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Under the fluctuations in the global economy environment, the size of assets in the the private equity industry is still grows. The presence of private equity investment has improved the corporate finance environment, and the efficiency of capital markets, has the great significance in the allocation of resources. While the scholars and practitioners have provided a wide range of concerns to discuss in the private equity, but still there's not many in the development of PE environmental systems analysis, and even less in the investment decisions for the relationship between research and investment performance. First, the fundamental analysis of the PE fund-raising amount and the quantitative analysis of the basic model has not systematically studied. Second, the investment decision-making research is quite messy. Although there's many studies on decision-making, such as traditional valuation studies, decision tree, the level of analysis, but which variable is the main factor, the interaction between variables, conduction and laws that still need further research and evidence. Third, with the faster development of PE, the analysis of PE need to go in the double agents point of view, to prospect the private equity fund management structure analysis and optimization, and use the system analysis to guide the performance of investment decisions.
     Thesis designed of seven chapters.
     The introduction part of thesis, based on the issues to definition of the concept, this article briefly introduces the topic of the background, purpose and significance, the thesis research ideas and methods.
     The first chapter has a brief literature review of the existing domestic and international private equity investment funds on the research results, and base on the thesis logic, research from the fund investment decisions, investment performance, fund performance and risk investors four parts of performance were reviewed, and with the second chapter of the theory.
     The second chapter reviews the theory of investment decisions and performance framework. Start from the complete process of PE funds, combined with different organizational model, the theoretical discussions of proposed funds and fund investors, fund and invested enterprises, the Fund's own governance structure and performance, show the innovation proposed part of this paper.
     In the third chapter, we have reviewed the development of Chinese private equity fund, and analysis the development of the economic background and institutional support.
     In the fourth chapter, we have analysis from the perspective of the structure and empirical team of Chinese private equity fund of fund-raising ability. Base on the Fund Prospectus in accordance and the reasons for the rapid development, gives the PE fund-raising ability of the proposed fundamental analysis and creative fund-raising ability of the quantitative gray model system In x0(k+1)=8.35+0.0693.
     The fifth chapter is based on the modern corporate finance and financial theory, sorting through data collection and surveys, use of empirical analysis and logical interpretation of the method of private equity fund investment decision-making and investment performance and other issues specific analysis. Base on the study, we have designed 39 indicators to discuss the impact of the investment decision-making factor, four indicators of the investment performance indicator data. After the research interviews of Property data, by using SPEARMAN to get the main component of the investment decision-making factors, followed by the use of SPEARMAN to correlation coefficient matrix of principal component analysis, and then drawn through the score matrix factors affecting investment decision-making performance, then explained the impact factor of the model.
     The six chapter of the paper have prove the positive play role in private equity funds, and also analysis of the inadequacies for factors of Chapter Five of the SPEARMAN-depth in fund development, then proposed countermeasures development of private equity development.
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