
    174 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:26.
    177E.M.W.Tillyard,Litt.D.Elizabethan.World Picture.London:Chatto&Windus.1943:7-8.
    178R.C.Bald.John DonneA life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press,1970:409.
    179Edited by John Hayward.Complete Poetry and Selected Prose.London:The Nonesuch.New York:Random House INC.1945:719.
    180Herbert J.G Grierson M.A.The Poems of John Donne:edited from the old editions and numerous manuscripts with introductions&commentary,the text of the poems with appendixes,Vol.1.London:Oxford,The Clarendon Press.1912:708,
    183Jeffrey Johnson.The Theology of John Donne,.Cambridge:D.S.Brewer.1999:7.
    184Jeffrey Johnson.The Theology of John Donne.Cambridge:D.S.Brewer.1999:7.
    185Edited by John Hayward.Complete Poetry and Selected Prose.London:The Nonesuch,New York:Random House INC.1945:718.
    188Jeffrey Johnson.The Theology of John Donne.Cambridge:D.S.Brewer.1999:13.
    189Jeffrey Johnson.The Theology of John Donne.Cambridge:D.S.Brewer.1999:15.
    190Jeffrey Johnson.The Theology of John Donne.Cambridge:D.S.Brewer.1999:15-16.
    191Edited by John Hayward.Complete Poetry and Selected Prose.London:The Nonesuch.New York:Random House INC.1945:719.
    195Charles M.Coffin.The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne.New York:The Modem Library.1952:31.
    196A.T.Smith,John Donne.The Songs and Sonnets.Edward Arnold Ltd.,London:1984.49.
    200Charles M.Coffin.The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne.New York:The Modem Library,.1952:33.
    214E.M.W.Tillyard,Litt.D.Elizabethan.World Picture.London:Chatto&Windus,1943:89.
    215E.M.W.Tillyard,Litt.D.Elizabethan.World Picture.London:Chatto&Windus,1943:91.
    217注:原文为 The summer she was fifteen,Melanie discovered she was made of flesh and blood.O,my America,my new found land.She embarked on a tranced voyage,exploring the whole of herself,clambering her own mountain ranges,penetrating the moist richness of her secret valleys,a physiological Cortez,da Gama or Mungo Park.(Angela Carter.The Magic Toyshop.London:Virago Press.1981:1)
    219Elffiede Jelinek.Gier.Reinbek bei Hamburg:Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.2004:3;4.
    228Herbert J C,Grierson M A.The Poems of John Donne.London:Humphrey Milford:Oxford University Press.1912:40.
    231John Donne.The complete poetry and selected prose of John Donne.edited with an introduction by Charles M.Coffin.1952.87.
    2321596年始,反西班牙的远征决定在四月进行,当时正在筹备当中。当远征的消息传出来时,热血沸腾的年轻学子们斗志昂扬,他们作为志愿者迫切地加入了远征队伍。1596年,女皇签署了两个领军的委任书,其中一个领军是伊瑟克斯(Essex)伯爵,另一个领军是霍沃德·伊芬翰封建主(Lord Howard of Effingham),这时,许多志愿者云集在领军那要求参军。后来,因为内陆形式的变化,远征推迟了。当时,西班牙军队正攻打法国北部港市加来(Calais)。英国舰队没有进行远征,转而于21日向港口处的西班牙军队发出进攻。黎明时分,英国军队正式开始向西班牙军队出击,到上午10点左右,西班牙人招架不住,逐渐向港口内退缩,在那儿,他们仅靠堡垒和四个大帆船守住阵地。大帆船挡住了港口,剩下一个小小的进出口。英国船队从这个狭窄的入口攻入,连续向敌方进行三个小时的炮击,目标就是那梭最大的西班牙“萨·费厄利浦(San Felipe)号”旗舰。(R.C.Bald.John Donne:Alife.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:80-82.)
    233R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:82.
    234 R.C.Bald.John Donne:A life.Oxford:The Clarendon Press.1970:83.
    235Edited by Claude J.Summers and Ted-Larry Pebworth.The Eagle and the Dove Reassessing John Donne.Missouri:University of Missouri Press.1986.Pxi.
    236John Carey.John Donne Life,Mind and Art.New York:Oxford University Press.198:175.
    [1]Herbert J.G.Grierson M.A.The Poems of John Donne:edited from the old editions and numerous manuscripts with introductions&commentary,the text of the poems with appendixes,Vol.1.London:Oxford,The Clarendon Press.1912.
    [2]John Hayward,ed.John Donne:complete poetry and selected prose.London:The Nonesuch Press,New York:Random House Inc.,1930.
    [3]H.J.C.Grierson,ed John Donne." The poems of John Donne.London:Oxford University Press.1933.
    [4]John Hayward,ed.John Donne:complete poetry and selected prose.London:The Nonesuch Press,New York:Random House Inc.,1942.
    [5]Charles M.Coffin.The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne.New York:The Modem Library.1952.
    [6]A.J.Smith.John Donne:The Songs and Sonnets.London:Edward Arnold Ltd.1984.
    [7]A.J.Smith,ed.John Donne,Essays in Celebration.London:Methuen Co.Ltd.,1972.
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