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对中国古典诗歌的研究以往多侧重于文学的角度进行研究,特别是从修辞和意象等方面论述,而较少从认知的角度对古诗进行分析。从认知的角度分析中国古典诗歌,国内可引用的范例较少。本文以唐诗三百首中的212 首绝句为语料,结合认知语言学的有关理论,特别是从意象图式的角度,通过不同的视点对唐诗语篇作出一种新的解读和鉴赏。意象图示理论强调在思考时形象生动的内心图像,这和古诗所蕴含的丰富意象有着某种天然的契合。但是意象图示不是具体的形象,而是人类经验和理解中一种联系抽象关系和具体意象的组织结构。本文尝试把认知语言学的意象图式理论运用到中国古典诗歌的分析和鉴赏中,从不同的视点探究中国古典诗词中唐诗意象的整合组接方式与意象图式的认知关系,以检验认知意象图式理论在实践中的可操作性和可应用性。
Previous scholars and researchers usually studied ancient Chinese poems from the perspectives of literature, especially rhetoric and images. And few of them analyzed ancient poetry from the cognitive perspectives. Up to now we can hardly find cases studies about cognitive analysis toward ancient Chinese poetry. This dissertation attempts to comprehend and appreciate the Tang poetry discourse from cognitive linguistics theories, namely image schema based on 212 pieces of case studies selected from Three Hundred Poems in the Tang Dynasty. Image schema focuses on the rich images in people’s mind while thinking, which, to some extent, is accordance to the rich images in ancient Chinese poetry. However, image schema doesn’t mean the concrete images, but an embodied structure that associates abstract relation and concrete images.
    By applying the new achievements of cognitive image schema, the author tries to explore the blending and integration of images in Tang poetry from different perspectives. The underlying purpose is to test the feasibility and applicability of image schema theory in classical Chinese poetry analysis and appreciation.
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