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本文以山芹菜(Spuriopimpinella brachyara(Kom.)Kitag.)种子为材料,通过测定种子物理特性、种皮的透水性、种胚发育状况及种子各分离组分的生物抑制等试验,探讨了山芹菜种子的休眠原因,同时采用秋播以及植物生长调节剂和层积处理结合室内外发芽试验,寻找打破山芹菜种子休眠的方法,并测定层积过程中的种子主要贮藏物质含量的变化及一些关键酶类活性的变化,了解种子解除休眠的过程与物质代谢变化的相关性。本文初步探索出种子休眠机理和解除山芹菜种子休眠的催芽方法,为保护山芹菜的野生资源的生物多样性、发展人工栽培提供了一条可行的途径,主要研究结果如下:
In this text, the seeds of Spuriopimpinella brachyara (Kom.)Kitag. were selected as the trial material, and through the experiments such as seed physical properties, water permeability of seed coats, development of embryos and the biotic measurement of the methanol extract of different parts of seeds, meanwhile adopt fall sowing, PGR and stratification treatments to find out the methods that could break the dormancy of seeds, then determined the change of content of main storage substances and activity of some key enzymes in order to find out the relationship between process of dormancy and change of material metabolism. This article had researched the mechanism of dormancy and found out the methods that could break dormancy effectively, provided a feasible approach to protect the diversify wild resources of Spuriopimpinella brachyara (Kom.)Kitag and develop artificial cultivation. The results were shown as follow:
     1. The seed possessed unique physical properties and had high moisture content reached 61.845%, it had very remarkable relationship between some mainly physical properties and moisture content. The seed had high seed viability, but existed physiology dormancy phenomenon.
     2. Through to anatomy observation of the seeds ofSpuriopimpinella brachyara (Kom.)Kitag. disclosed: the seed had a tiny embryo with a rich endosperm and the embryo was not fully differentiated when the seeds harvested, only occupied 3.36% of seed, it belonged to a type of embryo morphology dormancy.
     3 Both integrated seed and without seed coat of Spuriopimpinella brachyara (Kom.)Kitag. could achieve the saturated moisture content, showed that the seed has a good water permeability, the seed coats were not the factor caused the dormancy of the seed
     4. By the use of system solvent separation method, four kinds of organic phase of the extract getting from the seed coats and endosperms were obtained: methanol phase inhibited the germination of cabbage seeds strongly, and the inhibitory effect of the extracts from endosperm was stronger than that from the seed coat, it was obvious with high concentration. Therefore, methanol is a good kind of organic solvent to dissolve much inhibitors in some degree, illustrated that the seeds existed germination inhibitors were the main reason caused dormancy of the seeds.
     5. The warm temperture(20℃) stratification had no effect on breaking dormancy, changing temperature stratification also was not the ideal method, cold temperature stratification and stratificated outdoor under low temperature were good enough to break the dormancy. The growth and development of embryos under the stratification condition(4±1℃)were better than that under the other conditions, the embryos had accomplished the physiological after-ripening and preserved stronger ability of sprouting.
     6.With the experiments of adopting three different kinds and concentrations of PGR pretreatment combine stratification resulted: soaking the seeds in GA_3 for 24 hours ,and then stratifying seeds under low temperature(4±1℃) for 100 days was the best technique to break the dormancy of seeds of Spuriopimpinella brachyara (Kom.)Kitag. and the germination percentage could achieve 60%, which had high germination capacity and low rotten percentage, relieved the dormancy of the seeds of Spuriopimpinella brachyara (Kom.)Kitag on the whole.
     7.In the course of the cold stratification, the moisture content went on increasing, the protein decompose to free amino acid, and the rough fat degraded to fat acid; The speed of starch transforming to sugar accelerated when the activity of amylase enhanced. It had a remarkable positive polynomial relationship between the free amino acid、the activity of amylase and the germination percentage; the content of reducing sugar、the rough fat and the germination percentage had a remarkable negative linear relationship. The transformation between the protein, rough fat and sugar could provide big energy for the sprouting of seeds.
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