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In the information age, information resources have been into a powerful weapon to gain competitive advantage. All the governments were paying attention to the information society and public information resources management related issues. Public information resources had covered all aspects of social life. Its meaning is very broad. The government's public information resources are important part of public information resources.
     At present, some research focused on government information resource management or public information resource management, few studies have specifically focused on the intersection of them, the government's public information resources management, which is a specific and important area. The collection, processing, development and use of the government's public information resources, on the one hand, as a part of government information resources management, it must include the government's public administration functions; on the other hand, as a part of the public information resources management, it must protect the public interest and ensure the fairness on information resource allocation and utilization. Therefore, the government's public information resources effective management related to the interests of all sectors including government departments, enterprises, social groups, it is a collaborative process. However, traditional mechanism in public information resource management and government information resource management only include the Government department.However, it must be mentioned that due to the self-serving nature of government itself, the constraints in personnel Information Literacy, funds shortage and the behindhand management tools and technology methods, there were a series of problems in this mechanism.
     It is proved that a single main form of management is likely to lead to rigid in system, method and means, while the collaborative management approach with the characteristics of openness and flexibility, just to make up for this deficiencies and problem. Cooperative management theory is a new stage of management theory, which emphasizes "de-center, non-authoritative" concept, the transformation of government functions, the interaction among government, enterprises, and third sector, and also emphasizes public participation, so people directly participate in public affairs management, so it provides a new idea for traditional mechanisms.
     For these reasons, this study explored government's public information resources collaborative management based on Multi-party collaboration for the highlight the "Social collaboration " and "public participation". Discussing the necessity of government's public information resources collaborative management, then defining the content, characteristics and elements of it, at last analysis the main obstacles and push factors of it. Using the method of questionnaire survey find the key success factors in government's public information resources collaborative management, and built the model of it. Finally the operation and protection mechanism was proposed.
     Paper carry out literature survey, theoretical interpretation, surveys, statistical analysis, case studies and other methods. Full-text is divided into seven chapters.
     ChapterⅠ:Introduction, the main thesis of it is related the research background, significance and analyzed the ideas, methods, frameworks, main contents and innovation points of this research.
     ChapterⅡ:theories background, this chapter using the literature survey, systematically summed up the public information resources management, government information resource management, government's public information resources collaborative management and other related theories, in order to discover new problems and develop the research in this area.
     In ChapterⅢthe necessity of the government's public information resources collaborative management was analyzed to find the base for this study. The theory about government's public information resources collaborative management was discusses,thenThe content, features, functions and subject, object and other elements of government's public information resources collaborative management were defined.
     In ChapterⅣthe practices, the main obstacles and push factors about the government's public information resources collaborative management was analyzed in order to provide a practical basis for follow-up chapters.
     ChapterⅤmainly based on literature survey, the main success factors about the government's public information resources collaborative management was analyzed in order to design the model of it.
     In Chapter VI the operation and safeguard mechanism of government's public information resources collaborative management were discussed, which mainly including dynamic mechanism, competitiveness, cooperation mechanism, the right allocation mechanism, benefits coordination mechanism, monitoring mechanism, incentive mechanism, cost control mechanism.
     In Chapter IX the main research findings were summarized and the limitations of this study were analysised, then follow-up research prospects were proposed.
     The innovations of this study embody in the following areas.
     1. This study concludes the critical success factors of government's public information resources collaborative management by investigating. By the dynamic study of the basis of these factors, divide government's public information resources collaborative management into four stages including the initial stage, the development stage, the steady stage, and the late stage. Different stages have different characteristics. According to these characteristics some advice is provided.
     2. By case study, the model of government's public information resources collaborative management was build. Which is Including the model of private sector participation in collaborative management, the third sector participation in collaborative management model, and public participation in collaborative management model. Then the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, risks and benefits of government's public information resources collaborative management are analyzed.
     3. The operation and safeguard mechanism of government's public information resources collaborative management were discussed, which mainly including dynamic mechanism, competitiveness, cooperation mechanism, the right allocation mechanism, benefits coordination mechanism, monitoring mechanism, incentive mechanism, cost control mechanism. Running and safeguard mechanism is foundation of the government's public information resources collaborative management
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