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Industry characteristic research universities in the process of industry education for many years, formed the distinctive running school characteristics and discipline advantage, has become the industry personnel training base, source of knowledge innovation, technology innovation fortress, has an irreplaceable role in the innovation of the industry and the optimization of industrial structure, occupies a very important strategic position in the higher education system in China. Effort to build the high quality teacher troop that adapts to the need of a development strategy and school goals is the important breach to seize the opportunity and fulfill the mission, is also the top priority under the new situation of the industry characteristic research universities. The introduction of competence quality theory to the teacher management of industry characteristic research universities, to explore building the modern university human resources management system based on the competence quality model is of great significance for strengthening the construction of current high-level faculty and accelerating the construction of high level industry characteristic research university
     In this dissertation, based on competent quality theory, performance theory and competent quality and performance review; followed by integrated use of theoretical analysis, literature search and research a variety of methods,we study320teachers from eight characteristics of the industry research University including Beijing Jiaotong University as a survey to extract the characteristics of the industry research university teachers competency elements, through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis method,we construct the competency model of characteristics of the industry research university teachers, and the characteristics of the industry research university teacher competency model consists of four dimensions of the basis of the quality of teaching ability, industry literacy, research ability.
     Then, it deeply analyses the correlation of teachers'quality, four dimensions and three dimensions of the job performance and predicted path,drawn:there is significant positive correlation between job performance with overall level and each dimension of competency; there is significant positive correlation between teaching performance with overall level of competency, and there is also significant positive correlation between teaching performance with teaching ability, industry literacy, basic quality but there is not significant positive correlation with research capacity; there is significant positive correlation between research performance with overall level of competency, and there is also significant positive correlation between research performance with research capacity, industry literacy, basic quality but there is not significant positive correlation with teaching ability; there is significant positive correlation between industry service performance with overall level of competency, and there is also significant positive correlation between industry service performance with research capacity, industry literacy, teaching ability, but there is not significant positive correlation with basic quality.
     The relationship between industry characteristics research universities teachers' competence and job performance is influenced by intermediate variable. Accorrding to the survey of298industry characteristics research universities teachers, we studies on the intermediate effect of job satisfaction between industry characteristics research universities teachers job satisfaction, academic atmosphere and job performance and further explores the influence mechanism by which the competence quality effect work performance, and obtained job satisfaction paly not only intermediary role but also regulation between competency and job performance, and academic atmosphere paly regulation role between competency and job performance, fully reveals the internal relations of industry characteristics research teachers' competency quality and performance.
     According to the research conclusion, it designed the management framework and ideas of the industry characteristics research universities based on the competence quality model, propose the suggestion about the application of the the competent quality model in each link in the industry characteristics research university teachers' human resources management.
     In this dissertation, the main innovation points embodied in:the integrated use of various methods, acquiring competent quality factors, the use of factor analysis method to build the four-dimension model of the industry characteristic research university teachers which includes basic quality, teaching ability and industry knowledge, research capacity, the use of the correlation analysis, regression analysis and structural equation methods to deeply study the correlated relationship between the work quality and performance and predicted path; discuss on the influence mechanism by which the competency quality effects the job performance; the building of management framework based on the competency quality model according to the status quo of the industry characteristic research university teachers,and the specific application recommendations in the teachers' selection and management,training and development performance, management career management.
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